Roulette World

Seven hundred fifty-six was counted

Every fighter is precious to Ye Zhongming, what's more, it's Ayang's little brothers who entered the arena with others this time.

Now there are only seven of these people left. The little girl and the big tit didn't come with the team, but stayed in Yunding Villa. In the battle of the city within the city and the battle of Linhai, two of them were sacrificed.

Originally, the small team of eleven people including A Yang and Da Naiwei gradually experienced the true cruelty of the last days.

But these seven people were also trained by Ye Zhongming as core members. Now they are all five-star evolutionists, and they also practiced the scorching flame combat skills. When they were in Yunding Villa before, they did not use occupations. The strength of these little guys is already comparable to the core members of many old brands.

After two battles, these guys with an average age of less than 17 have made up for the last shortcoming. They have acquired occupations and some skills, and also got a piece of team battle equipment, and their strength has greatly increased.

However, the resistance zone is not an idler. Looking at the three major equipments they have produced and the strength of their war department, you will know that they are not weaker than Yunding Villa in the slightest, and even despise Yunding in terms of overall strength.

To be on the safe side, Ye Zhongming rushed to the arena with his people.

This is a place specially set up for dispute resolution in Jianfeng Pass.

If it is a time of peace, there is naturally no need to set up here, but after the end of the world, everyone has become like a superman, with a violent personality, even within the resistance zone, there are many differences. Every war department, everyone, is fighting for their own interests.

When there was a problem that could not be solved by normal means, everyone unanimously chose this more direct solution that was more in line with the rules of fist respect in the last days.


Everyone fights a game according to their ability, and whoever wins has the final say, simple and straightforward, rude and easy.

But everyone is an evolutionary. When fighting, you must use occupations and skills, use equipment with levels, and even bring war beasts.

In this case, casualties are inevitable.

Once people are killed, things will become difficult and hatred will accumulate, so fighting here has been strictly prohibited in the resistance zone.

However, when external forces entered the Jianfeng Pass one after another, the already silent arena became lively again. Most of them were conflicts between external forces. They did not have the same root and same origin as the resistance area, and they had differences. If you dare not solve it outside and are afraid of the law enforcement team, then solve it in the arena!

Moreover, these forces were invited by various war departments. The war departments behind them were afraid that they could not end in person due to the regulations of the resistance zone, but they could instruct these forces to end the game to challenge those opponents, which secretly played a role in fueling the flames.

Under such circumstances, the arena is on fire again, and people enter it to compete from time to time. Of course, there are deaths in most battles.

Because of this cruelty, there is even a gambling behavior here. Whenever someone enters the arena to fight, some people open the market privately to bet on winning or losing. This makes a battle bring others in. Recently, here There is even a trend towards the ancient European arena.

Before reaching the place, Ye Zhongming saw a lot of people galloping towards the arena, obviously got the news that there would be a life-and-death battle there.

When Ye Zhongming and some people arrived at the arena, he was really slightly surprised. As far as he knew, it took less than half an hour for the incident to happen, and there were already thousands of people here! And the number is still growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This place is very similar to a football field, except that there is a layer of transparent light around the central field, which should be a kind of protective equipment. Everyone who enters the arena consciously inputs some energy on a huge stone at the entrance to come. Strengthen this defense.

Behind Ye Zhongming, Liang Chuyin and Zhao Xingmei are rare beauties, together with the masked Xia Bai and the murderous A Yang, they are very attractive.

And the recent large number of acquisitions by Genting has made a few people the focus as soon as they appeared.

"Boss! Brother Zhong Ming!"

A few voices came, and Ayang's little brothers ran over one after another. Their immature faces were covered with clouds, and their eyes were full of murderous intent. But when they saw Ye Zhongming, they all lowered their heads.

They don't know if it's right to accept other people's challenges hastily like this, and their boss will not blame them.

"what happened?"

Ye Zhongming looked around, and saw Zhang Hengzhou who was sneering at him, and frowned.

I'm afraid that this competition was calculated by someone.

After several people's talk, Ye Zhongming also understood.

It turned out that this time Ye Zhongming distributed ten three-star evolution potions to each of the soldiers in Genting as rewards, and asked them to go to the market to buy what they liked. Usually, the fighters in Genting actually have quite a lot of savings. As long as it is not a large-scale collective battle, individual hunting income does not need to be handed over. With the superior equipment level, Genting people have a high income.

This time there was a reward again, and these few people planned to come to the market to see if there was anything they needed.

The items in the Jianfeng Mountain *Earn Market are higher-end than those in Yingcheng. A few little guys found what they wanted in a short while, but when they were about to buy it, they were "cut off" by a group of people.

These people started to raise the price, and the sellers were naturally willing to sell at a high price. They changed their previous promises and planned to sell the things to the next group of people.

The people in Genting were naturally unhappy, but they also restrained themselves, negotiated and offered a higher price.

It's all bidding, and they don't care about spending more.

But the opposite party raised the price again, and the two parties just doubled the price of this item.

In the end, the people in Genting saw that this was not going to work, so they gave up.

After that, those people followed them and laughed all the way, saying all kinds of ugly things, poor people and little hairy children are all light, and then they started to flirt with Liang Chuyin and other women, not even Xia Bai's all-female team let go.

This immediately annoyed a few teenagers, and the ruthless character they developed in Yunding made them turn around and shoot at a few guys.

But as soon as they started, a large number of anti-law enforcement teams sprang up around them, saying some rules that they didn't understand. once.

The thing is obvious, they deliberately aimed at Yunding Mountain Villa, they set the target on a few teenagers who had a good evolutionary level but were not very old.

As long as these five-star evolutionists are killed, it will undoubtedly be a blow to Yunding's strength.

Ye Zhongming didn't show much on his face, but his body showed a chill. Anyone who knew him well knew that the boss was furious.

At this time, before Ye Zhongming could speak, a group of people came over, among them were two people Ye Zhongming knew.

Zhang Hengzhou, Zhao Jingcheng!

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