Roulette World

Six hundred and two teams in the ice and snow

Although several piles of huge bonfires were burning on the mountainside, the temperature was not high, and the ground was even colder and harder. Miya's feet stepped on it, making her body cool down quickly.

But she didn't realize it at all, her big beautiful eyes looked around, as if waiting for the person in her dream to suddenly appear in front of her.

She did feel that familiar atmosphere around her, kind and warm, even Mia seemed to hear the voice that made her obsessed.

She kept spinning her body, trying to capture the shadow that she had been thinking about for the first time, but unfortunately... the surroundings were still the same, with a trace of peace in the noise, and nothing else.

Miya was disappointed, she knew that the man she missed would not be back, otherwise the mountainside would not be so peaceful.

However, what happened to the throbbing in my heart just now?

"Miya, what's the matter? Did something happen?"

A somewhat robust aunt passed by with a ball of raw animal skins that had not yet been prepared, and asked with some concern when she saw the ecstatic Miya.

Miya is the female bodhisattva of the tribe. Although she has already walked with the man who left and lost the most valuable first blood of the female bodhisattva, but because the man she is willing to dedicate is noble, so Mia not only has not suffered because of this. The lower the status, the more she is respected, especially the two people who come from the same place as the Mia man, respect her even more, and those living dead people directly became Mia's guards.

"It's nothing, you're busy." Mia squeezed out a smile, watched the aunt go away, then looked around unwillingly, and walked back to the tent slowly.

Ye Zhongming's soul was watching from the side, and he could clearly see every subtle expression on Miya's face, and his love for this woman was constantly increasing in this almost zero-distance observation.

It's a pity that he couldn't stay here, and his soul returned to the sky, and quickly passed in one direction.

The cold season in the Blue Secret Realm is covered by white tones, and the shadow of the posthumous man cannot be seen, but some cold-resistant monsters appear from time to time. Most of these monsters are very powerful. Ye Zhongming saw them find the mountainside where the posthumous man lives several times. , launched an attack there.

As a result, most of them end up with the failure of posthumous people.

Ye Zhongming's soul continued to move forward, and the blank white made Ye Zhongming feel a little bored. He didn't know how long this state would last. Almost numbly wandering above the secret realm.

Until... Ye Zhongming saw a team marching in the ice and snow!

Although Ye Zhongming is not an aborigine in the Blue Secret Realm, he is well aware of the awe of the posthumous people for the cold season. The temperature outside is too low, and the posthumous people have to hide in the mountainside to survive the long winter. Come outside when Ji Zheng is thick, because he is really a person who will die.

But what happened to this team? Are they not afraid of the heat?

Ye Zhongming passed over them, and found that most of these posthumous people were riding a kind of monster covered with long hairs. When people sat on them, half of their bodies were buried in the fluffy and long hairs. The problem of keeping half of the body warm has been solved.

And their upper bodies were covered with thick fur coats, and round fur caps were worn on their heads, which covered their entire heads, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

Everyone carried a rattan basket on their backs, and they didn't know what was in it, and it shone with a not-so-bright red light.

Presumably it should be used to keep warm.

In the sky above the entire team, a big bird-like monster without any hair was hovering, as if it was not afraid of the cold at all, and its level seven made it rarely encounter opponents in the sky.

This level seven monster bird was big enough to protect the whole team from the snow falling in the sky and the icy cold wind.

It was the first time Ye Zhongming heard that there was a team of posthumous people with more than 5,000 people operating in the cold season!

Ye Zhongming was very curious, wondering which super tribe had such courage.

But immediately his eyes were fixed, because he saw a few familiar faces in the team.

These people are from Wangcheng!

Among them, there is that Hongxiang Demon Venerable!

Ye Zhongming suddenly understood what they were going to do, their destination must be the Atai tribe! In other words, it is the cloud top down alliance!

No one would have thought that these people would go out in the cold season!

Although their speed is very slow, although some of these people must not be able to persist to the end, even at their current speed, they cannot reach the Atai tribe's resident before the end of the cold season.

But when they got there, it was also the time when the Yunding Luo Alliance had just passed the cold season and was at its weakest. If they were caught off guard, they would definitely not be the opponents of this team including Wang Zun and the seventh-level monsters.

Ye Zhongming was in a bad mood, because he was the one who caused the disaster, but now he couldn't protect himself, and he didn't know how to survive the current disaster. powerless.

The soul continued to wander, and the team got farther and farther until it disappeared, and Ye Zhongming did not recover from that depressed mood.

After a while, he came to another familiar place, the posthumous king city.

This time, the soul directly entered the royal city, and he saw the miraculous posthumous city, and the mysterious natives inside who seemed not to be affected by the cold season.

Even, he entered the holy land and came to the holy pool he left from here.

There, a ceremony was going on, and holy water gushed out of the holy pool, and many talented posthumous people were preparing to enter it to practice.

The eighth-level pool guard stood in a corner, quietly watching what happened.

Since he was tricked by Ye Zhongming last time, he never took a step away from the holy pool.

However, the pond guard seemed to sense something. He looked up at the top of the holy pond, showing a puzzled expression. He did feel that there was something there, but when he checked carefully, there was nothing.

The holy water was full, and the leaders of these tribes were about to enter the pool, but Ye Zhongming's soul sank into the holy pool first.

This feeling is the same as sinking into lava before!

He saw the keyhole at the bottom of the city. Ye Zhongming thought it was over, but unexpectedly, the soul continued to sink through the keyhole and came to a huge space under the holy pool.

A spring full of holy water is erupting, shooting directly to the bottom of the holy pool, which is how the holy water in the holy pool above comes from.

Before Ye Zhongming could continue to look, he felt that someone was watching him. He searched in horror and found a humanoid monster with disheveled hair showing an inexplicable smile at him on the huge stone pillar connecting the upper and lower in the center of the entire space!

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