Roulette World

Four hundred and twenty-five: Genting has played its cards (Part 2)

Xia Lei rushed to the back of Yunding Villa with a few people, that is, at the cliff, and saw a red-haired woman standing on a protruding rock by the edge of the cliff.

Due to the strength of the Evolutionary, there are also many sentry posts on this cliff Yunding, and Yunding itself uses this place as a breakthrough after being surrounded. Using the Evolutionary to descend, it is still possible for a few people to escape from the encirclement. The team to contact the mysterious reinforcements went out from here.

But seeing a...

Xia Lei doesn't know how to describe red hair, her man's ex-pet?

Anyway, she felt weird.

In the past, the red hair never paid attention to Yunding Mountain Villa without Ye Zhongming, but she did not show any hostility towards Yunding. Ignoring it is the best interpretation of the relationship between the two parties.

It wasn't until the last time that the red hair took the initiative to save Mo Ye, Xia Bai and others that the core members of Yunding had a little longing for the red hair who was neither human nor dead.

But I never thought that she would actually come.

Xia Lei knows that Red Hair already possesses extremely high intelligence. In Yingcheng, she is almost on an equal footing with Yu Po Zombie King. The dead king of Yupo is divided into courts.

For such an existence, even if she was once her man's puppet, Xia Lei did not dare to neglect her in the slightest.

"Mine is below, come up and let you know."

Xia Lei thought for a while before analyzing the true meaning of this sentence. She suppressed the joy in her heart and asked, "Are you trying to help us?"

The red hair looked at Xia Lei, but didn't answer immediately, but suddenly jumped to Xia Lei's side, which startled Liang Chuyin and Xiaohu who came behind him.

Although because of Ye Zhongming, these core members of Genting did not particularly highlight the evolutionary level in the past six months because of the need to focus on the collective, but the overall strength is very high, which can be seen from the fact that the three of them can kill a five-star evolutionary .

But who should be dealt with separately? With Ye Zhongming's strength, he had to be forced to open the secret realm when he encountered the evil dragon Yanggos who was two levels higher than Xia Lei and others, let alone the one who is obviously two levels higher than Xia Lei and others now. redheaded.

If the beauty puppet suddenly made a move, the three of them would really be no match, and if something happened to Xia Lei, Yunding Villa would collapse in half.

But fortunately, the redhead didn't make any attacking moves, instead, he sniffed Xia Lei's head and neck, and then moved some distance away.

Xia Lei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she was also scared just now.

"I only help Ye."

The red-haired one answered Xia Lei's question, but the next sentence made Xia Lei blush a little.

"You smell like leaves."

Liang Chuyin and Xiaohu turned their faces to other directions together, holding back a smile, thinking that the red hair is really powerful, it has been more than half a year, and they can still smell it.

Xia Lei blushed, embarrassed, there was nothing she could do, this sentence had a sense of déjà vu that she hadn't showered in half a year.

The redhead hummed, breaking the momentary abnormal atmosphere, Xia Lei immediately waved her hand to keep the sentries away.

The red hair walked back to the edge of the cliff again, and threw down the ropes that Yunding had prepared. After a while, there was a sound from below, and zombies climbed up the rope one after another, and entered the back mountain of Yunding. Zombies with the ability to fly flew up directly, and the people in Yunding Villa were stunned by this scene.

When a team of at least 1,500 zombies appeared inside the villa, one can imagine the shock it caused to the survivors of the villa.

Outside, there is the Human Anti-Gunting Alliance who wants to attack the human Genting Villa, and inside, there is a zombie team that has been hostile to humans to help the human Genting. Such a thing, no matter who thinks about it, they will feel confused.

And the minimum evolution level of this zombie team is at level three, there are hundreds of level four zombies, and there are even three or four zombies at level five, plus red hair at level six...

Even if it is a fighter who cannot accept cooperation with zombies for the time being,

At this moment, I have to admit that with the addition of these zombies, the chances of defending the villa have increased, and it has increased greatly.

But zombies are zombies after all, it's okay to have red hair pressing them down when they don't fight now, what should they do when they really fight? So after discussing with Hongfa, Xia Lei specially drew a small area for the group of zombies to rest, and would notify Hongfa when they needed to join the battle.

It's just that Xia Lei and the others ignored one point. The red hair said that she only helped Ye...

Outside the city, when the monsters brought by the shrine were injected with medicine, those people in white test suits opened the metal cages one after another, and took out some medicine and sprinkled an area between the cage and them. Minutes later, monsters woke up one after another.

The first monster to wake up was a tiger-shaped animal with a length of more than five meters and a height of about three meters, but the fur on its body was gray-black, and some rotten parts could be seen on the hind legs. There was an unpleasant stench, and on that beast's face, there were ferocious eyes and a ferocious expression. After waking up, he shook the hair on his body and looked around.

A researcher in the back was holding a flat plate in his hand, and was pressing something on it. Suddenly, a small red ball shot out from the iron plate in front of the cages, flew to the sky above the villa, and then snapped. When it exploded, puffs of red gas diffused over there.

The tiger-shaped monster that was still stretching its body just now and the other monsters that were already awake seemed to have been stimulated by something, their eyes were all red, and they rushed towards the city wall of Yunding. One of the ten-meter-high superstar monsters held Swinging a hammer, he threw it over and hit the city wall with a bang. Although the place was not smashed through, a big hole was directly smashed out, and the whole city wall shook.

In just over a minute, the nine fifth-level monsters were all awake, and under the stimulation of the red mist, they all rushed to the top of Yunding City.

Xia Lei, who had already come back, saw this situation with a serious expression. She glanced sideways at Liu Zhenghong who had her hands in her pockets, and asked, "Sister Hong, are you ready?"

"Okay." Liu Zhenghong shrugged, snapped his fingers under the city wall, and then looked at the nine-headed fifth-level monster that was getting closer and said: "Let these low-level guys see our Yunding hole card!"

Following her words, two humanoid creatures more than three meters tall suddenly rushed up the city wall. The whole body of this creature was covered with yellow hair, but it couldn't hide the extremely strong body underneath. The body looks a little small, but it wears a silver helmet full of technology, covering half of the face, and the other half is a man's resolute face.

The figure on the left is slightly larger, with a pair of extra arms growing on the ribs, standing there like a four-armed vajra, while the figure on the right is slightly smaller, without hands, but replaced by black sharp cone-shaped bones, which actually reflect A trace of light shines out.

Liu Zhenghong looked at the two Liao brothers who fearlessly jumped off the city wall to meet the monster on the opposite side, his eyes were full of excitement.

This Frankenstein, who was 'picked up' by Ye Zhongming, was called the 'Making Red' by survivors in her previous life. In this life, for the first time, she showed her ferocious and sharp fangs in front of the world. .

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