Roulette World

Four hundred and twenty seventh parties

"Thank you soymilk baby, sad de domineering and many other brothers who gave rewards, the number of people is a bit too large, I won't talk about them one by one, anyway, thank you for your support! "

"News, are you sure?"

The man clicked on a piece of information on the table and exhaled a cigarette.

"Yes sir, a confirmed message from the contact point in Yingcheng."

The man nodded, picked up the information again and read it carefully, then put it down again, and continued to smoke intently.

"Kill so many people, get a piece of purple equipment that doesn't know its purpose, and return to the vicinity of your own territory, but hide it without showing it... Most importantly, it's interesting to come out of the secret place alive."

The subordinate next to him stood upright and listened quietly.

"Send two observers to see what this man named Ye Zhongming is going to do."

The man ordered, and picked up a cigarette at the same time, a flaming skull jumped out of the air, opened and closed his mouth and lit the cigarette.


The knock on the door interrupted the concentrating on looking at the large pit under the one-sided French window of the laboratory. Inside was a huge metal 'petri dish', and a bloody battle was going on inside.

"Come in."

The person standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows had his hands in his pockets, and his tone was so cold that it made people shiver.

Light footsteps came, and a woman wearing black-rimmed glasses and a low-cut dress came up behind the man, and said softly: "An Hu just sent a message with the same frequency bird, and the transmission will be carried out tomorrow morning."

"Yeah." The man hummed, and continued to watch the battle in the 'petri dish', where a group of ragged evolutionaries were dealing with two level 4 mutant cheetahs.

These evolutionists are all at the three-star level, but I don’t know why, there is always a feeling that they cannot exert their full strength. If experienced evolutionists see it, they will find that these three-star evolutionists do not have any weapons, equipment, or skills , without any occupation, in short, nothing but Samsung's evolved body.

And those two mutant cheetahs of level four, because they are mutant beings, at least have innate skills.

After the battle lasted for a while, it turned into a massacre. The fourth-level mutant cheetah broke through the defenses of these evolutionaries and began their big meal today.

The internal organs and other important parts of these evolvers were quickly eaten, while the two fourth-level mutant cheetahs lay down in the petri dish after eating, falling into a deep sleep before evolution.

Immediately, some smoke spewed out of the petri dish, and after a while, a group of people in light blue test suits entered the petri dish, and used large machines to put two mutated cheetahs that were about to evolve to level five into special cages, and Some unknown drugs were injected into their bodies.

Only at this moment did the man turn his head, revealing an almost perfect face, so beautiful that most women would be jealous.

"How is the work at Magic Gold? How many pigs are there?"

After the woman's gaze was lost on this 'beautiful' man's face for a moment, she quickly replied: "There are already nearly ten thousand meat pigs, among which there are two thousand one-star evolved meat pigs, and more than four hundred two-star ones. There are no three-star and three-star pigs." Samsung and above."

The man snorted, "It's becoming more and more useless. After being disabled, I can't even do this well."

Pausing for a moment, he said to the woman: "Go and contact the president, and tell me that I propose to revoke Mojin's Holy See status, and choose someone from the replacement Holy See to replace him."

The woman hesitated for a moment: "This, it doesn't seem too good, after all, the magic gold is the first batch of holy seats, has always been very strong, and has a good relationship with Beizi Qinghua, and he is the vice president of Leng, withdraw him The position of the Holy See, will it cause a backlash?"

The man looked up at the woman until he looked down at the woman, "I'll go right away."

"Also, pay attention to the negotiation between Vice President Lu and Shentang, and convey to him what I mean. When necessary, we can give Shentang more benefits. We must master their genetic technology as soon as possible, and the meat pigs will evolve. getting slower and slower,

So that technology is important to us. "



Fragmented corpses all over the ground, stumps and broken arms everywhere.

But the people who caused all this seem to have not seen it.

"This is someone from the Anti-Genting Alliance, read this news."

A subordinate of a copper pot handed a piece of information to the young Ayang. The young man looked at it and said nothing.

"Boss is trying to catch the turtle in the urn. Anyone can know the news of his life, but these people on the mountain should not know." The man said with a smile while wiping the blood from his hands.

"No," Ayang shook his head, "If the boss's goal is only for these people on the mountain, he can lead us to kill them. Who can stop him? I feel that the boss is playing chess, and he is playing a big game of chess. I am using these people as bait to lure some more powerful enemies, and then..."

Ayang didn't go on, because he didn't know what Ye Boss was going to do, and everything about him came from his own guesses.

"Anyway, let's prepare ourselves. I don't think things will be that simple. Maybe it's time for us to do our best when the boss starts to act in the past two days."


The Liao brothers were surrounded by monsters.

The two of them teamed up to kill the sheep-faced bone monster just now. It was a two-to-one crush, but now, they are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers.

The monster that once threw a weapon at the city wall was the largest. Although it was not the strongest, it had excellent defense. It held off the Liao Brothers while the other monsters attacked fiercely.

And the tiger-shaped creature landed on the periphery, walking around the battlefield, looking for a fatal blow.

Liao Gang was knocked to the ground, holding a bloody monster arm in his hand, this was the price for hitting him, but in such a siege, falling to the ground almost meant death, and the surrounding monsters rushed up , intends to solve an opponent.

But as soon as he got close to Liao Gang, he bumped into countless sharp yellow hairs head-on. Such a range attack immediately made the monsters roar back in pain.

"This is Rhubarb's ability!"

The little candy man also came to the wall to watch the fun. Her profession meant that she could only be a support, so now she is only a three-star evolutionary. Although the villa also found some medicine formulas for her, they were of no great use. Usually, she could only use Let's brush up the proficiency of professional skills.

"Yeah, but it's not as powerful as rhubarb." Liu Zhenghong rubbed Tang Tang's head and pulled the child back.

The Liao Brothers had already taken the opportunity to stand up, their metal-covered half faces opened suddenly, and two red rays shot out, the speed was astonishingly fast, the two closest monsters were caught off guard, and suddenly His head was pierced and he was killed on the spot.

"Dayuan, you see. Putting magic crystal weapons on my experimental body is more powerful than using it alone." Liu Zhenghong raised her eyebrows and said provocatively.

Le Dayuan laughed and didn't argue, but said to the side: "Go and get the things up, let our director Liu see it."

The eight people immediately carried four boxes out and put them on the top of the city. When they were opened, four strangely shaped firearms were revealed. Each firearm had a groove in the same shape as the magic crystal.

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