Roulette World

five hundred cleaning

If you just comment on the value of the piranha alone, it will naturally not make Ye Zhongming, who has many treasures, so happy, but the reborn person deeply knows how difficult it is to defend a base in the last days.

In many cases, the existence of a base often represents the success or failure of a power.

In Ye Zhongming's plan, a stable and healthy base must exist.

So when this kind of plant that can be used for defense appears, he will be excited, because this is an important part of building the entire defense system.

Generally speaking, the defense in the last days is nothing more than those aspects, terrain, people, animals, plants, and buildings.

The terrain is easy to understand. For example, Yunding Mountain Villa is a very defensive terrain. It is backed by a cliff and there is only one road ahead. People are the overall strength of the evolutionary, and Yunding is also very good now.

Buildings are a complex of city walls, thunderstorm towers, magic crystal cannons, etc., which can be regarded as the basic scope.

The two points of animals and plants may not be prominent now, but they are two very important points in the future, even more important than the terrain. In the past life, the most powerful guards of many bases were not evolutionists, but groups of people. War beasts, or pieces of weird and dangerous mutated plants.

Although the ginseng fruit was planted under the city wall, at most it served as a warning. The real use was in the output of low-level magic crystals and the edibility of the fruit, which was of little help in real battles.

But piranhas are different. Imagine foreign enemies coming. On the city wall and both sides inside and outside, there are patches of gilded piranhas with terrifying defensive power...

This is what Ye Zhongming is really excited about.

Looking at the seeds again, Ye Zhongming decided to speed up the reproduction process of the piranhas. It seemed that it was time to get more mutated life for this guy to eat.

Taking away the false ghost tree branches and other materials left here, Ye Zhongming and Liang Chuyin left here. In the next few days, Ye Zhongming still has a lot of things to do.


Just as Ye Zhongming consolidated the foundation of Yunding Villa step by step, various forces in Yingcheng received Ye Zhongming's invitation.

To be precise, notifications.

Because the person who sent the letter from Yunding made it very clear that it is okay not to go, but get out of Yingcheng in the future.

It was still the bar that was remodeled on the basis of the air-raid shelter, and it was still the innermost room, but this time there were only two people in it, and Sasha was not there.

Just over a week without seeing him, Bai Feng seems to have aged a lot. The lifespan of an evolutionary has been greatly extended. For an evolutionary who has already reached four stars, it may take twenty years to see a trace of aging. But Bai Feng's current appearance still shocked Zhao Xingmei just now.

After the initial surprise, the disdain in the eyes of the boss of Xingmei Company returned to its usual state.

Bai Feng saw it, but didn't say anything.

He originally wanted to leave, to leave here, but the cruelty of reality dealt him another heavy blow.

Those subordinates who cursed Ye Zhongming as a traitor and a "traitor" who colluded with zombies before, but after Baifeng proposed to leave Yingcheng, they collectively chose to resist silently, especially when the huge roulette mountain appeared on the cloud top Afterwards, this opposition has manifested itself in conversations and showdowns with him.

His subordinates were unwilling to give up the already familiar Yingcheng, and they were unwilling to give up the promise that the corpse king would not attack ordinary evolutionists here. They all agreed that this would be the best place for evolution.

Bai Feng thought many times that he would just leave. He is a five-star evolutionary, and he is a master wherever he goes, but he didn't leave because he couldn't forget the hardships and difficulties of starting again. He was unwilling to give up the mature team Renxing. team.

He couldn't give up the habit of giving priority to the collective interests.

Originally, it was nothing, just be a turtle. Although I have complicated feelings for Ye Zhongming, I also know that he is a person who keeps his promises. The past is the past.

I won't pursue him any more.

But now, go to Genting?

Bai Feng smiled wryly, he couldn't even shrink his head like a turtle.

Subconsciously, he discussed with Zhao Xingmei. In his impression, the two were connected by fate, but this woman gave him another blow.

"I'm different from you. The gap between me and Yunding and Ye Zhongming is just that I didn't help them when they were in crisis, and Xingmei Company paid the price for it. Now, there is nothing between us. It's an opportunity to start working together again, you want to find an ally, but you can't find me."

Zhao Xingmei turned the cup in her hand, the coldness in her tone made Bai Feng extremely disgusted.

"Besides, you have already made a decision in your heart, and you are only looking for me to give you some psychological comfort and to find a way for your face."

Bai Feng glared at Zhao Xingmei, but got the woman's unyielding stare.

"Let's go our own way."

After saying this, Zhao Xingmei didn't look at Bai Feng, turned around and left, leaving behind Bai Feng who poured wine one after another.

Genting's invitation in Ye Zhongming's name swept through the British city like a whirlwind, with some people cursing, some suspicious, and even more conspiracy theorists.

But no matter how ugly what he said behind the scenes, the next day after getting the news, some forces set off towards Yunding Villa.

This seemed to be a signal. In just two days, almost all the survivors in Yingcheng left, with only one target, Yunding!

And shortly after they left, a bloody purge ensued.


Most of the forces choose to go to Yunding Mountain Villa, and some people don't go. The Kiel Warriors is one of them, and in terms of its strength, it is still the strongest one.

Because they had joined the Yao Shi Army a long time ago, Ye Zhongming came to the door a few days ago and not only killed the deputy head Rong Ge, but also brought their Kiel Warriors to that square, and less than a quarter of them could come back alive One, it can be said that there is a blood feud between the two parties.

So after Boss Wen just came back, he made a choice not to go to Genting.

Three days after the notice came down, it was impossible to arrive at Yunding, the location of the Kiel Warriors, and two uninvited guests ushered in within the specified time.

Wen Gang was already a five-star evolutionary when he came back this time, becoming one of the most elite people in Yingcheng. But when facing these two women, his forehead was sweating.

"Tell me the answer, then get out of Yingcheng!"

An extremely cold voice came from under the mask, and the sickle with a faint silver halo was like a weapon of death, deterring everyone in the Kiel Warriors.

"I...can't say." Wen Gang replied with a hoarse voice.

Xia Bai glanced sideways at the redhead who was colder than her, and chuckled softly: "Then, just die."

Ten minutes later, the base of the Kiel Warriors was overwhelmed by thousands of zombies.

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