Roulette World

Seven hundred and forty-four 250,000 magic crystals

"Chapter 2 in 1"

For some things, the price does not simply depend on its current state, but on its future development, or potential.

If Ye Zhongming didn't have the stable animal saddle he had before, the Heigu animal gear set is certainly good, and he would also get it, but he would definitely see what other people's bids were before deciding whether he wanted to bid and how much he would bid. Where is the psychological value.

Only after figuring out these problems will he participate in the auction.

But now it is different, he already has a black solid suit in his hand, and if he misses it, he may never meet it in his lifetime, how could Ye Zhongming let it go, no matter how expensive the price is!

What's more, with the Yunbao gourd and the craftsman profession, these two white things can become silver in his hands, and there are infinite possibilities in the future. Letting go of the sorry Huangwan is even more sorry for myself.

What's more, even if Ye Zhongming brought Yunding Villa to a place that he couldn't imagine in his previous life, the five hundred core members dared to enter the camp of the resistance zone, but the desire for power never stopped, but became even stronger.

Wen Zhong hesitated to speak, like a dark cloud, has been hanging over Ye Zhongming's head. He is guessing, what can make the top leader of one of China's four major regions want to speak but dare not?

In this case, if the magic crystal is gone, you can kill the mutant life again, but Ye Zhongming doesn't intend to miss the right equipment.

The bid was directly increased by one thousand third-level magic crystals. Even the commanders of the war departments and the bosses of the forces sitting here were slightly surprised. This Ye Zhongming has some courage, it seems a bit... stupid people with a lot of money what.

The auctioneer looked at Ye Zhongming with joy. He had been in this business before the end of the world, and he had seen many wealthy people who spent a lot of money. But after the end of the world, no matter who it is, everyone would like to break the magic crystal into two flowers, so he bid generously. There are very few.

Even Bai Shishi, who tried her best to control herself not to look this way, couldn't help casting a concerned glance.

Perhaps this way of bidding made others feel Ye Zhongming's determination to win these two pieces of equipment, and no one continued to bid for a while.

Until... That Zhang Jingcheng raised his hand.

Three thousand five hundred!

Although Ye Zhongming didn't have the arrogance of adding a thousand magic crystals together, but because of the last competition, it seemed a bit tit-for-tat.

Ye Zhongming signaled, four thousand!

As for animal tools, everyone is actually interested, but not that much. If they can, they are more willing to spend resources on themselves, and improving their strength is the last word.

Of course, it's only been a little over a year since the end of the world, and it's also a reason why most people don't have war beasts yet.

Zhang Jingcheng got 4,500 magic crystals.

"Young man, does your father know that you spend so much money?"

Now that he has decided to cooperate with Ye Zhongming and Yunding Villa, Wen Zhong is very decisive, turning his head to warn Zhang Jingcheng mercilessly. Although he knows that Ye Zhongming is rich, very rich, such unnecessary waste here is also a loss to Yunding's strength. At this time, he doesn't mind being more straightforward, and he can still win Ye Zhongming's favor , can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"I'm in charge of the money in my family, uncle."

Zhao Jingcheng replied with a smile, as if he didn't understand Wen Zhong's meaning at all.

Ye Zhongming paid five thousand without paying attention.

At this price, many commanders of the war department have already shaken their heads. There are only two pieces of white equipment, and they are animal tools. This is not stupid or anything.

Even Zhao Jingcheng paused when he heard the figure of 5,000, and took a look here, as if to determine whether Ye Zhongming really wanted to buy it, or if it was the same as before, he would suddenly give up after raising the price.

"If you add more over there, let's give up. Five thousand third-level magic crystals are fifty bottles of three-star evolution potions. They can already arm a medium-strength team. It's just two pieces of white equipment, which is not worth it."

Wen Zhong persuaded Ye Zhongming to give up,

There is no need for such an auction, which is already a battle of spirits.

"Commander Wen, do you think it's worth the price if it's two silver pieces of this equipment?"

Ye Zhongming whispered to Wen Zhong who had successfully gained his favor.


Wen Zhong thought about it before saying: "If it's worn by humans, it's certainly worth it, but it's just animal gear after all..."

"What if I already have a piece of this suit?"

