Roulette World

Seven hundred and sixtieth chapters attacking rhapsody

"Still Fantasy, uh, no, still 2-in-1. "

When Ye Zhongming was fighting outside, Yunding Villa was also developing benignly and rapidly.

In addition to the upgrade of magic crystal weapons, considerable progress has also been made in other aspects.

Among them, candy, an alchemist who used to be a display, began to glow.

Coming out of the death roulette, among the rewards Ye Zhongming got was a special tool for alchemists, the Grip of Neutralization, which is of green level. In addition to improving the success rate of alchemy, it also comes with two formulas, one of which is It is this dense fog corrosion bomb.

Previously, due to insufficient materials, it could not be manufactured. During the time Ye Zhongming left, the materials required for the two formulas had already been gathered. This time Xia Lei came to meet Ye Zhongming and brought fifty bottles of each medicine.

Although the dense fog corrosion bomb is called a bomb, the power of the explosion is actually not great, but it will produce a large amount of poisonous fog, and splash out a liquid with strong adhesion and corrosion.

After practice, the toxicity of the poisonous mist has an obvious killing effect on first- and second-level evolved life, but once the life evolves to the third level, the effect of this poisonous gas will be greatly reduced.

And that corrosive liquid is much more powerful, it will cause great damage to life forms of level 4 and below, and even have a certain effect on life forms of level 5 and level 6.

During the experiment, everyone found that the biggest effect of this liquid is not its harmfulness, but its corrosiveness. Especially for defensive continuous skills, equipment and other energy properties, which have a very terrifying corrosive power, and even Sheng Yuan's skills will be easily destroyed if they are glued by this liquid.

Ye Zhongming was taken aback when he heard this for the first time, and was impressed by this kind of dense fog corrosion bomb.

In order to deal with the chained prisoners, Ye Zhongming brought this thing with him, hoping it would be useful, but he didn't expect to use it just after the fight started.

Yunding's attack is not blind. The armor-piercing shells are all silver-colored, and there are not many of them. These weapons obtained from the resistance area have also been improved by Ye Zhongming. They are basically all white and very powerful. , the target was aimed at the joint of the arm held by the chained prisoner holding the blood tree.

This is also part of the plan. If this arm can be interrupted, then after grabbing the blood tree, they can actually retreat.

The howling bullets hit the light spot of the weight of life, making a sound similar to firecrackers. Everyone fired three times, and the continuous impact of 1,500 bullets made the chained prisoner's arms flicker with light. It's daytime now, and it's a bit dazzling.

On the 'legs' of the prisoner in chains, the liquid that corroded the bomb with dense fog covered the light of the light spot itself, and a stream of thick fog continued to emerge. I don't know if it was emitted by the bomb itself, or it was produced by the skill of weight of life. reaction.

The elites of Yingcheng, together with the people in the S and T areas, attacked the parts covered by the thick fog corrosion bomb acid to see if they could break through the defense here.

The Iron Chain Prisoner detonated two missiles in the air, and held the blood tree in front of his eyes, as if to see if his weapon was damaged, probably because he felt that the weight of life could completely protect his body.


The chained prisoner suddenly lowered his head and looked at his 'leg', which was already covered by thick fog, so he couldn't see anything clearly, but he felt a little pain.

His expression, which had remained unchanged since the start of the war, became a little hideous.

Ye Zhongming in the air did not attack by force, but kept surrounding the chained prisoner, trying to attract his attention. Ye Zhongming has tried it just now. When the green-level dancing sand is chopped on these light spot waterfalls, there will be a violent collision, and the light spots will become indeterminate. But if you want to break them, you can't do it in a short time. arrive.

But obviously, the dense fog corrosion bomb has done a good job.

The chained prisoner strode forward, and walked out of the thick fog in a few steps, and the attacking team moved accordingly.

At this time, everyone can see clearly,

Where the dense fog corrosion bomb touched, the spot of light has disappeared. Although the area is not large, there are also attacks passing through the gap and hitting the chained prisoner.

And those armor-piercing bullets also successfully penetrated the light spot, and also 'shot' into the iron giant's arm.

A few drops of blood dripped from there to the ground.

"The Iron Giant is injured!"

Many exclamations came from the people watching the battle. Anman, Zhao Jingcheng and others were extremely surprised. After only a few minutes of the battle, the eighth-level mutant life was injured? Is Yunding's attack too strong, or is this guy too weak?

