Roulette World

Seven hundred and twenty second face and heart disagreement

There was a strange smell in the conference room, which was the special smell that could only be emitted when high-end tobacco and alcohol were mixed together.

In the huge conference room, there were only eight people.

They are the leaders of the four major resistance areas in China.

A true leader!

The core leaders of the four major resistance areas c, g, s, and t, the top two in each resistance area, that is, the No. 1 and No. 2 talkers.

They control perhaps the most tyrannical force on this land in the last days.

However, among these people, there is one person who is an exception.

"Niece Concubine Xin, Lao Mu's injury is so serious? Can't even attend the joint meeting?"

Near the round table, a middle-aged man with a red face touched the bald spot on his head and asked angrily.

Several other people heard that their faces did not change, but their attention was concentrated. This is what they want to know.

It has been more than a year since the end of the world. In various places, everyone has discovered that whether it is zombies or mutated animals and plants, the evolution rate is accelerating. Some people put forward the term "evolution tide", which is also generally recognized.

The rapid evolution of mutated life means that the living space of human beings has shrunk again and the living environment has deteriorated rapidly.

Under such circumstances, the Jianfeng Mountain Pass meeting this time is particularly important, so even the two commanders of the G1 and G2 resistance areas, which are the farthest from here and take nearly a month for a one-way trip, rushed over.

You must know that they only sent their deputy to participate in the previous meetings, and there will be a video conference for key issues. This shows the importance attached to this meeting.

However, in such a general environment, the commander-in-chief of the s1 resistance zone did not show up, and her daughter was allowed to attend the meeting. a bit intriguing.

The ones starting with the number 1 in each resistance area are the strongest, and the commander-in-chief is undoubtedly the core. If something happens to this core, it is unlikely that the resistance area will be stable.

Thinking about the area controlled by the s1 resistance area and the resources it has mastered, several bigwigs in other areas have their own thoughts.

For the c2 resistance area bordering on a large area of ​​the s1 territory, if something really happened to the former, it would undoubtedly have the advantage of being close to the water. Therefore, as the commander-in-chief of the c2 resistance area, An Fucai was the most active to ask.

"My father is fine, but he has just recovered from a serious injury. Traveling far is always hard. As a daughter, I should share more with him. Uncle An, what do you think?"

Concubine Mu Xin smiled, but in the depths of her eyes, there was subtle vigilance. She also had an indescribable sense of alienation from these people and this room. She even had a little bit of alcohol addiction. I feel a little nauseous when I smell the familiar smell.

If possible, she would rather face the stinky monster than fight with these people here.

"My niece is really filial. It's just that this meeting is of great importance. There are many matters that may determine the future of mankind. If Lao Mu is absent, it will be very difficult for us."

Concubine Mu Xin sneered in her heart, but she still smiled like a flower and said: "At that time, I will just have a video call with my father, and it happens that he is also saying hello to your uncles."

Hearing what Mu Xinfei said, the other people's thoughts subsided a little. Since they can video, even if the injury is not healed, it should not be too serious.

"Okay, let's get to the point, and then yesterday, the first one is the plan to apply for the establishment of the c4 resistance zone in c area. Is it reasonable? How feasible is it? Once established, can everyone give a certain degree of funding? Two, the iron giants who have attacked several bases in the resistance zone, is it time to clear them up?"

"Let's talk about these two first, and the others later."

The one who spoke this time was a very handsome man. Judging from his face, he was about 30 years old, but anyone who knew him knew that the boss of the c1 resistance zone was nearly 60 years old this year, and his current appearance was entirely due to Evolution and his profession.

"Commander Ji Ruiguang, if you want to build a subdivision in District C, we don't care about it, but according to you, you want some of our other districts to join you? Is this unreasonable?"

The person who spoke was a man sitting next to Concubine Mu Xin,

He was in his prime, with a majestic figure, sitting there like a stone pier, but his figure was a bit short, only about 1.65 meters, not as tall as Concubine Mu Xin.

He is the commander-in-chief of the g1 resistance zone, Zhang Hetai.

For this big guy with a strong aura of recklessness, many people have some headaches, and Ji Ruiguang is the same. After hearing it, he just said: "Although we are in different resistance areas, don't forget that we all belong to the China area. We are one. One prospers all prospers and one suffers all losses. Now District C is the best developed and has the ability to establish a fourth district. This is a good thing for China District. Everyone can contribute something, which will not hurt the muscles and bones, but can strengthen our collective strength. I don't think there's anything wrong with that."

"Heh, District C has developed the best, that's because you occupied the most resources when the end of the world began, so don't bring it up."

"Zhang Hetai, when you saw me back then, you also wanted to salute me respectfully and call me chief."

"You said it too, it was at the beginning!"


The topic is yesterday's topic, but the process is also the same as yesterday, and there are still seemingly endless quarrels.

Ji Ruiguang was panting heavily, that handsome face was ugly, it was a bit of an act, but it was indeed a reflection of his state of mind, if he hadn't joined the Five Keys Alliance and hadn't engaged in these multi-partitions, maybe it wouldn't have been so There are many things.

It's just that he knows in his heart that even if the Chinese region does not join the Five Keys Alliance and does not engage in partitions, it still cannot prevent this state of separatism, which is determined by the attributes of the end of the world.

Commander Wen in the t1 resistance area did not participate in the quarrel, but smoked slowly, and snapped his fingers back and forth with the other hand. Every time, a flame skull appeared, then disappeared, and then reappeared. It was a joy to play. .

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and with the strength of the people in the room, they had already heard two footsteps coming one after another.

Two men in uniform came in one after the other, one walked quickly to a man sitting next to Ji Ruiguang and whispered a few words, the man frowned when he heard this, and after thinking about it, he talked to Ji Ruiguang next to him After saying a few words, and then explaining to the deputy, the deputy walked out quickly.

The other person came to Commander Wen and said the same thing. Commander Wen just nodded and waved him out.

The meeting continued, as if this episode had never happened. Others saw that the two people had no intention of speaking, and they didn't ask any questions, but they decided in their hearts to ask after the meeting.

Four hours later, these commanders ended their day's meeting and walked out of the conference room one after another. Their subordinates came to surround their boss one after another.

Seeing the commander in the article, Guangyao followed him for a while, and saw that the others were far away, so he said a little anxiously: "Commander, why do you let the people in C area make things difficult for Yunding Villa? Don't you say you want to?" Cooperate with them? They are now stopped outside the fortifications of the mountain pass!"

The commander in the article smiled, "If they can't even enter the mountain pass, what qualifications do you think they have to cooperate with us?"

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