Roulette World

Five hundred and eighty eighth four elephant fusion

Xia Bai felt a little uncomfortable, the sudden situation was beyond her preparation. .:.

After getting the brand of Neptune, she confirmed that it was those beads that had an inexplicable connection with herself, and she didn't pay too much attention to the corners of the four elephants that had been placed in the team very conspicuously before.

Ye Zhongming had told her about this thing, and Xia Bai knew how to use it, but she didn't think the horn of the Four Elephants was that powerful, at least for now.

The four 'rays' are very powerful, but they are only powerful. Xia Bai, who has reached the seven-star evolution level, thinks that if he is facing these 'rays', he should completely avoid them.

But from the moment when he pulled the huge four-elephant horn into the battlefield, Xia Bai felt an inexplicable power from this big guy. She couldn't explain it clearly at the time, but when it was stimulated just now, something happened A change that terrified her.

Xia Bai discovered that she, several mysterious beads and the horns of the Four Elephants were connected together.

I don't know what the human body feels like when being electrocuted, but Xia Bai thinks it should be very similar to his current situation. Four majestic forces are raging in her body, even with her body of a seven-star evolutionary, she feels great. Under normal temperature, it is basically impossible for her to feel hot or cold, but she actually felt hot and cold, sometimes hot enough to sweat, and sometimes cold enough to shiver.

After that, Xia Bai's feeling disappeared, and his eyes also entered a state of blindness, as if his eyes had been gouged out and thrown into a vacuum.

Xia Bai didn't know how long this situation lasted. When she could see things clearly again, there were four different colors in front of her eyes.

Light blue, milky white, blue purple, bright red... four colors filled her vision, and finally formed a very strange picture...

A huge iceberg stands between the sky and the earth, surrounded by a sea of ​​flames, the sky is full of howling winds, and huge snake-shaped lightning strikes down from time to time.

These images were moving, and every time they moved, Xia Bai, who had just regained consciousness, felt his body changing, cold or hot, torn or numb.

Xia Bai was undergoing unknown changes, and it felt like a long time had passed, but in the eyes of others, she just froze there for a moment.

Sweat and trembling, this is the only situation that other people can see. Of course, there are four colors of light emitted from the huge four elephant horns, which are shining even in the morning light.

The people or sea beasts here are all evolutionary beings, and they are especially sensitive to power. Although for the time being they still couldn't tell whether it was Xia Bai himself or the huge looking equipment that made them palpitate, but the majestic and extremely unstable power was very clear.

Many people are retreating. If this complex force explodes, it will be extremely powerful.

The only difference was Ye Zhongming, instead of retreating, he moved forward.

His eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty.

In this situation... Ye Zhongming had a vague impression, but he wasn't quite sure.

In his previous life, he had heard some rumors that some extremely special equipment would react and change violently when meeting extremely special people, and became a kind of exclusive equipment.

This is different from the improved Rong's Saint Cloth on Mo Ye, which is the exclusive equipment of the profession, and this is the exclusive equipment of the evolutionary individual.

The information is not complete, even if Xia Bai's situation hadn't happened in front of him, Ye Zhongming would never have thought of this rumor at all.

But now, Ye Zhongming feels more and more that some magical changes have taken place between Xia Bai, the mysterious bead, and the horn of the four elephants. This equipment, which is said to be the excellent blueprint of colorful weapons, is becoming Xia Bai's exclusive equipment.

It's amazing, but Ye Zhongming can understand it.

To give an inappropriate example, this is the same as organ transplantation. A person and an organ that matches various indicators can be "consistent" in terms of data. This is the premise of transplantation, but this organ does not originally belong to this person.

The horns of the four elephants are actually an organ. Even if those beads are not organs,

It is also some tissues in the body, which have the basic properties of organs.

Originally, the sea giant and Xia Bai were completely different, one was a sea beast and the other was a human being, but the brand of the sea king connected the two to a certain extent. Ye Zhongming did not forget that now Xia Bai had obtained the first three levels of branding abilities , although not powerful, basically gave her the possibility of surviving in water.

Then with the sea king brand, it is completely reasonable to have the same attributes as sea giants, sea monsters that live in the ocean.

In other words, the prerequisites for organ transplantation exist.

And the abnormality that Xia Bai showed now may just be a kind of 'rejection', after this reaction passes, maybe... some changes will happen.

Level 7 sea beasts were a little intimidated.

The aura on Xia Bai's body was very strong, and that cold look with murderous intent was very oppressive to sea beasts with keen senses.

And things like the horns of the four elephants also make this sea beast very afraid.

The sea giant is in the ocean, but it is a stronger existence than it. Now the horns of that big guy are being dragged by this human. Obviously the sea giant has been killed, so he is obviously weaker than this human.

The psychology of the sea beast was like this before, and it was even ready to start defending.

But who would have thought that this human being seemed to have 'excited' the corners of the four elephants, but suddenly stopped moving there, which seemed a little bad.

The sea beast confirmed it for a few seconds, and after hesitating, decided to make a tentative attack. Its big mouth covered with sharp short tentacles opened, and a thick jet of water spit out.

The water column hit the Four Elephant Horn and Xia Bai accurately. How could the seven-level sea beast's innate skills be so easy? Xia Bai and the huge Four Elephant Horn were hit and rolled backwards.

There was an uproar among the human beings, no matter whether everyone liked each other or not, after all, Xia Bai was the highest evolution level in the human camp, and the survivors who were planning to see what the seven-star evolutionists were capable of did not expect to just fight against each other He was hit by a seventh-level sea beast, and fell and rolled out. Could it be that he was instantly killed like this?

The seventh-level sea beast didn't expect to make meritorious deeds with one blow. Its mind was not that complicated. Seeing that this human being didn't resist, how could it be polite? The dark brown scales all over its body suddenly opened, revealing hundreds of them Pointy-headed creatures, every sea snake-like creature has thick electric currents around it.

It turned out to be hundreds of mutated electric eels!

Swish swish swish, the seventh-level sea beast activated its second innate ability, and the target was naturally Xia Bai who hadn't gotten up yet.

Many human beings turned their heads in frustration, feeling that they had lost nothing. They knew that even if they were seven-star evolutionists, if they were hit by such a move without any precautions, they would definitely die.

However, when these mutated electric eels arrived in front of Xia Bai, the tens of thousands of volts of electric current on them suddenly disappeared, and then a black light and shadow appeared between them without knowing when, passing lightly, these All the mutated electric eels were cut in half.

Xia Bai seemed to be in a coma before. He didn't know when he stood up, and the huge horns of the four elephants beside him disappeared, but the sharp-eyed person found that on the mask that originally only had delicate blue flowers, On the edge of the four sides, there appeared four 'color' corners connected end to end to form a circle! .

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