Roulette World

Three hundred and fifty-seven sharp exploitation

"Although it's past midnight, this chapter is the fifth update of yesterday's outbreak. This outbreak is over. Thank you for your support. By the way, please subscribe. The time for the next outbreak is to be determined, but it won't be long. You have to believe that you will continue to update At least two chapters of the old fantasy characters every day...》

"I need you to agree to four things." A Tao looked at Ye Zhongming and stretched out four fingers.

Ye Zhongming folded his arms, waiting for the old man to continue talking.

"First, I need you to go back to the hillside of the undead and pick up some of the bones we need."

It turned out that the place was called Undead Hill, Ye Zhongming nodded and agreed.

Most of the weapons of these posthumous people are modified and polished from bones, and the bones of those undead are indeed very suitable for their needs.

Although in the impression of the people on earth, the weapons made of bones are very fragile and simple, and have no other functions except for decoration.

But the fact is that the bones of some monsters and undead creatures are very hard, even as hard as some metals. The quality of the polished weapons is actually very good, at least better than the ancient bronze weapons, so for this condition, Ye Zhongming did not No surprises.

Seeing Ye Zhongming agreeing so readily, these posthumous people were relieved, obviously afraid that Ye Zhongming would refuse.

The hillside of the undead is a piece of land for them. No matter who steps there, it will cause the attack of the undead creatures. Facing the endless skeletons, let alone a small tribe like the Atai tribe, which is a headache for the population, they are posthumous people. Some of the big tribes in China are also afraid to go to the hillside of the undead.

But the quality of the bones of those undead is much better than that of some monsters. After all, the bones are the essence of the undead, and after being transformed into weapons, they are durable and powerful. Hearing Miya say that there are many broken bones on the hillside of the undead, Ah Tao is tempted , so this condition is put forward.

In their view, this is a very dangerous task, and if it is not done well, people will die.

"Second, every time you get a bag of this crystal from us, you need to participate in one of our hunts as the main force."

Ah Tao put forward the second condition. When Ye Zhongming heard it, he was using me as a thug. He didn't care much about this, but would he make a shot once with a bag of magic crystals? Is my four-star evolutionist so cheap? !

Ye Zhongming then simply shook his head, pointed at the magic crystals and said, "First, let me take the shot, but you must cooperate with your best and follow my command during the battle. Second, I don't really need those gray crystals, at least Only the white ones can be used to negotiate terms with me. Five hundred white crystals, fifty black crystals, and five green crystals, combined, will allow me to make a full shot at once. If the number of crystals of each color in your hands is Insufficient, I can accept the replacement of low-level crystals with higher-level crystals, and the exchange ratio is one to ten. You must agree to these two items, otherwise there is no need to continue the discussion."

The words are very tough, and Ye Zhongming also has the capital of being tough. Although he doesn't know the reason, he can feel that the posthumous person needs him very much now, but does Ye Zhongming also need the posthumous person very much? Maybe, after all, he needs to figure out some things reads; in this secret realm. But this is not an absolute input. Compared with the two, the person who obviously needs more will give in.

Ah Tao discussed with the others and agreed, but he hoped that Ye Zhongming would not use their soldiers as cannon fodder during the battle, and Ye Zhongming could guarantee this.

As for the second point, Ah Tao didn't make any sense, Ye Zhongming was already laughing in his heart. This is his real purpose.

On Earth, although there are no clear rules, when low-level magic crystals are exchanged for upper-level magic crystals, it is usually in units of hundreds, for example, one hundred first-level magic crystals are exchanged for one second-level magic crystal.

But Ye Zhongming played a trick here. The posthumous person doesn't even know the function of the magic crystal, so naturally he doesn't know the exchange ratio. Ye Zhongming has the final say on this ratio. The reason why he needs several levels of crystals to make a shot once,

Just to set a trap here. Once the low-level magic crystals of these posthumous people are not enough, they must be replaced with higher-level magic crystals, because Ye Zhongming only accepts high-level exchanges for low-level ones, but not low-level ones for high-level ones.

In other words, if the posthumous person and Ye Zhongming exchanged the second-level white magic crystals, they could only use black third-level magic crystals instead. A third-level black magic crystal instead.

But on Earth, one hundred second-level magic crystals can be replaced by only one third-level magic crystal. Ye Zhongming directly asked for nine more here!

This trap is to insist on posthumous people who don't understand magic crystals. This is a kind of exploitation, and it's still a kind of exploitation that hits the nail on the head!

"Third, become our foreign male shaman and fulfill the duties and obligations of a male shaman."

What the hell? Ye Zhongming frowned when he heard that, what is a man? What am I doing this for?

What does Ye Zhongming think? There is a trap here. He just secretly used the asymmetry of information to cheat the posthumous person. He doesn't want to be cheated by others for the same reason.

"Ye, you don't need to panic. What the male shaman needs to do for the tribe is very simple, that is, to fight for the tribe. In fact, we are already doing this. You only need to be paid to hunt for us, and you have fulfilled the responsibilities of the male shaman. .”

A Tao said with a harmless smile on her face.

"Nothing else?" Ye Zhongming asked suspiciously.

A Tao went on to say: "There are also some trivial matters. For example, when we communicate with other posthumous tribes, you have to represent us. It may be a speech or a martial arts competition. Don't worry, the martial arts competition is a real martial arts competition. You may be injured, it’s inevitable, but we never kill each other in a martial arts competition. There is really nothing else that will hurt you.”

Ye Zhongming nodded, this request was not too much, after asking if he wanted to leave, would he get an answer that his freedom would not be restricted because of his status, Ye Zhongming agreed to this condition.

It's just that when he agreed, he inadvertently glanced at Miya, and found that the Latin beauty was half-lowering her head, and was secretly looking at him with a blushing face, which made Ye Zhongming confused. After getting Ye Zhongming's affirmative answer, they all showed mysterious smiles, which made Ye Zhongming almost jump up and repent.

But before Ye Zhongming could make a move, Ah Tao said the fourth and last condition.

"Fourth, I need to know what this crystal is and what it does."

Ye Zhongming cursed the old fox inwardly. As expected, this aunt was most interested in this, and she was not willing to be taken the initiative by herself, so she began to explore the secret of the magic crystal.

But Ye Zhongming is not worried about this at all.

Since these posthumous people don't know what the magic crystal is, Ye Zhongming is sure that there is no roulette in this secret realm. Since there is no roulette, what if you tell him what the magic crystal is for?

So Ye Zhongming smiled and gave the answer...not to tell you...

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