Roulette World

Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Fourteen: Exchange of Life (Part 2)

The huge water wheel crushed over an elder's body and cut the equally huge dragon body into several pieces. They fell and turned into points of light in the process.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would have thought that water-based abilities could have such terrifying attack power.

Ye Zhongming and Yangos turned around and rushed into the next area.

This was already the second elder of the Flying Lizard Tribe that they had jointly killed.

After those stone flowers divided the battlefield, Ye Zhongming and the new Yangos took advantage of their local numbers to start a quick battle, and the two peak elders were caught off guard and killed.

In fact, even if he is not caught off guard, a single elder is by no means a match for Yangos, who has mastered the power of the top rules since he reached his peak. He is a god-level Ye Zhongming and a stone fire dual element.

However, when Ye Zhongming rushed to the third small area, bright lights fell from the airspace, shattering these stone flowers in one fell swoop.

Seeing the death of the two elders, the remaining elders of the Flying Lizard Clan were not as angry as expected and became more desperate, but showed a hesitant attitude.

Ye Zhongming sneered, the halberd appeared in his hand, and he rushed to the opposite side with the dragon.

He came to exterminate the clan today, and also to shock those who were still staring at him and the Sioux Alliance in the dark.

In the time after the war in Shenjiang City, the situation has been relatively stable, but recently there have been some signs that storms are coming to several major survivor bases. The surviving dwarves are jumping up and down, and others are targeting Ye Zhongming and the Sioux Alliance. Unfriendly incidents are also on the rise.

This is a temptation.

If you don't respond, then maybe the storm is coming.

In the past, because the old dean was here, he was able to suppress the personal combat power of all other races in the universe. No one was willing to let this top master suddenly jump in front of him and give him a blow.

Therefore, even if the strength of the Sioux Alliance was greatly damaged after the Battle of Shenjiang City, no one would dare to take action.

However, the old dean is not invincible. He only knows two or three old guys who can fight him. They may still not be his opponent, but it is very difficult to kill them. If these guys give up some things to unite, the old dean will have no choice but to retreat.

But no matter what, the old dean is the strongest, and dealing with him is the least cost-effective.

Apart from the old dean, the most obvious weakness of the Sioux Alliance is Ye Zhongming.

Now that Ye Zhongming is promoted, if one person succeeds in destroying an entire clan, no one will dare to take action easily, because Ye Zhongming, the key figure in the Sioux Alliance, has extremely strong combat power, and all actions against him will be because of His personal strength became difficult and even pale.

As long as Ye Zhongming is okay, the Sioux Alliance will not break up.

That's why Ye Zhongming came to do this thing that would seem crazy to others.

But even Shenjiang City was beaten, and there was nothing crazier than that.

"Cass!" The great elder of the Flying Lizard tribe suddenly shouted, and a female flying lizard next to him trembled.

Long Yan showed extremely complicated emotions.

The remaining elders also had different expressions on their faces, but in the end, they all slowly retreated behind the female elder named Cass.

Ye Zhongming and Yangos stopped, they felt that things were not simple.

The female Flying Lizard Clan elder didn't hesitate much. She just paused for a moment after being called, and then rushed towards Ye Zhongming.

With no other helpers, he rushed towards his opponent alone.

Something went wrong, and Ye Zhongming chose to defend temporarily.

He waved his hand, and a giant shadow of a mountain peak appeared. The outside of the mountain peak was covered with a curtain of sea-blue water, completely blocking him and Yangos behind.

After his ability to dominate equipment and elemental spirits reached its peak, he became more comfortable in using it, and his power and practicality also increased to corresponding heights.

With such a "rock in the water" defensive ability, judging from the battle just now, no elder of the Flying Lizard Tribe can break it with one blow, not even the great elder.

Elder Kass seemed to be unable to see the water curtain, but still rushed straight towards him. Ye Zhongming began to feel uneasy.

He lightly stepped on Yangos's dragon head, and the evil dragon, which was now as closely connected to him as Dihuang Wan, immediately swung its body and retreated.

"It's too late!" Cass's voice was almost hoarse. At that moment, ferocious blood vessels filled its body, and two dragon eyes exploded at the same time.

Still at this moment, Ye Zhongming felt something locked and connected to him.

The feeling was mysterious and, of course, terrifying.

Because even at the peak stage, Ye Zhongming couldn't find what was locking him.

"You are really powerful, so powerful that you were able to push us to this point not long after you reached your peak."

"Although you played a sneak attack, that is not the reason we gave ourselves for failure."

At this time, the great elder suddenly spoke, which was obviously inappropriate.

"We also admit that there is no good way to deal with the power of rules you have and this kindred creature who doesn't know how you got it."

"But if you think you have won in this way, then I can only say that you are naive."

"We, the Flying Lizard Tribe, have always existed in the universe and have experienced countless years of glory. The things we control are beyond your imagination."

"So, your death today was not unjust. At least, we, the Flying Lizard Clan, were almost buried with you."

"Let's have a taste, the power of rules controlled by our Elder Cass, let's die together!"

Following the great elder's words, Ye Zhongming found that it was getting harder and harder to move his body. If it weren't for Yangos still leading him back, he would have no ability to move at all. Even so, Yangos also slowed down. The speed has increased, and it is afraid that if the speed is slightly faster, Ye Zhongming, who can no longer adjust his center of gravity, will fall down.

Death together, Ye Zhongming has naturally heard of this power of rules, but the last time it appeared among all races in the universe was hundreds of years ago.

Strictly speaking, this ability to die together is not so absolute. It also has limitations. For example, the selected target cannot be much stronger than the user, the distance is also limited, and there are strict requirements for the user's status, etc.

Beings who have mastered the power of this kind of rules are basically known to everyone when they die, so everyone has heard a lot about this ability, but has seen very few, and no one knows who has mastered this thing.

Ye Zhongming actually didn't expect that he would encounter such a small and regular thing.

The other surviving elders of the Flying Lizard Tribe breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Zhongming puts too much pressure on them. Not to mention the God-level equipment, the power of rules and other abilities are strange and powerful. If they continue to fight, they think death will come.

The Great Elder looked a little crazy in his eyes. The Flying Lizard clan was destroyed in its hands. It was a sinful dragon, but if the murderer could be left here, it would be an explanation.

"You can reincarnate. Let me see how you are reincarnating with us now. What it replaces is your life!"

It roared, venting the depression that had accumulated in its heart for a short time but had already reached its threshold.

It wants to watch this person die, even if it costs the life of a companion.

However, at this moment, it did not see the fear and panic that it should have in that person's eyes. On the contrary, it was water.

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