Roulette World

Six hundred and seventy sixth new products of Yan Wangshu

The ear-piercing screams came out with the mouths of the five people opening, and Ye Zhongming immediately felt dizzy and dazed.

Ye Zhongming's mental power is estimated to be the best in the world, and mental skills have little effect on him, but these five people launched sonic attacks. In such a small space, Ye Zhongming is defenseless.

Suppressing the blurred vision and temporary loss of hearing, Ye Zhongming pulled the crystal energy magic bullet according to his feeling, and the energy arc with lightning attributes instantly covered the sky.

He doesn't want to kill these obviously abnormal human beings, he just wants to ensure safety before he recovers.

The sound of Zila was caught by Ye Zhongming's gradually recovering hearing. He knew what he had hit, and after covering the top of his head with firepower for a few seconds, Ye Zhongming rushed out of the branch mountain with Nogay in his arms.

I moved my body to relieve the pain caused by stumbling and not being able to accurately find the exit due to dizziness.

The discomfort gradually moved away, and Ye Zhongming looked at the place where he rushed out.

There were four plops, almost overlapping each other, but Ye Zhongming could tell them apart. A few seconds later, four figures came out from the mountain of branches.

One was missing, presumably the one hit by Ye Zhongming had already died.

There were men and women among the four. With the light of the mucus above his head, Ye Zhongming could see clearly that the appearance of these four people was not much different from that of humans. The most special thing was that pair of eyes, which were completely filled with green.

Also, that two-way straw that's attached to their spine all the way.

This is a brand new life form that has never been seen before, some... between humans and mummies.

A large amount of mucus was injected into the bodies of these four weird humans in the straws at the back, and then the straws were pulled out from their bodies and slowly retracted into the mountain of branches.

As if there was no restraint, four half-human, half-mummy strange beings attacked.

Two of the men sprouted finger-thin vines from their feet, and quickly wrapped them around their bodies. Although it was not tight, it also formed a simple vine armor. At the same time, the fingertips of both hands stretched out. He picked up a hard wooden thorn and swung it towards Ye Zhongming.

The two female lives in the back opened their mouths, and a flower bud-like thing popped out of it first, and then the flower bud bloomed and became a green and purple flower with a thin hole in the middle, and then their When the abdomen shrinks and straightens up again, dense wooden needles shoot out from the hole in the middle of the flower.

Ye Zhongming was extremely surprised that these four strange lives were divided into melee and far combat.

Without magic crystals, and without any human or plant aura on his body, Ye Zhongming couldn't distinguish their levels, so he could only go all out.

The light of Feng Zhiyue enveloped the past.

The wooden thorn and knife light of the male life collided with everything, making a resounding sound of gold and iron clashing, and the power of the flames surrounded them at the same time.

Perhaps the hardness of these wooden thorns is not afraid of Feng Zhiyue, but Ye Zhongming completely overwhelmed the two male mutant lives in terms of strength, the wooden thorns were directly blocked, and Ye Zhongming took advantage of the opportunity to break into the two people's bodies.

At the same time, the flames rushed towards the wooden needles that were shot. After all, these small things were not as strong as wooden spikes. Even if they were not burned, they lost their strength and accuracy, and fell to the ground one after another.

However, the attacks from both sides did not stop. The female mutated life kept spraying wooden needles, and the two male mutated lives also started to launch a second round of attacks on Ye Zhongming who was close at hand.

It's a pity that Ye Zhongming has tried out their depth, and the attack has become fierce.

Kick! Good grade python fingers!

Ye Zhongming didn't care about the two wooden thorns of the male's mutated life at all. He used Feng Zhiyue to block with one hand, and the attacks from the other hand and legs poured down like a storm.

Kicking, the skill of this shoe belt has never been obvious, but when Ye Zhongming's strength reaches a certain level, the power of this skill will begin to show.

The attack power of twice the strength, under Ye Zhongming's current strength value, really makes people look pale, and, compared to the other skill sprint of the bloody boots, this skill does not have any cooling time, it only consumes 100 points of mental power. But now Ye Zhongming lacks everything, except mental strength!

As long as he wants, this skill can be used forever.

With one kick, a male mutated life was kicked and his left leg was broken. Those vine armors could not protect against an attack with twice the force.

With one finger, the head of another male mutated life was pierced, and half of the already empty brain was shattered.

Backing away, turning around, the knife light wiped across the neck of the falling man whose leg was broken, and his head was cut off in an instant.

Kicking again, the high-level evolutionary's flexible body made this kick directly hit the enemy's chest, where it immediately collapsed, some mucus splashed out, and the body fell down.

Feng Zhiyue came out, and cut off the mutant life's neck in the next second.

Gunshots sounded, and the crystal energy bullet gun knocked the two female mutated lives backwards. Ye Zhongming followed them like a shadow and braved the attack of wooden needles. He directly held their necks with both hands and squeezed them hard. With two clicks, the fragile neck was broken.

After throwing out the two corpses, this short battle came to an end. It took no more than half a minute from the beginning to the present.

Picking up Feng Zhiyue, Ye Zhongming cut open a corpse. The inside of this human body has been completely hollowed out, and it has a new circulatory system like a mummy, except that the heart is a mucus bag, which circulates instead of blood. Probably they are also the ones who gave these mutated life forms their strength.

Without the ashes and dullness of the mummy, without the withered body and huge strength of the mummy, although not immune but not afraid of flames, there is a strict division of labor in battle, and the ability is strange and sharp...

Ye Zhongming summed up the characteristics of these mutated beings, and found that even if he won, he didn't feel happy at all.

The strength of each of these four things is basically around four stars, and when the four are combined, their combat effectiveness is higher than that of the four four-star evolutionaries. Because of the relationship between the same family and the same origin, they are more tacit and not afraid of death.

Is this a new 'product' of Yanwangshu?

If this is the case, the Yama tree will be even more difficult to deal with.

Looking up, although Ye Zhongming obtained the natural essence, he didn't feel it here, and he didn't know what happened.

Recalling the scene he saw just now standing on Zhizhi Mountain, Ye Zhongming probably had a direction. He put Nogay on his back and walked towards that direction.

Not surprisingly, the body of Yama tree should be there.

But he only took a few steps, and saw that all the branches in his sight moved, and all the branches were retracting and retreating!

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