Hearing what Ye Zhongming said, Wen Zhong's eyes lit up, and he finally understood why Ye Zhongming made such a fierce bid. It turns out that as long as he gets these two pieces of animal equipment, he can be promoted to the silver level, and they can be combined into three pieces. According to the introduction just now, this kind of suit is a five-piece suit. When three pieces are put together, a kind of suit attribute can already appear. If this is the case, then the natural value of five thousand or more third-level magic crystals.

Wen Zhong immediately stopped talking.

Five thousand and five thousand, Zhao Jingcheng thought about it and offered another price, and Ye Zhongming immediately raised it to six thousand.

Six thousand and five, the opponent obviously wants to fight to the end.

Ye Zhongming was a little bored, and after thinking about it, he directly bid at a price of 8,000.

The entire scene was full of discussions. The price of 8,000 is 80 three-star evolution potions, and there are several bottles of four-star evolution potions. A four-star evolutionist, even in the war department, is enough to become a captain. level of characters.

Zhao Jingcheng obviously didn't expect Ye Zhongming to raise the price so much at once, so he was silent for a long time, until the auctioneer started counting down, he raised his hand again, eight thousand five.

Ye Zhongming returned instantly.

ten thousand!

The audience started to be restless, this price is really crazy, 10,000 three-level magic crystals, probably can be exchanged for a bottle of five-star evolution potion, five-star evolution potion, the current deputy commander of the war department, even the commander who is not very strong, can also buy a bottle of five-star evolution potion. It's five stars!

Is this person hysterical, and exchange a bottle of five-star evolution potion for two white animals used by animals? !

Even knowing that Ye Zhongming's acquisition of this thing would be of great use, Wen Zhong and Guangyao Xiaoxiu beside him were taken aback. They felt that this fellow Ye Zhongming was really taking money for money.

Zhao Jingcheng was also stunned, and gave Ye Zhongming a very serious look, expressing his abandonment.

The two pieces of animal furniture were auctioned by Ye Zhongming at the price of 10,000 level three magic crystals! This is also the highest bid in this auction so far.

Naturally, when Ye Zhongming paid the bill, he didn't really use 10,000 three-level magic crystals to pay the bill, but a hundred three-star evolution potions. To him, these potions were actually only a thousand three-level magic crystals. It's just the magic crystal. Ye Zhongming, who has the super exclusion technique, actually only spent one-tenth of his own bid, which is less than half of the low auction price!

With this big killer, Ye Zhongming is really not afraid of anyone competing with him.

The ownership of the two animal furniture has been settled, and the bidding will continue.

Ye Zhongming is not interested in the following, but once Zhao Jingcheng finds something he likes, Ye Zhongming will definitely make trouble. Anyway, he has a lot of money, and the actual price he paid is very low. He is not afraid of Zhao Jingcheng's pitfalls at all. He raised the price vigorously.

When people make trouble at the auction, they raise the price, but Ye Zhongming doesn't raise the price at all. He buys everything that Zhao Jingcheng or District c likes.

After a few times, the popular person in area c of the table next to him has a nose and a mouth.

But Ye Zhongming was very observant of the rules, that is, the highest price wins, and second, he was completely able to pay. The three-star evolution potion paid for it without blinking his eyes.

The people in the back looked dumbfounded, and some serious people have counted it. After a while, Ye Zhongming competed with the people in Area C, and he had already spent nearly 40,000 three-level magic crystals, that is, nearly 400 bottles of three-star evolution potions !

These potions are enough to establish a new force!

Concubine Mu Xin's eyes lit up. She felt more and more that her previous behavior and coming here today were right. This young man not only has a hard fist, but also a hard wallet! Cooperating with such a person, the situation in District S will be greatly alleviated or even completely out of the predicament!

She rolled her eyes, grabbed the cold hand of the best friend who was lost after the auction started, and said in a low voice: "Shishi, you see, your boyfriend's status is different now, don't be foolish about what happened before. Do you know the matter? If you should get it back, you will get it back, do you know if you have the advantage? Do you know if you have the emotional foundation!"

Bai Shishi bit her lower lip, her pretty face was still bloodless, she glanced at Concubine Mu Xin, and said dryly: "Before I left because of reality, now I go back because of reality? Concubine Xin, I know you need him and his Strength, I can help you communicate, but I will not take advantage of our past, let alone go back to the past like him, even if it is worthless now, but leave me with the last trace of dignity."

Concubine Mu Xin was startled. Based on her understanding of her best friend, she knew that Bai Shishi had already made up her mind. She opened her mouth, feeling that Bai Shishi was a little strange.