However, Ye Zhongming, Mu Xinfei and others who were in the battle group were not so optimistic, because they found that although the weight of life was broken through the upper and lower roads, this ability did not disappear. places still exist.

Regardless of any defensive ability, it is actually one. Breaking through one place is equivalent to breaking through everything, but obviously the weight of life is not among them.

The iron chain prisoner was angry because of his injury, and started to rush towards the crowd. The giant tree in his hand roared. First, he wanted the annoying fly Ye Zhongming next to Lun Fei's head, but Dihuang Wan deftly dodged it. attackers on the ground.

Keeping in mind the previous plan, the survivors who kept a distance from the Iron Giant avoided in an orderly manner, and began to disperse into several attack groups.

Ye Zhongming found an opportunity, smashed a few bottles of dense fog corrosion potion on the head and neck of the chained prisoner, and drove Dihuang Wan back, so as not to let the dense fog affect him, and at the same time picked up the crystal energy magic bullet gun Just a few shots right there.

The attacks of these people in Yunding finally bored the chained prisoner, especially the attack on the head, which made him no longer calm down. After a roar, the ghost gold chains on his body made a rattling sound.

"Back! Back!"

Ye Zhongming, who has a keen sense of danger, felt a palpitation, shouted to tell others to stay away, and rode on Dihuang Wan's body and flew down rapidly.

When the others heard this, they quickly moved away. They all knew that the eighth-level mutant life was no joke.

The prisoner's body suddenly straightened, and the golden chains on his body suddenly flew in all directions, and his huge body became like a hedgehog.

The thick iron chain roared towards all the 'ants' who attacked him just now, the speed was almost instantaneous.

The screams began to appear. After all, some people did not escape this attack and were hit by iron chains. Even if they were five-star evolutionaries and wore equipment with excellent defense power, it was still useless. Many people were hit directly. His body was broken and he died miserably.

Several iron chains "pulled" towards Ye Zhongming horizontally, because he was the closest to the chained prisoner, so the strength and speed of the iron chains were the most sufficient. Dihuang Wan flew up and down and avoided most of them, but the sea lion was caught by the last One hit.

Ye Zhongming fired two skills in an instant and fired a few shots, which offset part of the impact and moved Dihuang Wan a little.

The iron chain just touched Dihuang Wan's rear 'buttocks'.

But one person and one dog are like a kite with a broken string, being knocked out a long way in the air. As a sixth-level mutant life form, Dihuang Wan's dog's mouth overflowed with blood, and its wings flapped violently, but it still couldn't be stopped completely. that power.

With a bang, Ye Zhongming and Dihuang Wan fell to the ground, smashing the ground out of a big hole.

Many people in Yunding were startled and subconsciously moved in that direction.

But a few seconds later, both Ye Zhongming and Dihuang Wan stood up again. Ye Zhongming seemed to be fine, and the response he made at the critical moment did not actually hurt him. Besides, Ye Zhongming can't be regarded as such.

There was a flash of light on Dihuang Wan's body, which was the activation of one of its six abilities, the Spirit Healing Art, and it was healing his injuries.

Ye Zhongming glanced at it, and saw that the black solid animal gear from the bidding meeting was dented. Fortunately, because of its protection, the bones of Dihuang Wan were not broken.

But the attack power of the prisoner in chains is still staggering. This attack by the chained prisoner made everyone feel terrified.

Even though the warning had been received, six or seven people were still killed, and a dozen people were injured and quit the battle, casting a shadow over the hearts of all the fighters of the coalition forces of the three forces.

The chained prisoner only showed two abilities, and it gave everyone a feeling of being invincible. So what will happen today?

"Guangyao, next step!"

Ye Zhongming yelled, and rode on Dihuangwan again. The big dog took off with wings flapping, but this time it did not bring its owner close to the chained prisoner, but kept a certain distance. At the same time, a sniper rifle appeared on Ye In the hands of Zhong Ming.

Over there, Guangyao heard Ye Zhongming yelling, and immediately said something into the headset he was wearing.

In the sky, two huge "fine" floating balls, one gold and one silver, entered the low altitude, and several metal plates rose up on the ball, revealing the muzzle of the black hole inside.

The next moment, the aviation machine gun inside began to shoot.

