Roulette World

Chapter 54 Prelude to Melee

The hall of the Red Sea Company was almost filled with soldiers in camouflage uniforms. Although the muzzles of the black guns were only hanging down to the ground, the oppressive feeling brought by the metal killer made everyone in the audience a little breathless.

Li Shujun raised his head slightly, perhaps this would better allow him to maintain his persistence in his heart.

"Mr. Li, I've said everything I need to say, and you've thought about it for a while, what do you think?"

On the opposite side, Captain Ye in military uniform squinted his eyes, looking at the boss of the Red Sea Company who was only as tall as his chin.

In one day, Tuanzhang Ye has expressed his feelings for the devastated world more than once, and he hates the culprit who turned the earth into such a situation.

At the same time, he admired the magical roulette, and even admired the luck of some people.

Just like Mr. Li in front of you.

A roulette appeared in the building of Red Sea Company, letting the people here know the existence and usage of the roulette for the first time.

Moreover, Red Sea, a large-scale enterprise that started with logistics and gradually involved moving companies, civil engineering, road and bridge construction, etc., was celebrating the eighth anniversary of the company when the end of the world began. Almost all employees and family members of the company were concentrated In the company headquarters building, waiting to take the bus to the hotel where the celebration was held.

These employees, except for a few civil servants, are all strong young adults, and the chances of transforming zombies are very low. After the initial chaos, these survivors rose up and quickly cleaned up the zombies in the company building , and obtained a lot of magic crystals.

Li Shujun, who established the Red Sea Company with one hand, already had a high prestige. After killing his lover and young son who turned into zombies, he also re-established his leadership position in the apocalypse.

When they learned to turn the roulette and successfully obtained the one-star evolution potion for the first time, this united and brave survivor team took shape without any burden.

Being able to start a family from scratch and working hard to build a family in this city that involves logistics and construction, his character and skills are beyond the ordinary people's comparability, so after discovering the secret of roulette, Li Shujun has not been idle at all, from the end of the world to Now within nearly 24 hours, he organized more than a hundred of his men to clean up the zombies around the company and obtained a large number of magic crystals.

Although due to inexperience and various accidents, many people in these operations were scratched, bitten, mutated, some were directly killed and eaten, and only fifty or sixty people are still alive. Those who came were thousands of first-level magic crystals, and then got two bottles of one-star evolution potions and about twenty various weapons on the roulette.

After selecting the most loyal and powerful subordinates and injecting the evolution potion, now Li Shujun's team, including himself, already has three one-star evolutionists and eleven guns!

This kind of strength made their ambitions further expand, and they began to expand further afield, until they met Ye Tuanzhang's troops.

"If I don't agree, will my brothers and I say goodbye to this world today?"

Li Shujun's voice was hoarse, and there was obvious unwillingness in his eyes.

Yes, he hated it a little. If he hadn't met these soldiers, then according to the current development momentum of his team, maybe it wouldn't take long to become the most powerful team in this city. With rain, life will be more moist than in peaceful times.

He realized that this is an era that respects the strong more than before. Exactly, Li Shujun has always thought that he is a strong man!

It's a pity... I met the troops stationed in this city.

No matter how unwilling he is, Li Shujun has to admit that he is a professional soldier after all, even if the world is in chaos, he will be even stronger.

It's normal to think about it. These soldiers have advantages that ordinary people can't match. They have excellent discipline and obey orders.

There is a sound command system and efficient logistical support. They are professional soldiers with excellent physical fitness and a small mutation rate. And the most important point is that they have weapons in their hands, very advanced weapons, after discovering the weaknesses of zombies, they can face zombies that are several times their number.

As a matter of course, they were the first group of people who became stronger after the end of the world began.

Looking at the soldiers in the crowd, there are as many as five or six people exuding the aura of evolution, including a young soldier who is not tall but strong. Li Shujun feels that he, a one-star evolution, is in this Under the aura of a soldier, he is so insignificant.

He couldn't help guessing secretly that this soldier must have evolved to the level of two stars.

"Although this is not a dispute between countries, it is also a war! In a war, everyone must cooperate with the country's actions without compensation. This is the obligation of every citizen. Including you, Mr. Li, and everyone here !"

Leader Ye's slender eyes scanned the hall, and continued to say in a deep voice regardless of the other people's bad faces: "What's more, if you join the action now, your work will not be in vain. After the battle, you will Get the reward you deserve, I can guarantee this, even if you don't believe me, you still have to believe in the clothes I wear!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his attention to Li Shujun again, "Mr. Li, if you insist on me answering the question you asked before, then I can give you a clear answer."

"Yes, if you don't join our action, then I'm sorry, we will never allow any accidents that may affect our plan, once found, it must be eliminated!"

The loud words echoed in the hall like a declaration, no one could say anything, and no one dared to say anything!

"Perhaps after this action, Mr. Li can become as powerful as me, why not do it."

The young soldier who put Li Shujun under great pressure suddenly spoke, revealing a mouthful of snow-white teeth.

"Hello, my name is Wang Ding." The young soldier stretched out his hand, "We will get closer in the future."

Li Shujun looked at Captain Ye, and slowly stretched out his hand.


"Is there anything special here?"

While assembling an advanced telescope, Liang Chuyin asked Ye Zhongming who was recovering as much mental power as possible.

"The angle is good, you can see a lot of things."

"What do you want to see?" After feeling Ye Zhongming and Liang Chuyin's acceptance of her, Teacher Park became more casual, and she was no longer as timid as before.

Ye Zhongming glanced across a block, and looked at the artificial lake in the city in the distance.

"There, there will be a monster, a very special monster that everyone wants to fight for."

"Merry Christmas everyone! ! ! "

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