Roulette World

Chapter 33 New Gun!

{Thank you Brother Yuan Suiyue for your reward! clasped fists}

Mo Ye suddenly felt less pressure, and after the big dog came to help her, the situation she was in changed from the precarious one just now to the comfortable one now.

Instinctively, her attention shifted to Ye Zhongming's side.

Seeing this, Mo Ye's heart skipped a beat.

This man held a knife and even fought the big lizard that crushed her!

Mo Ye even saw that this man punched the leader of the blood tongue lizard with a single punch, so that blood flowed out of the mouth!


Ye Zhongming waved his hand, feeling a little hurt, but a smile appeared on his face.

Originally, he thought that as a one-star evolutionary, it would be difficult to injure the second-level mutated Bloodtongue Lizard without using a white-level weapon, but just now, taking advantage of the large lizard's negligence, he punched the lizard's On the head, this second-level lizard was beaten until it vomited blood!

Normally, this should never be the case!

There are barriers between different evolutionary levels, and it is very difficult for things like leapfrog challenges to happen in the last days. Although there are some special circumstances, such as low-level people with powerful or weird occupations and skills, only assassins and dark walkers have the opportunity to leapfrog to kill. Or people trained by large organizations who specialize in taking improved evolution potions are powerful from the foundation, and they may also be able to leapfrog challenges.

In addition to these, the difference in level is the difference in strength, which cannot be bridged.

Ye Zhongming, a person who has only evolved once, cannot cause so much damage to the second-level bloodtongue lizard in one blow with his own strength!

But the truth is, he punched the big lizard and vomited blood!

Ye Zhongming felt something was wrong.

He recalled the scene when he killed another second-level lizard just now. Even with the help of Dihuang Wan and the sharpness of a white machete, it seemed too easy.

Did something happen that I didn't even know about?

This idea was just put aside in Ye Zhongming's mind, and he had to deal with the enemy in front of him. But the question remained in my heart.

The Bloodtongue Lizard was obviously irritated by this punch. It roared, the sound was not loud, but it sounded very uncomfortable. Both Ye Zhongming and Mo Ye turned pale, and Mo Ye, who was an ordinary person, even backed away After taking two steps, her mind was in a trance for a moment, and the bloodtongue lizard who was fighting her almost scratched her throat.

Ye Zhongming's heart shuddered. He knew that the Bloodtongue Lizard had begun to evolve its second innate skill - super frequency sonic attack.

This is a very annoying and very powerful ability. If the skill is fully evolved, this attack is enough to make Ye Zhongming and Mo Ye lose their ability to move for at least a few seconds, and even cause internal injuries.

Fortunately, these large lizards should have just evolved to the second level, the blood tongues have just taken shape, and the super frequency sound wave is only in its infancy, so the impact is not too great.

After the big lizard screamed, it stuck out its big tongue. Ye Zhongming only felt a flash of red shadow, and the attack was in front of him.

If he were an intermediate swordsman now, he would be sure to cut off the blood tongue lizard's tongue with one blow, but now, he can only see a blurred red shadow, and this has to rely on the moonlight coming in from the huge French windows of the stadium.

Ye Zhongming could only dodge, and while dodging, he made a very subtle movement.

He held the knife across his chest, the blade facing outward.

This is the experience and instinct left in the memory of the former professional intermediate knife hand.

After all, the big lizard is just a mutant creature. Even though it has evolved to the second level, its intelligence still does not show, and its tongue hits the blade with a slap.

The big lizard let out a miserable howl, and rolled over on the ground in pain. When it straightened up again, its dark green eyes were already full of extreme anger and rage.

The white weapon has a great lethality to the second-level evolutionary life.

The leader's injury caused another lizard to give up Mo Ye, turned around and jumped over. The speed was beyond everyone's expectations. Almost instantly, the lizard and the leader lizard launched an attack together. Yehe Dihuang Wan was still at the place just now, more than ten meters away from here.

The drastic change of the situation caught Ye Zhongming by surprise. Two bloodtongue lizards attacked from left to right, blocking his dodging angle. At this time, it was too late for him to respond no matter what.

Ye Zhongming is a person who has lived in the apocalypse for ten years. He has faced countless moments of life and death crisis. He forced himself to calm down and then made a bold decision.

He slashed at the leader lizard with one knife, and with this knife, he went forward bravely... There was no turning back.

Indeed, if only the chief lizard attacks him, the large lizard that has tasted the sharpness of this knife will definitely avoid it. But the current situation is that there is another lizard with a long tongue flying over from the other side. If the knife cuts down, not only will the leader lizard be able to dodge, but Ye Zhongming will also lose the opportunity to dodge the attack from the other side.

The body of a one-star evolutionary cannot withstand the attack of the blood tongue. If this continues, the only result is that Ye Zhongming is pierced through the body by the blood tongue, while the two lizards are safe and sound.

Even Mo Ye, who had received professional training, closed her eyes in pain when she saw Ye Zhongming make such a decision. She knew that this man was dead.

But the truth is as unpredictable as the sudden return of the bloodtongue lizard.

The leader lizard flicked its tail, and then dodged its body. There was even a hint of sarcasm in those eyes full of cold blood, as if it was laughing at this human being's overpowering.

Another lizard was in mid-air, and the bloody tongue had already reached Ye Zhongming's body, and it might penetrate his body in the next moment!

Ye Zhongming, who was already in a desperate situation... pulled out a handful of black holes from his waist!


The flames illuminated the dimly lit stadium, shaking the entire stadium slightly.

In the air, a long tongue with blood flew up.

A bloodtongue lizard wailed and fell to the ground, large streams of blood spurted out from its mouth full of sharp teeth.


Mo Ye was dumbfounded, she saw what Ye Zhongming was holding in his hand, it was a gun.

A somewhat odd gun.

Although she can't see many details of this gun in the dark environment, she can be sure that this gun is definitely not any kind of gun she is familiar with!

Mo Ye has experienced the power of the blood tongue, she knows how tough and powerful this tongue is. So I also understand how powerful a gun that breaks the bloody tongue with one shot is!

But she didn't know this gun!

This is a modified or even privately produced gun! It's a crime! Possession of such a gun is a crime!

At the moment of life and death just now, Ye Zhongming overdrawn his mental strength, and instantly used the skills of the Glory Craftsman to create this weird gun.

He took the 9mm police revolver he took from Mo Ye as the model, and strengthened it with the May 4th pistol he got on the roulette, and got this new gun with a strange shape but huge power.

After this shot was fired, Ye Zhongming confirmed the power of this new gun.

Equivalent to - 沙@死@之@鹰!

(Please collect, please collect, please recommend, please recommend:))

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