Roulette World

Eight hundred and thirty-five voices in the beam of light

"The bullets are gone, go get some boxes!"

"This side too!"

"Where's the cannonball? It's better to be that kind of gray level, let's take a few shots!"

On the city wall of the Jianfeng Pass base, many people were shouting, and the loudest of them was a middle-aged man with a beard.

In the last days, this image is almost the preferred appearance of most men. When they are struggling with death every day, most people do not have extra energy and thought to organize their appearance.

"I said Xiao Zhao, did you tm hear what we said!"

The middle-aged man who was clamoring for bullets saw that the person in charge of the logistics supply did not move, so he opened his mouth to curse.

"No, you see, those monsters seem to be retreating."

Pointing to the outside, the man said in a daze.

Others looked over and found that these green-skinned monsters who followed the people from Area C all the way to kill them began to retreat quickly after trying to attack the Jianfeng Pass base for several hours without success.

Just as they came, violent and fast.

For this kind of guy who can climb the city wall with bare hands, the guards at the Jianfengkou base are a little terrified. If the city wall is not very high and the defense force on it is strong, it may really make these green-skinned monsters rush in, and it will be a bloody battle. slaughtered.

They can see the tragic situation shown by those who came back from Area C. These people on the city wall are almost 70% of the defense force of Jianfeng Mountain. If they lose, the joint establishment of several major resistance areas The base is also broken.

Fortunately, these guys retreated.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but the sound of fighting suddenly sounded from the base, but it quickly subsided. The defenders here felt inexplicable and didn't know what happened.

In the Jianfengshan base, Ji Ruiguang, who came back from the roulette space, caught up with his men, and returned here with them, but the commander-in-chief of area C seemed to be ten years old, depressed, and when he came back, he could only order the entire team Except for counting casualties, they hid in the house and saw no one.

Ji Ruiguang didn't reappear until Concubine Mu Xin followed, and Ji Ruiguang reappeared after the two sides had a conflict because he was refused to meet.

"Even if our losses in area c are huge, do you think you can be arrogant in front of me?" Ji Ruiguang's expression was as bad as it could be.

This time, the elites in Area C lost two-thirds, and their strength plummeted. They have already ranked last among the four resistance areas. However, the state of Area S is still not good, and they are on the verge of splitting.

Now the largest resistance zone has become Zhang Hetai's G zone, followed by Wen Zhong's T zone, and the strength difference between the two sides is not that big.

If it was Zhang Hetai and Wen Zhong who forced their way in like this, maybe Ji Ruiguang would bear it, but now he doesn't think Concubine Mu Xin has the strength to shout at him.

Concubine Mu Xin brought Bai Shishi and a group of fully armed men, and smiled at Ji Ruiguang: "Thanks to you, the situation in District S is better than before."

In a word, Ji Ruiguang's face became even more gloomy. He understood what Concubine Mu Xin meant. It was nothing more than the power of the S district encouraged by the C district before. Yes, he has renewed his loyalty to Concubine Mu Xin and her father.

In a place with intricate relationships like the resistance zone, it's supposed to affect the whole body.

"Don't get excited, I'm here just to convey a word to someone else, and leave after I finish speaking, it's your subordinates who are too rude."

"Just to convey a word to others?"

Ji Ruiguang narrowed his eyes and became even angrier.

"Yes." Mu Xinfei glanced at him and continued: "Ye Zhongming asked me to tell you, don't forget the mechanical fortress you owe him."

After finishing speaking, Concubine Mu Xin took a meaningful look at Ji Ruiguang, turned around and left with the others.

She is going back to her residence in District S, and she still has a lot of things to do, the cooperation with Yunding, the man also left a message before he left, and she has to complete it.

Ji Ruiguang took a breath,

Looking at Concubine Mu Xin's back with resentment, she turned and went back to the room. The door was slammed shut by him, and all the subordinates looked at each other in blank dismay.

In the room, Ji Ruiguang put away his previous gloomy attitude towards Concubine Mu Xin and his disregard for his opponents, and his attitude became respectful.

In the corner of the room, there was a beam of light standing there, and there seemed to be a lot of fog rolling in it. When Ji Ruiguang moved his eyes there, it seemed that something was moving inside.

"Your position does not seem to be very secure."

Suddenly, a piercing voice came from the beam of light. It sounded very mechanical and cold, not like a human voice.

Ji Ruiguang quickly shook his head: "No, although we have lost a lot this time, our strength is still there. As long as you give me two years, no, one year, I can make Area C the biggest and strongest force in the resistance area again. "

There was a moment of silence in the beam of light, "We can give you another chance, but you... need to give us some special guarantees."

Ji Ruiguang, who had no way out, only hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement.

An incomprehensible laughter came from the beam of light, and then a ray of light shot out. With the strength of Ji Ruiguang's six-star evolutionary, it was not reflected at all, and was directly enveloped, and then these rays of light formed a ball of light, Ji Ruiguang Trapped inside, panicking to get out.

In the next second, black and red lightning strikes in the ball of light struck Ji Ruiguang's body. He opened his mouth and let out a shrill howl, his face distorted in pain.

It's just weird that outside the light sphere, there wasn't a single sound leaking out.

A minute later, the ball of light disappeared, and Ji Ruiguang, who was soaked in sweat, fell down with a thud, and fell powerlessly to the ground. In his eyes, there was still deep fear of the pain just now.

"This is the venom of the nebula jellyfish. I have tasted it. Do it according to our requirements. Every month, the antidote will naturally be handed over to you. If you dare to resist, the venom will attack and you will die of pain."

The tone of the words in the beam of light is still not human-like, but these words are the same as the cruelest human beings.

"I... just agreed to cooperate with you, not your subordinates."

Ji Ruiguang got up with difficulty, trembling all over and said.

"Now it is."

After the beam of light finished speaking, the mist inside continued to churn, and after a while, a name, an address, and a picture of a person's appearance appeared.

"Go to this location, find this person, this is your new partner on Earth."

After the beam of light finished saying this, it began to fade away, and soon disappeared.

Ji Ruiguang recalled the scene he saw just now in his mind, and only murmured a name in his mouth.

"Retail Chamber of Commerce."

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