Roulette World

Eight hundred and twentieth four full kill

"Once again, I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year, good health and good luck! "

Bing Ling Assassin!

This is Ji Ruiguang's profession, a profession with extremely fierce attacks, and a meritorious profession that has made great contributions to his position as the commander of Area C.

The two daggers in his hand floated to his shoulders, and at the same time, two similar daggers emerged from his body, and the four daggers protected Ji Ruiguang in the middle.

Anman also took out the things at the bottom of the box, twisted his body a few times, and sharp bone spurs came out from various parts. Not only were the tips sharp, but there was also a knife-like incision next to the bone spurs.

Two bony horns protruded from the head, which were extremely sharp.

"Bone Demon Bloodline!"

Ye Zhongming recognized this kind of melee bloodline, which is not uncommon in the last days, but extremely difficult.

And Jas, who lost one hand, activated the four-winged fine gold demon early, but at this time, one of the four wings lost the hand holding the sword, so a sword was missing.

As for Zuo Jinxuan, although she didn't show any obvious characteristics, Ye Zhongming also noticed a surge of energy in her body, probably because of some kind of unobtrusive profession.

Ye Zhongming also activated the bloodline of the Hell Envoy at this time, and was fully on guard.

You may not care about it in your mouth, but you are extremely cautious in your heart. This is a habit Ye Zhongming has developed over the years.

He didn't despise anyone, especially these four humans in the resistance zone who gave him 'surprises' in a row.

The light-year bridge that can break through the space and avoid the test is actually a thing that is similar to an artifact under special circumstances, and it can save lives. Even in this case, if they didn't meet Ye Zhongming, Or Ye Zhongming doesn't have Stardust Sand, these people are enough to use this piece of equipment to change the situation of the battle and win the final victory.

The same is true for the tarsus field. Under special conditions, this thing is a weapon for turning the tables!

If it is said when Ye Zhongming paid the most attention to Ji Ruiguang, then now, a person who can possess these magical equipments may not necessarily have many killing moves waiting for him.

But Ye Zhongming is happy and fearless, he knows very well how terrifying he is now with all his strength.

If he faced these four people before entering this space, even Jass would have lost his hand. To be honest, he might be able to run away, but he would not be their opponent.

Two seven-stars and two six-stars are not so easy to deal with, not to mention that Ye Zhongming's six-star is also watery.

But now, after Ye Zhongming has gone through a series of tests and suffered several serious injuries, his strength has improved rapidly in the past few hours. He now has the confidence that he can kill all four of them!

It was Anman who kicked off the battle.

In the situation of just relying on his body just now, Anman no longer dared to fight Ye Zhongming desperately, just a shoulder bump, and he flew out, thinking with his toes, he knew how big the gap between the two sides was in this respect.

But now it is different. He has activated his own bloodline, the Bone Demon, which is an explosive bloodline in melee combat. He firmly believes that he can regain his advantage in melee combat.

With calm shoulders, Anman bumped into it, and it also wanted to let Ye Zhongming feel what it was like to be knocked into the air.

Following An Man's attack, the other three also started their own attacks. First, Ji Ruiguang's four daggers moved rapidly from a static state, and pierced towards Ye Zhongming in a ghostly way. Behind the dagger is a line of Qi, which connects Ji Ruiguang's shoulders, but I don't know if this is the case for this profession, or it has other functions.

Jass jumped up without a sound, his four wings flickered, bringing him to a certain height, and then the wings closed, and those slender long swords stretched out, rushing towards Ye Zhongming below from the height.

Zuo Jinxuan is considered the quietest one, but everything she does is not so quiet. She keeps waving her soft sword, flashing out sword glows. These sword glows not only did not disappear, but remained in her body. Around, moving slowly according to the previous trend,

As she danced faster and faster, there were more and more sword lights. In just a moment, at least hundreds of sword lights appeared and surrounded her.

"Wanjian Chaozong!"

Ye Zhongming caught a glimpse of the situation here from the corner of his eye, and his heart skipped a beat. This woman turned out to be a professional like 'Lingxiao Swordsman'!

Thinking that this woman should be an inheritor of some kind of martial arts, Ye Zhongming's evaluation of her began to rise.

At this time, An Man had already approached, and the sharp bony spurs and horns on his shoulders and head seemed to pierce into Ye Zhongming's body in the next moment.

The blood of the bone demon, after activation, the body strength is greatly improved, using the advantages of strength and speed, to pierce the sharp bone spurs and horns into the enemy's body.

This kind of bone spurs due to bloodlines is no worse than green-level equipment, so we can see how much damage they will cause.

And by Anman's side, four daggers are attacking covertly. They are located in a very subtle and tricky place. They follow Anman's neck, side, and legs. Once Anman gets close to the leaf Zhong Ming's body, they will immediately launch a fierce offensive.

Jass had already rushed down from the sky, his body had already spun into a golden ball of light, and the sound of the rapier cutting through the air was sharp and piercing.

Ye Zhongming held the knife, his head sank slightly, and his eyes locked on Anman.

The eyes of the two collided first in the air, and both saw the deep and almost frozen killing intent of the other.

They know that life and death may be separated at this time.

Ye Zhongming suddenly took a step forward and walked towards each other, and the two approached instantly.

An Man felt that his body sank suddenly, and the momentum of the impact like a heavy truck suddenly weakened.

He also saw that the knife in Ye Zhongming's hand was gone, replaced by a green-grade sniper rifle.

What does it mean? Use this kind of long gun in melee? Is he stupid? Just why the body becomes heavy?

Many doubts arose in An Man's heart, and an ominous premonition began to appear, and it became stronger and stronger.

He wanted to back off, and the image of Ye Zhongming knocking him into the air reappeared again, and he felt that this man must have some tricks that were useless.

But it was too late, Anman heard a gunshot in his ears, felt his body tremble, and then his strength began to disappear.

He is also a person who fought all the way here, and knows what is going on, but what he doesn't understand is why all this is!

He didn't see clearly the young man's attack, and he didn't even see clearly where he was shot, but everything ended in this gunshot.

Fortunately, even if I die, my body will hit you because of inertia, Ye Zhongming, let's die together!

An Man finally thought this way, then closed his eyes, and fell to the person who killed him.

It's just that he will never see that when the gun is fired, that person's body suddenly starts to back away, which is unreasonable!

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