Bullet rain poured down immediately.

At the same time, the attacking troops on the ground also started shooting again, with only two targets, the calves and elbows without the weight of life protection.

And the other districts also launched an attack, regardless of the effect, they just threw it at the three feet of the chained prisoner.

Centered on the chained prisoner, various skills and modern weapons 'interweave' an offensive rhapsody.

This is the advantage of quantity!

Against the chained prisoner alone, no matter whether it is Xia Bai, Ye Zhongming, or the cutting-edge combat power in the resistance zone, no one is its opponent. After all, it is an ability that Ye Zhongming guesses is to unlock the body rather than absorb it. A monster of energy evolution.

But once there are many people attacking it, even if the level is not high, there are only about ten main attackers above the six-star level, and the five-star evolutionary is in the early thousand, but each person's attack superimposes with the help of equipment, and the power is also frightening. . In particular, there are two 'fine' float assists that combine human and roulette technology, which makes the scalps of those who did not participate in the attack feel numb.

If the target is not a prisoner in chains, but any human evolutionary, they will probably be smashed to pieces by this density of attacks.

Liang Chuyin, who was in charge of commanding the soldiers of Yunding Villa, saw this scene and waved to the back. There, there were already five thunderstorm towers and five sky-shattering 2-type magic crystal cannons.

After receiving Liang Chuyin's order, the tower and the magic crystal cannon roared together, and began to pour firepower at the iron giant, overwhelming the two 'fine' floating balls in the sky in an instant.

For the burst of firepower planned for this 'wave', Ye Zhongming and Mu Xinfei Guangyao put on almost all long-range weapons.

The guns fired, and many people saw this level of attack for the first time.

The weight of life on the chained prisoner is disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and some exposed places are mercilessly attacked, even though the whole body is hung with ghost gold chains, there are still many wounds , although it is not serious, but after accumulating a lot, this eighth-level mutant life looks a little embarrassed.

All of a sudden, everyone saw the hope of killing it.

Those areas C, G, and external forces who were originally requested by Ye Zhongming to only use long-range skills to attack the feet of the chained prisoners also moved closer inadvertently, and everyone knew exactly what they were thinking.


Under such intensive attacks, the chain prisoner couldn't stand upright and sat on the ground. After the arm that blocked his head became the target of the magic crystal cannon and the thunderstorm tower, the wound continued to deepen, and even You can already see the bones inside!

As for the light spots of the weight of life, there are only some on his back now.

Suddenly seeing the hope of success, the "fine" floating balls in areas c and g in the sky also fell, and also began to shoot at the chained prisoners with aviation machine guns. Only the "fine" floating balls in area s were still alive. Executing the task of guarding the air.

Many people's attacks were no longer willing to target their feet, and the impact point began to move upwards, obviously intending to kill the monster together, and then they could find a reason to say that they also had a part in killing this big guy, so as to overthrow previous agreement.

Ye Zhongming fired the fifth silver armor-piercing bullet today, and his attack was the same as that of the magic crystal cannon and the thunderstorm tower, both of which could directly break through the defense of the chained prisoner's skin, leaving a wound.

Before, Ye Zhongming was a little excited when he saw the chained prisoner who was suppressed by the firepower and had almost no chance to breathe. Could it be that the great deed that required three nine-star evolutionaries to complete in the previous life will be completed by himself and others today?

But after being excited, Ye Zhongming was a little confused.

Everything seems a little too easy.

Would an eighth-level powerful mutant life be directly killed by the firepower? Also, to be honest, Ye Zhongming felt that the chained prisoner's defense was a bit weak, and he had made preparations before that all attacks could barely break through his defense.

The more he thought about it, the greater the sense of crisis in Ye Zhongming's heart. He just thought that the chained prisoner would not be so weak.

So far, it has only used two natural abilities, even the ghost gold chain, Ye Zhongming is not sure if it is an ability.

"Let everyone keep their distance and step back a little bit."

Through the military merit medal, Ye Zhongming gave Liang Chuyin an order. In the last days, it is always right to be cautious. Even Ye Zhongming himself made Dihuang Wan fly a lot farther.

As if confirming Ye Zhongming's conjecture, the chained prisoner, who seemed powerless to fight back, let go of the mask on his head under the eyes of the survivors who were getting more and more excited because they were about to kill the eighth-level mutated life. arm... f

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