Roulette World

Six hundred and sixtieth wood heart

"On November 6th, there will be an event to give back to book friends. It is a real prize. For details, please refer to the post on the top of the starting point book review area. I hope everyone will participate more. "

"After getting the lumberjack job, I got another Wooden Heart ability card. This is the beginning of all tragedies."

After confirming that this place would not be discovered by the Yama tree, Ye Zhongming also calmed down and waited for the tree man to explain to him.

At this point, Ye Zhongming believed in the tree man, because almost half an hour had passed since he entered the building to the fight, and now the two sides talked face to face, and the mummy controlled by Yan Wangshu showed no sign of coming here , obviously, this treant used some kind of method that Ye Zhongming could not understand to 'shield' Yama Wangshu's investigation.

"The lumberjack's professional ability is very powerful. He can absorb the energy of trees and enhance his professional ability. He can upgrade his professional skills without relying on professional promotion scrolls. Although the speed is slow, it is relatively speaking. The overall speed is far faster than those An evolutionary waiting for a promotion scroll."

Ye Zhongming was slightly surprised. He knew some news that professional skills could be improved naturally, and even had some touches and guesses on this in this life, but he was still not sure after all, and he couldn't even tell the truth from the fake. Someone who can give definite answers.

"But this kind of occupation that can increase ability by eating a few big trees has side effects." The tree man's words were still intermittent and difficult, which made Ye Zhongming sound strenuous, but he was still impressed by the information revealed in his words absorb.

This is another door leading to the unknown.

"It is that I will cause the hostility of the mutated plants. Compared with other evolutionaries, they can find me faster, actively find me and attack me, and even once I am hit, the damage will be greater."

"Can you imagine the feeling of having to open one eye even to sleep? At any time, there may be mutated plants that will attack me."

"I really want to change this situation. When I got the Wooden Heart ability card, I felt that this is my savior. I didn't hesitate to use this function card that allows evolution to have the ability to get close to nature. It's just..."

"Mutation happened. I don't know why. It's just that I started to change from a human to a tree. I call it arborization. My ability has indeed grown. There are almost no opponents in the same evolutionary level. The hostility of the mutated plants towards me has also disappeared, on the contrary they are still very friendly, but I am becoming less and less human.”

Having said that, the tree man paused, looking at his tree-like hand with a complicated expression.

"You know, I should be the first to notice that Yan Wangshu and Suomingluo wanted to surround and occupy Linhai. If I wanted to leave at that time, I could have left, but I didn't. Instead, I chose to stay here because I Discovered... the seeds of the Hades tree can slow down my tree transformation!"

The Treant knocked a few times on the device that was turned on, the screen went dark, and then he pulled out a hard drive from the back of the machine and stuffed it into his tree-like arm.

"So I stayed and started to obtain the seeds of the Hades tree through various means, but after all, there were not many of them, and the degree of tree transformation was still slowly deepening. Over the past few months, it has become like this. "

"In that case, why did you leave?"

Ye Zhongming had already asked the twin sisters to investigate the surroundings. Although he already believed in the tree man's words in his heart, he still maintained his vigilance.

"Because Yama Wangshu found me."

Hearing these words, Ye Zhongming straightened up.

"I'm not 100% sure, but to a large extent, it should be aware of my existence, and it has been looking for me."

"Actually, I'm also to blame, because there are fewer and fewer mutated plants in Linhai, and now it's almost hard to find them. The seeds of the Hades tree are too few to meet my needs to improve my professional ability. After the latest promotion, I don't know if it's because I ate too much. With the relationship of the Hades tree seed, the brand new skill I acquired is to create and control mummies, the ones... your twins killed,

I was a little overwhelmed with surprise, and after making some mummies, I had a conflict with the mummies made by the Yama tree, and I knew I was noticed by it. "

He had heard about the mummy made by the tree man just now, but he had never seen it before. The tree man guessed what Ye Zhongming was thinking, and his expression changed slightly. After a while, a low-level mummy fell down the elevator shaft. It was a bit miserable, but Ye Zhongming still saw the true face of this kind of thing.

"It's different from those controlled by Yan Wangshu."

Pointing to the magic crystal on his forehead, Ye Zhongming said.

"Yes." The tree man nodded: "I still can't absorb the energy in the magic crystal like the Yama tree."

"That is to say, you can absorb the energy of these people when they are alive, right?"

The tree man smiled wryly, and the smile on his tree face was a bit weird: "Most of them are mutated life forms, only a small part are human beings, and haven't you noticed that magic crystals appear on the foreheads of human mummies? That's I am the same as Yama tree in terms of the unique phenomenon that humans will have when they are killed and turned into mummies. But I can’t absorb anything in the body of an evolutionary.”

"And, these human corpses are all people who want to kill me."

Magic crystals will appear when human beings become mummy?

Ye Zhongming's long-standing doubts have been answered, although he still doesn't understand why such a strange thing happened.

"Linhai has been under siege for a long time. The magic crystals that can be obtained are getting less and less, and the evolution rate is getting slower and slower. It is inevitable to leave. Even I can't bear this situation."

"Because of my profession, I have a keen sense of mutated plants. I noticed that Suomingluo had entered the evolutionary period, and realized that it would be an opportunity to escape from here, so I made a plan and united some forces. When the time comes Under my leadership, help me escape from here together."

Ye Zhongming lowered his head halfway, not knowing what he was thinking.

"The mummy upstairs was also my helper, but unfortunately, more than half of them were killed by your twins." The tree man looked at Ye Zhongming, hesitated for a moment and asked, "I have never heard that Linhai is so powerful. I have never heard of such a powerful evolutionary as you, so where did you come from?"

Shuren actually had a guess in his heart, but he wasn't sure, but just like Yang Yixi, Mina Ganlan and the others, when they first realized this, they became extremely excited.

"I have a few questions." Ye Zhongming, as the winner, did not answer the tree man's doubts, but chose to ask the questions himself.

"First, since you discovered that you can make magic crystals appear on the foreheads of human evolutionists when they are turned into mummy, have you ever thought of collecting magic crystals in this way to turn them into evolution potions?"

"Secondly, you said that the Yanwangshu found you and was looking for you. Excuse me, the whole Linhai is under the control of the Yanwangshu. Why haven't you been found since you didn't go underground?"

"The third one, what is your identity before the end of the world? seems that it is not a place where ordinary people can know and come in. Also, give me the hard drive, it is my spoils of war."

The tree man opened his mouth, sighed after a while, and finally said: "Let me answer your second question first. Knowing this, other questions are not a problem."

Then, the tree man told Ye Zhongming an amazing news!

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