Roulette World

Eight hundred and thirty-two earth elves

"The next chapter is estimated to be in the middle of the night, if not, it will be updated tomorrow~~"

Ye Zhongming sat on the floating ball, looking at the battlefield below from the screen full of technology, frowning.

He has been out of the space for a while, and although he still has the excitement of getting the earth elf in his heart, the imminent situation made him fly to the battlefield of the Yunding team very quickly.

The crystal nest barrier has been broken, and humans and monsters are in a fierce battle.

Ye Zhongming knew that he had to make a move, and after patting the small shield on his shoulders as a bed, the little butt of Lao Gao who was sleeping soundly, the floating ball suddenly began to fall from the air.

Simultaneously, the four ground-neutral lasers on the sphere began firing.

"When landing, can you add some gravity to the bottom?"

Ye Zhongming looked at the earth elf who was awakened by him and said with a cute face.

"Oh, I see Dad."

Although he has been called many times, Ye Zhongming is still not used to this title.

The little guy was very smart. He took a look at the monitoring system inside the Jingjue Floating Ball, then sat on the dark brown shield, swished and slammed into the Jingjue Floating Ball's ball.

A strange scene happened, the earth elf directly penetrated the sphere and went outside!

Seeing this scene, Ye Zhongming was not surprised at all, because he had been surprised before.

After the roulette space was recognized and protected by the earth elves, the ability of this little thing appeared in Ye Zhongming's mind.

"The elf of the earth, the only one who can fully control the elements of the earth element. The growth rate at this stage is a newborn."

With just one sentence, Ye Zhongming knew that he got a very good thing.

"Instinct 1 of the Earth Spirit, jumping gravity. The Earth Spirit has the ability to apply gravity and extract gravity, which can change the gravity value in a certain area. The size of the area and the amount of gravity change are proportional to the energy consumed."

"Earth Spirit Instinct 2, space is unobstructed. The Earth Spirit possesses the instinct of an elf and can travel freely in any space."

"The instinct of the earth spirit 3, black soil armor. The elf can attach black soil armor to the designated target to increase the defense ability. The type of black soil armor is standard armor, the defense power is fixed, and the duration is at most one hour. When attacked, the duration will be reduced. Type Two, special armor, the defense power increases and decreases according to the energy consumed by the earth elves, the duration is up to two hours, and the duration will be reduced when attacked. Type 3 (sealed), invincible armor, the duration is three seconds, Within three seconds, it can protect against any kind of attack on the target of any intensity, which consumes a lot of energy, and the cooling time is 2,000 hours."

"Instinct of the Earth Spirit 4, the protection of love. The elf is immune to any attack, but it will share the damage received by the guardian. The damage will make it consume energy and affect its own ability. When the guardian receives fatal damage, the earth spirit will Drop a growth rate to save the guardian until the nascent stage. The guardian dies, and the earth spirit disappears."

"Instinct 5 of the Earth Spirit, the earth shakes the mountains. The spirit can cause a strong earthquake in an area, and the intensity and duration vary with the amount of energy consumed."

"Soil Spirit Instinct 6, big stomach king. The elf can eat all the substances it is interested in to accumulate energy in the body. After the energy reaches a certain level, it will automatically enter the next growth level."

"Earth Spirit Instinct 7 (sealed)."




"Earth Spirit Instinct 12 (Sealing)."

This is what Ye Zhongming got before, the information about the spirit of the earth.

The reason why Ye Zhongming has been so excited until now is naturally related to these abilities.

Take a closer look, each of these abilities is a boutique or even abnormal ability. Jumping gravity, this ability to change the gravity value at will will almost collapse Ye Zhongming's enemies in battle. As long as the little things have energy, whoever is the enemy of Ye Zhongming,

You have to bear the changing gravity of the ground under your feet at any time, and your body fluctuates from light to heavy. How can you fight this battle?

Needless to say, the black soil armor is obviously a very good defensive ability, especially the type three invincible armor, which is invincible for three seconds. It is exciting to think about it.

Ye Zhongming has already experienced the ability of the big stomach king, and knows that this little baby has steel teeth and a stomach, and can eat anything. Earth Shaking is an attack skill. It seems that the attack power is not obvious, but it is also a big killer when used with Evolutionary or terrain.

What surprised Ye Zhongming the most was the two abilities of Unobstructed Space and Affectionate Protection.

The former can let the spirit of the earth go anywhere without any hindrance, and it can be unimpeded, is it useless? No, very useful, still very useful.

Just imagine, if Ye Zhongming had the help of the earth elves in the national special roulette before, he could stand aside and watch the fun, let the little things enter the space of those enemies and put a jumping gravity, causing an earthquake Mountain shaking and the like.

They couldn't beat the earth elf, they could only watch it make trouble, this... I guess anyone would want to die.

The protection of love is even more powerful, it is almost a magical skill that allows Ye Zhongming to have several chances to avoid death, if the little guy grows taller, he is equivalent to having several lives. With this skill, Ye Zhongming felt overwhelmed with security.

Of course, these abilities are closely related to the growth rate of the little guy. He uses the big stomach king to accumulate energy. When the energy reaches a certain level, he will enter the next growth stage. The information Ye Zhongming got is that the growth rate of the earth elf is There are three stages: birth, infancy, and maturity. Every time a growth rate is increased, the little guy's ability will be enhanced, and the sealed ability will also be unsealed.

It's just because the little guy usually consumes energy when he assists in the battle. How to control the energy used and the energy accumulated is also a science. Naturally, let him eat well and accumulate energy faster and more. things.

Ye Zhongming is very much looking forward to the other six sealed abilities, because generally speaking, the more backward the abilities, the better. The first six abilities are already so good, so I don’t know what will happen to the remaining ones. what a surprise.

In fact, the little guy's help to Ye Zhongming is not limited to this. Some 'abilities' are not shown in the description. Ye Zhongming discovered them by accident, but it made him happier than the six abilities he obtained before.

It was he who discovered one of the little things's secrets.

When it is full, it will not only sleep, but also... defecate.

At that time, Ye Zhongming didn't pay attention to it at all, but after this little thing pulled a small pile of stinky smell on the table, Ye Zhongming was so shocked that he almost fell down.

Because that stinking pile is... black fertile soil!

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