Roulette World

Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Killing the Slaves (4)

The main gun on the Survivor Fortress has not been fired for a long time.

It has been so long that most people in the Sule Alliance can only know the specific time of the last launch through terminal searches.

It was a time of war among all races thousands of years ago.

After that battle, the number of survivor fortresses was fixed at seven.

Many people went outdoors and did not watch the live broadcast on the light screen. Instead, they looked up directly at the bright light pillars that were streaking across the sky.

That was not just the light fired by the main gun, but the fate of all of them.

For the people of the Sule Alliance, most of them agreed, or were persuaded, to take action against the slaves.

It's not that they are brave, but that many people just instinctively believe in the decisions of the higher-ups of their race. After all the races in the universe entered the wandering state, it was the decisions of the higher-ups that allowed them to wander in the vast universe and being chased by the slaves. Survived.

They habitually thought that this time would be the same.

It's just... everyone is still worried.

The light in the sight went from bright to disappearing, and gradually moved away from people's sight, but no one looked back.

In the command center, Ye Zhongming looked at the picture and thought about the next response over and over in his mind.

We have tried our best to weaken the slaves, but what if the slaves escape...?

Ye Zhongming knew that this slave on Earth was a young guy, perhaps just an adult, or even underage.

Try to weaken the main gun as much as possible before it is fired. If there is still nothing you can do against this guy in this situation, then not only the Sule Alliance, but also Ye Zhongming's own confidence will be dealt a devastating blow.

Like all other races in the universe before him, he will enter a state of wandering for who knows how many years.

Ye Zhongming hopes everything goes well.

Yaohan, Suningji Huamei and others all stood up, their eyes fixed on the still empty space. They knew that in a few seconds, the light beam fired by the main gun would collide with the slaves here.

The slaves did not dodge and collided head-on with these beams of light.

At the moment when their fate was truly decided, many people were not so concerned. They knelt down, lowered their heads, closed their eyes, and muttered something, either praying or blessing.

This cosmic space was obviously shaken.

The other observers and operators wanted to fix their eyes on the light curtain, wanting to determine the outcome of this battle as soon as possible.

"This...this is..."

An observer stammered and pointed to the corner of the light screen, and everyone saw it.

The light dissipated, and there were many fragments floating there. The largest ones might even exceed the continent of a planet.

Did you win?

Many people have this idea in their minds, but they don't feel like they can't believe it, and they feel like it's unreal and illusive.

For so many years, everyone has become accustomed to the fact that the slaves have failed and failed again and again, failing to the point where they can only wander in the universe.

But now, the corpse of a slave is floating in their light curtain. Even though the color of the suspended things that may be blood is very dark, it is so dazzling at the moment.

"No, it's still alive!"

An observer suppressed his excitement and had been observing the slave corpses through sophisticated instruments. He suddenly roared and projected the scene he discovered onto the screen in the command room.

Almost at the same time, Ye Zhongming issued another order, the last order he had prepared.

In the vast universe, among the numerous limbs of the slaves that were broken into pieces, there was one piece that was moving slightly.

It's not the kind of fluttering due to inertia, but its own regular trembling like breathing.

This is why the observer raised the alarm after seeing it.

Four figures suddenly appeared in the air. The leader was the old dean in black robes.

These four people are the only truly pinnacle people in the Sule Alliance who can move around the universe in a short period of time.

The old dean waved his hand, and the space became distorted, with the center of the distortion being the rhythmic corpse.

Under the huge pressure, the corpse was obviously deformed.

Among the three people behind, a bright color appeared on the top of one's head, and then a light pattern covered the area where the corpse was. As the bright color on the top of his head weakened, the light pattern quickly shrank and cut inward.

The third person held a completely blue metal disk in his hand. He raised it, and the blue mirror seemed to turn into a black hole, absorbing all the surrounding light crazily. The blue disk quickly turned red as it was absorbed. A few seconds later, the man threw out the red disk and smashed it towards the rhythmic corpse.

The last person made a weird move when he first appeared, which was somewhat similar to the Earth Military Boxing. He punched in that direction very simply.

At this time, a battleship passed by them, and the four people disappeared.

Everyone delivered their strongest blow, and their mission was accomplished.

The attacks of several people were all focused there, and all the equipment was also focused there.

This is the last strength of the Sule Alliance to deal with the slaves. If it fails, the only thing that can be used is to continuously send warships to bombard this place.

It's just that an attack of that intensity is not strong for the slaves.

The light suddenly appeared, the blush bloomed, and the space shattered.

The rhythmic corpse pieces were once again plunged into violent energy.

Perhaps not as targeted as previous attacks from Earth, nor as powerful as the main cannon of the Survivor Fortress.

But what he faced was not a slave in perfect condition after all, just a small piece of flesh and blood.

After the attack, the piece of flesh exploded and split into more than a dozen pieces.

The rhythm disappeared, and among the flesh and blood, there was an extra piece of tissue that was obviously different from other flesh and blood. It looked like a spherical body about one meter in diameter, with a translucent flesh film.

The instrument quickly locked onto the object and projected a clear, enlarged picture onto the light curtain in the command room.

Is this the heart of the slave race? Or a source of energy?

"Close the net, close the net!"

No matter what it is, now that the slave corpses seem to be in no danger, it's time to collect these 'trophies'.

Several large modified ships immediately took off, approached the area where the corpses were floating, and began to collect the corpses from outside to inside, top to bottom.

No one made a sound, and there was no slack in spirit, even though it seemed like they were only one step away from victory at this moment.

One minute, ten minutes, one hour, three hours... After spending four and a half hours to collect all the slave corpses, the entire Sule Alliance fell into an unprecedented state of madness.

Because just now, they completed an unprecedented feat.

Kill the slaves! (End of chapter)

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