Roulette World

Two hundred and ninety-seven, there is one strong bid combination

ps Here is today’s update, and by the way, I will vote for the Qidian 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets, and the vote will also give Qidian coins. I beg everyone to support and appreciate!

"Many book friends said that the update time is a bit late. This is really my problem. I will try to update as soon as possible in the future. I apologize for the trouble caused to everyone. Le-Wen- Finally, thank you Leng Qiu for your reward, and thank you other book friends for their rewards and monthly tickets. "

Lucky function card, bloodline crystal, blueprint Chiba phosphorescent armor, these are the things Ye Zhongming got from the roulette within half an hour of gold.

Four-star evolution potion, bloodline crystal, career scroll, purple weapon, green weapon, these are the rewards that Ye Zhongming got after turning the poppy disk five times today.

The most helpful and most urgent need for Ye Zhongming now is naturally the four-star evolution potion, which not only gives Ye Zhongming a strong foundation and enters the ranks of intermediate evolutionists, but also allows him to compete for the remaining rotations of the poppy plate. The idea of ​​the number of times has a certain degree of success guaranteed.

The freshest one is naturally the bloodline crystal. Not to mention the bloodline he had in his previous life, Ye Zhongming had very few chances to see other people use the bloodline. Zhong Ming's attack power burst ability and sustained ability have been greatly improved.

In the long run, the blueprint Chiba Phosphorescent Armor will bring him the most benefits. Ye Zhongming took a look at this kind of defensive armor. It does not require many materials, and its production is not complicated. Naturally, its defensive power is very good. The sale of products can bring great benefits.

But, to say that Ye Zhongming couldn't put it down and felt a little dreamy the most, it was this purple weapon - the crystal energy magic bullet gun.

The price of this gun. It is not enough to consume a large number of magic crystals that Ye Zhongming got from selling equipment, which shows the high price.

But Ye Zhongming didn't think it was expensive, because it was a purple weapon!


Ye Zhongming was too nervous at the time. So I didn't have time to get excited, and now I really got this good thing that looks like a gun on the earth. The excitement made him shiver.

The Gate of Sacrifice is powerful, yes, very powerful, maybe there will be something higher than it in the future, but the Gate of Sacrifice is only golden.

It was a high-level equipment that Ye Zhongming had never seen in his previous life.

But what about this gun, purple! One level higher than gold!

It is only one level away from the legendary weapons and equipment exuding colorful lights that even nine-star powerhouses flock to!

What kind of weapons and equipment did the nine-star powerhouses in the previous life use? Nothing but purple! There is no guarantee that the whole body is purple, gold is their mainstream equipment!

It is only three months after the apocalypse, and Ye Zhongming's evolutionary level can barely reach four stars today. He already has a purple weapon, isn't this fantastic?

It took a few minutes to calm down before Ye Zhongming seriously played with this one-meter-long, extremely beautiful crystal energy bullet gun with a faint purple halo flowing around the gun body.

What attracted Ye Zhongming's attention the most was that this crystal energy magic bullet gun did not have a magazine, but had five concave holes arranged in a five-pointed star on the position of the hand rest. The shape on it is incomparable to most people in the last days Familiar, that is the shape of a magic crystal.

In other words, the energy source of this gun is the magic crystal. It is estimated that this is also the origin of the word Jingneng.

Another guy who consumes magic crystals.

Ye Zhongming was a little helpless, because he had too many things that consumed magic crystals in his hands, and the forward roaring mechanic was waiting for him to use magic crystals to unlock skills. The golden sacrificial door was waiting for him to sacrifice with magic crystals. The evolution potion for himself and his subordinates required him to use magic crystals to turn the roulette. Now, there was another purple weapon that needed magic crystals to pull the trigger once.

My life... these four words appeared in Ye Zhongming's heart...

As for the magic bullet, this one is quite special.

It means that after the gun has energy, it needs to make bullets.

As for how to make homemade bullets, it is actually not complicated, and the process will be completed in an instant. Just need to have 'magic power'.

