Roulette World

Eight hundred and three

Is this several times the gravity of the earth?

Soon Ye Zhongming thought of the reason, and felt uneasy, he couldn't know the roulette and teleported himself to some secret place or something?

The eyes quickly brightened up. Of course, this is relatively speaking, and the space is still a little dark.

Looking around, the sky is a rippling light like water waves, and countless rays of light form a picture of being underwater.

The surroundings are not so empty, but there are a series of light masks standing upright, dividing the entire space of unknown size into pieces. In a certain space divided in front of Ye Zhongming's left, the pregnant woman can be vaguely seen. The figure of the monster is only separated by several covers that reflect irregular light, and some people can't see clearly what's going on inside.

Ye Zhongming took a step forward. As an evolutionary, he quickly adapted to this change in gravity.

It's just that he glanced at the ground inadvertently, and his mouth opened uncontrollably.

He saw... fertile soil!

Yes, the kind of national specialty that is as famous as stardust sand!

At that time, when they were competing for the crown of the sea, those West Asians took out the stardust sand, because Ye Zhongming named this kind of thing on the spot, so the West Asians believed that Ye Zhongming had a national specialty of China, so they decided to While fighting, they reached an agreement with Yunding Mountain Villa, and they will establish a friendly relationship in the future to communicate with each other.

They even gave Ye Zhongming a bronze medal, which is the "folding door of time and space", to establish a transmission channel between them.

Now Ye Zhongming still has a small amount of stardust that these West Asians gave him back then, and he has not been willing to use it. After all, one of the national specialties of this West Asian region has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. a little less.

Originally, Ye Zhongming planned to search for fertile soil on a large scale after returning this time, but he didn't expect to meet here.

Ye Zhongming squatted down slowly, carefully looking at the Fertile Soil trampled under his feet. He confirmed that he was not mistaken. The battle group in his previous life had been hired to participate in an operation to fight for the Fertile Soil, although he could only do so in Let's start from the outside. When the task is over, Ye Zhongming has seen this thing with his own eyes.

Here, there are so many?

As far as the eye can see, this mysterious space floor is full of such priceless things.


Ye Zhongming felt his heart pounding.

National specialties, as the name suggests, are some of the most distinctive and outstanding products in a country, such as stardust sand, which has many functions. Ye Zhongming knows that it has healing effects, and can also be used as materials to make special stars. equipment and so on.

Strictly speaking, in Ye Zhongming's hands, the sea crown is not considered a special item. Probably only ghost gold and the newly obtained blood tree are eligible to compare with national specialties.

The more precious something is, the rarer the quantity will be. No matter which region's national specialty it is, it is measured in grams. The stardust sand in Ye Zhongming's hand is only a dozen grams, very little.

But the fertile soil here... is too much.

Although Ye Zhongming, a national specialty of China, suddenly appeared in front of him, he was very excited, but he did not lose his mind. Good things are not so easy to get.

Looking around vigilantly, Ye Zhongming tried to pick up some of the seemingly inconspicuous black soil with his hands, but as soon as his hands touched the ground, he felt a sense of danger, and he immediately jumped back.

But he forgot, or rather, did not adapt to the gravity here, Ye Zhongming watched a white branch emerge from the ground, and then drew towards Ye Zhongming's face.

The speed is so fast that it can't see the influence of gravity on it at all.

Ye Zhongming raised his arms and covered his face with his palms.

With a "snap", the white leafless branch hit Ye Zhongming, and Ye Zhongming retreated to a safe position at the same time.

Ye Zhongming looked at his palm, there was a bruise on it, obviously the force of this branch is not light.

You must know that Ye Zhongming is a person who has taken natural essence,

The damage reduction for plant attacks is reduced by 50%. In other words, if there is no natural essence, Ye Zhongming's palm will be bleeding with just this blow!

With Ye Zhongming's physical strength, such an attack is already extremely powerful.

The white branch stopped there after attacking, swaying from side to side with a length of more than one meter, and did not continue to attack.

Is it because of the natural essence that plants have a natural affinity for themselves, and their willingness to attack decreases?

Or... Ye Zhongming's eyes fell to the ground again, or was it because he was not doing anything to Fertile Soil?

Ye Zhongming squatted down slowly, pinched the fertile soil again, and then quickly jumped away.

Sure enough, when his hand touched the ground just now, another white branch rushed out and attacked Ye Zhongming, but he avoided it because he was prepared.

In the separate small space where Ye Zhongming was, there were already two branches.

I turned around these two guys, and looked around, especially the monster side, that guy seemed to be in trouble too.

Ye Zhongming thought for a moment, took out a bottle and got some fertile soil from the ground into it, roughly estimated to be dozens of grams.

This time, he got into trouble.

Dozens of white branches sprang out from the ground, crackling and hitting Ye Zhongming. Due to gravity, Ye Zhongming's movements slowed down, so he didn't even draw a knife, and directly protected his head and face.

The whipping lasted for more than ten seconds and then stopped. Ye Zhongming was a little embarrassed, but except for his hands, his defensive equipment stopped him everywhere, and there was no serious problem.

Ye Zhongming was happy, he could get tens of grams of fertile soil with just a beating, which is a good deal!

At this time, he didn't care about what would happen to other small spaces. It was true to collect these precious national specialties.

So Ye Zhongming started to get busy in the space, collecting fertile soil with bottles, dozens of grams at a time, and then suffered more and more attacks from branches, because the attack power of these plants was halved to him, wearing a thousand-leaf phosphorescent armor The damage he suffered was not that great, although the increase in the number of branches made this kind of damage accumulate to the point that Ye Zhongming could not ignore it, but compared to the fertile soil he got, it was completely worth it.

In this way, Ye Zhongming collected all the fertile soil in the small space he was in.

Yes, these fertile soils are not infinite, but only a small layer above. When Ye Zhongming collects all the fertile soils, there are already about three catties of this national specialty in the space.

If it was placed before Ye Zhongming's rebirth in his previous life, this would be an unimaginable wealth!


As the Fertile Soil was collected here, the mask on one side shattered, revealing another small space!

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