She turned her head and looked at the auction table, sighing silently.

Even in the last days where everything can be sold, do you still want to retain your dignity in front of the love that once existed and maybe still exists now?

"Didn't you betray yourself because of the resistance zone? Don't you want me to betray myself? In that case, I would rather die in battle."



"But I like it."

Concubine Mu Xin tightly held Bai Shishi's hand, and cast an apologetic look. Bai Shishi understood, and returned a relieved smile.

When the eyes parted, both women calmed down.

Soon, the lot came to the seventh-level Yahiko cub sent by Ye Zhongming. As soon as this little thing appeared, it immediately caused a sensation!

The cub of the seventh-level war beast must not be underestimated in strength, and it has such a beautiful appearance, which is very suitable for women to carry!

The eyes of all the female survivors present were bright, and even Xiaoxiu, Liang Chuyin and Zhao Xingmei, who knew the truth, couldn't help but love the past. As for Xia Bai... probably in her heart, this thing doesn't even have a single hair of Ye Zhongming. important.

The auctioneer gave a passionate explanation of the appraisal results of experts in this area, which made the following trend out of control.

These war departments are rich in resources and powerful, and it is not a problem to train a war beast cub. Given time, perhaps in just one year, they may get the help of a sixth-level or even seventh-level war beast. This is definitely a big increase in strength.

If you are very lucky, level eight is also possible!

Grade eight!

This level is enough to drive anyone crazy!

So after the announcement of the base price of 20,000-level magic crystals, the price soared all the way, and quickly doubled, and the price of 40,000-level magic crystals slowed down, but there were still several powerful war departments following closely .

Fifty thousand... sixty thousand... seventy thousand...

The price reached 70,000 three-level magic crystals after a lot of competition. Everyone was not stupid. After calculating the exchange rate in their heads, the price was not at all, and it jumped to 100,000 in a while!

"One hundred and fifty thousand!"

A voice suddenly sounded from behind, and everyone turned their heads, only to see a short, but rather imposing man walking in, probably because he had just done a workout, wearing only an army green tight vest and camouflage pants, soaked in sweat After taking off his clothes and trousers, as soon as he entered, a strong masculine breath rushed over his face.

Everyone recognizes that this man is Zhang Hetai, the commander-in-chief of the g1 resistance zone!

The ambitious man who wanted to marry Concubine Mu Xin and then take control of District S.

As soon as he made an offer, the war department behind him fell silent, especially the people in District G, who dared to compete with their boss, and the people in other districts also felt burdened, and they were weighing how to offend and rebel because of this war beast cub Whether one of the four giants in the district is worth it.

"Two hundred thousand!"

The audience was in an uproar!

This price is almost the price of one bottle or even two bottles of six-star evolution potion. They are betting that this war beast cub can advance to level seven!

Zhang Hetai folded his arms, was very short, but walked to the front row like a giant, looked carefully at the war beast cub looking at him with big innocent eyes, and nodded.

"220,000, Delin, if you fight with me again, we'll go to the arena to compete."

The one who bid 200,000 just now was the strongest war department in c area, and also the highest-ranking commander of the broken blade war department in c area today, Delin.

Seeing Zhang Hetai's unreasonable appearance, Delin rolled his eyes helplessly and stopped talking.

If Ji Ruiguang was here, naturally he wouldn't be afraid of him, but after all, De Lin's status is not as good as Zhang Hetai's, and his personal strength is also inferior. I'm really afraid that this worthless guy will find a reason to fight him.

Even Zhang Hetai dared to threaten the commander of the Broken Blade War Department, so the others would naturally stop making fun of themselves, so no one made a sound.

"Two forty thousand!"

Zhang Hetai turned his eyes fiercely, only to see Wen Zhong was smoking a cigarette in his spare time, looking at him with a smile.

"Old Wen, what do you mean?"

"Whoever gets a good price gets it! This... I'm tempted."

Zhang Hetai dared to challenge De Lin, because he could suppress others in every aspect, but in front of Wen Zhong, his status and strength were equal, so it would definitely not work for him to threaten.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand! Old Wen, don't go too far."

When Wen Zhong heard this, he shrugged his shoulders and stopped talking, but looked narrowly at Ye Zhongming, which was obvious.

Brother helped you raise the price, don't thank you too much!

Seventh-level cub Yahiko cub, two hundred and fifty thousand three-level magic crystals, a deal!

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