For example, elemental energies such as Feng Shui, Earth, Fire, and Metal, or the rare energies of the Holy Light and Dark Department. Anyway, no matter which one, you must have one. Then when the trigger is pulled, the crystal energy magic bullet gun will absorb the energy of the user and fire a bullet with the same properties.

This purple gun really matches its level in terms of usage conditions, and the requirements are too high.

According to the requirements of this gun, Ye Zhongming can only use it when he uses blood, because at that time he has the energy of the dark system, which meets the requirements of the crystal energy magic bullet gun and fires bullets of the dark system.

But after using the bloodline, Ye Zhongming's physical quality will be greatly improved in all aspects. At that time, close combat can better reflect the advantages of the bloodline. Just standing on the side and shooting because it can add some energy is tantamount to wasting this good lineage.

But the lucky card obtained from the roulette in the golden half hour unexpectedly solved Ye Zhongming's problem.

It was a 'Elementary Lightning Technique' skill card.

After learning, Ye Zhongming will have the energy of the lightning system, that is to say, regardless of whether this skill is useful or not, even if it is never used, it can become a necessary condition to activate the crystal energy magic bullet gun!

What's more, after Ye Zhongming learned this skill card, the basic lightning technique he obtained was by no means a tasteless skill, but a skill with full attack power. When using it, a bolt of lightning would fall from the sky, causing huge damage to the target. harm.

It seems simple and not complicated, but it is easy to use.

After possessing the primary lightning technique and crystal energy magic bullet gun, Ye Zhongming's long-range ability is already very powerful, not inferior to his melee ability at all.

Of course, it wasn't just these things that made Ye Zhongming smile.

In the description of the crystal energy magic bullet gun, there is a line of words that is easily overlooked.

"It can be used in conjunction with firearm skills."

This is what makes Ye Zhongming really happy. After all, not every firearm can be used with professional skills, especially high-level guns. The power itself is very powerful, which does not match professional skills.

As if echoing this gun, the job scroll that Baifeng gave Ye Zhongming was called—Junior Deadly Gun Artisan.

Another career with a prefix!

Ye Zhongming almost wanted to jump up holding the career scroll.

This main profession is a profession that requires the use of firearms. Unlike a single profession such as a shooter, a deadly gunsmith has more professional skills, more complicated tricks, and of course, greater power.

For example, Ye Zhongming learned the two professional skills that appeared after learning, one is a passive skill, proficient in all firearms, and the other is an active skill, 'Spearmanship: Space Folding Out of the Chest'.

Passive skills are easy to understand. With this skill, Ye Zhongming will get a bonus no matter what firearm he uses in the future, and the rate of fire, power, and range will be improved accordingly.

And marksmanship: the ability to fold the space of the exit chamber is very powerful. In short, it can change the position of the bullet exiting the chamber.

Under normal circumstances, when using a firearm to shoot, the bullet will draw a ballistic trajectory after it exits the muzzle until it hits the target, but once the chamber is used to fold the gun method, the chamber of the bullet will become no longer rigid The muzzle, when the bullet is activated, will be fired from the position where the space is folded.

This is simply too hard to defend against. Just imagine, when you shoot a shot, the bullet is drawn from the muzzle, and now it is suddenly fired from a distance in front of the muzzle. This will not only surprise the enemy, but also reduce the sliding distance of the bullet and increase the speed of the bullet. hit rate.

No wonder this skill is called a gun artist. Such trick-like marksmanship is really a skill, and it is also a deadly skill.

Although a job is good, it also has limitations, that is, it needs firearms, and it needs firearms above the green level as a carrier.

This also explains why Bai Feng would exchange it for Ye Zhongming after possessing this job scroll, because it was not because Bai Feng was stupid, but because he felt too restrictive when facing this gun.

Bai Feng itself is a melee class like a copper boxer, and it would be nondescript to create a firearms class, and the condition of green-level firearms as a carrier also discourages Bai Feng, so he will take it out to exchange things.

However, in Ye Zhongming's hands, this profession is destined to glow with a destructive brilliance.

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