Roulette World

Two hundred and ninety first detonation (below)

"Thank you for the evaluation votes from classmates who don't want to fall in love, thank you for your rewards and monthly tickets, thank you! "

The bosses of these big forces all rushed towards an observation point they set up, where they could see the situation around the giant roulette.

With their average three-star evolution strength, they quickly rushed to the observation point. These bosses saw a team of about a thousand people, and they went straight through the gap between the zombies and the mutant animals, approaching the giant roulette .

"Who is this? Are they... crazy?"

Lei Dongbao opened his mouth in disbelief. Although the entire team has a lot of people, it depends on what it is compared to. There are too many mutated beings gathered around the giant roulette at this moment. Leaving aside monsters and mutated animals, Just talking about zombies, there are at least 200,000 by visual inspection, occupying a large area, stretching for kilometers!

A thousand people are placed in front of these corpses, and they are so small that they are insignificant.

What gave them such courage? Good stuff on roulette? But those things really made them lose their sanity?

The other bosses have the same idea as Lei Dongbao. Thinking differently, they will never take this risk. After all, because of the unequal information, they are not Ye Zhongming. The relationship between the disc and the blood of evolution.

So these people looked at this indomitable team and thought they were crazy.

"It's over, these people will be eaten in an instant."

"I really don't want my life."

"Can we take advantage of this opportunity?"

Yuan Lao's words made everyone feel reasonable. These people discussed with each other and decided to use the chaos caused by these people to launch the plan in advance!

The alliance of big forces in Yingcheng immediately started to move.


This team that inserted directly from the gap between the two mutated life camps was naturally the alliance of small forces led by Ye Zhongming.

Because of the extremely accurate information, after detouring many places, the team avoided the loosest tail of the three camps, and directly entered the camps controlled by their respective kings, rushing towards the roulette.

The mutated animal camp on the left and the zombie camp on the right. All because of the sudden appearance of the human team, they became agitated. Their bloodthirsty instincts made them want to attack subconsciously, but they were stopped by more advanced ones of the same kind.

Their orders are to let humans pass, not to let them go!

do it. In fact, it is a very, very risky behavior, because there are too many human beings, and it is very possible to be attacked by these mutated beings, because it only needs to let a few people go to spin the roulette.

However, this thinking is human. Rather than these mutated beings.

Most of the mutated life forms have a certain level of intelligence due to their evolutionary level, but they have not yet reached the level of adult humans. They have only learned to obey orders and act in unison, and this order cannot be too complicated.

Isn't it a joke for you to let some mutated beings of the first, second or even third level understand such orders as "let humans in, but attack if the number exceeds a certain number, and how many people will be left after the attack"!

So Ye Zhongming dared to do this now because he took advantage of the mutated life's rigidity in executing orders.

and. The timing of his activation was not random, but after patient waiting and observation, he issued the order to act when he realized that there were no fourth-level mutated life forms on the planned route.

It seems that the narrow escape is actually a clever use of the weakness of the mutant life.

Of course, this is still very dangerous, because although the low-level mutated life forms will be confused about their orders due to the appearance of humans, they may also instinctively occupy their bodies and attack the survivors. This is unavoidable for Ye Zhongming. Such an entry method would have taken great risks.

Skirmishes still took place. However, on the periphery of the team are survivors with high evolutionary levels.

Once there were mutated beings around, the solution was fairly straightforward, without delaying the team's progress.

Doing calculations without thinking. This team crossed the gap between the two camps in the shortest time, and entered the open area formed between the roulette and the three-party camp.

At this time, the three major camps have really come to terms with it, and are approaching together!

The mouse king stood, watching the group of humans chattering and turning with small eyes, not knowing what to think. And several zombie kings also approached with their teams. They didn't get evolutionary blood last time, and they didn't want to give up this time.

Yang Gesi lay on the ground without moving, but opened his closed long eyes, looking at the team with a playful light.

At the foot of the roulette, many members of the small power alliance felt a little unreal. Just now, they rushed over from the "thousands of troops" mutant life camp, and many of them had weak legs. If the team hadn't kept moving forward , they might all be soft on the ground, they have never been so close to so many mutated beings, and they can even smell the stench of those monsters.

It was like a dream, and it was only when I arrived at the roulette that I was awakened by this big guy, and I really realized that the first step of the plan was so successful!

It was unbelievable, many people's faces showed suppressed excitement, they saw the dawn of victory.

"Don't be dazed, follow the plan!"

Ye Zhongming's shout cheered up the team immediately. According to the plan, some survivors with shields came to the forefront and surrounded the team in a semicircle with the roulette as their backs.

The three camps stopped at a distance of 20 meters from the human team, and the two sides, whose numbers differed countless times, began to confront each other.

At this moment, the bosses of the major power alliance who had just rushed to the battle position, saw this scene from a half-height building, and their scalps were a little numb.

They really didn't expect that this group of people actually went in, and even reached under the roulette wheel! There was even a confrontation with the junior camp!

No matter whether they thought these people were stupid or not, at least at this moment, they were shocked by this courage!

One thousand, tens of millions!

Not everyone can do this, because not everyone has courage.

Many people who saw this scene from the outside felt a sense of honor in their hearts that they were of the same race as these people.

This is man, man!

Even though they are now deprived of their top position in the planet's food chain, this race still has blood that cannot be deprived!

The word hope appeared in the minds of many people. They felt that even if these people were stupid, the determination and courage they showed was the hope for the survival of mankind.

As long as this hope exists, mankind will not perish!

The roulette began to bloom for the first time in the past few days, and Ye Zhongming started to spin!

Yanggos raised his head, straightened his body, and a pair of huge wings began to slowly unfold.

The huge tail of the mutated rat king stood upright, like a banner, shaking rapidly.

Several corpse kings lined up, their eyes fixed on the boiling evolutionary blood outside the roulette.

Yupo and Hongfa stood among the corpses, and began to release their huge spiritual power.

In the periphery, those big power alliances who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to attack were also attracted by this dazzling brilliance, and their actions were temporarily stagnant, with a trace of fascination floating in their eyes...

Still excluding the material area, the pointer swiped and stopped at... the potion area!

Without any hesitation, Ye Zhongming ordered a bottle of potion, and then frantically threw magic crystals into it, and the energy column representing the price was almost rising at a rocket-like speed.


The potion appeared in the reward box, and on the other side, a drop of evolutionary blood also dropped to the ground at the same time.


Ye Zhongming's roar pierced the last calm on the battlefield! (To be continued.)

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