Roulette World

Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Six The Disappearing Fleet (Part 2)

Fear spread directly into the hearts of the two women.

Aslan growled while one hand turned into a knife and stabbed through the gap in the railing. At the same time, his body leaned sideways, and the other hand gathered strength to attack a second time.

Zhao Xiangxue next to him glowed red all over, and flames shot out from his body. In the next second, he would turn into a flaming spirit body and enter a fighting state.

But the flame was extinguished as soon as it formed. Zhao Xiangxue's face turned pale, and blood flowed from his eyes, ears, and mouth.

The whole person fell backward weakly, his eyes full of despair.

Aslan is slightly better, but she herself dislikes her current body. Just like the attack she just launched, it was weak and weak, which was completely different from her peak period.

An even weirder smile appeared on that weird face, and a dark green tentacle suddenly stretched out from the empty mouth. The tip of the tentacle was a mouth full of sharp teeth and saliva, and it suddenly bit Aslan's mouth. hand.

Aslan's body had tilted to a certain angle, and the hand knife suddenly retracted, and another fist that was ready to strike quickly passed a short distance and hit the tentacle chasing the hand.

The strange man's strange face twisted, and he let out a painful whine from his mouth.

But Aslan did not take advantage of the situation to pursue him. Instead, he turned around and picked up Zhao Xiangxue, who was getting up, and ran back directly.

The strange man took his tentacles back into his body and watched the two people leaving without pursuing them. Instead, he stood quietly in front of the window and watched.

If someone looks at the weirdo's back from the indoor side, he can see that his lower body is composed of dozens of arms and thighs from members of all races in the universe, some of which are also wearing the broken uniforms of the distant fleet...

The two people rushed back into the aircraft and sat on the ground, gasping for air.

The people in the aircraft immediately gathered around, among which the two big snake-like beings with double horns were particularly conspicuous, but they were also in poor condition, and the scales on their bodies were in tatters.

Jiubao and his wife came with the second batch of expedition fleet. Because of their special abilities, Ye Zhongming felt that they would be helpful in exploring the planet after landing.

"Did you... meet those ghosts? Let me help you treat them."

After taking a look at the situation of the two people, Aslan realized that nothing happened, mainly Zhao Xiangxue, who was obviously suffering from the sequelae of unsuccessful use of his ability.

The Changxu Aquatic Tribe is the race in the universe that is best at healing, and healing spells are one of the few abilities that can be used on this weird planet.

Her level is not too high now, and she does not play a big role in the battles in Shenjiang City. After all, no one is willing to send her to the front line of the battle before He has fully grown up. If something goes wrong, There will be one less top healer in the future, which is a huge loss.

Although the healing ability of He He at the back is powerful, it is not irreplaceable. A large number of therapists, healing arrays, and healing drugs are all ready.

Therefore, in terms of relationship, Ye Zhongming and Ye Zhongming had never made the final breakthrough, and knowing that Xia Lei and others were in the universe, they chose to join the expedition fleet to help Ye Zhongming achieve his ultimate goal.

Perhaps it can break the emotional deadlock between two people.

As the current leader of the Changxu Water Tribe, she still believes that becoming a family with Ye Zhongming is the best thing for herself and the race.

"Don't waste energy. There's no way to replenish it here. Use it when it's critical." Zhao Xiangxue wiped the blood from his face and whispered.

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