Roulette World

Chapter 80 Target: Ghost Gold!

Ye Zhongming is naturally not crazy.

He just wants more.

From the very beginning, besides coveting the monster baby, he had his own thoughts on the chained prisoner.

Yes, with his current strength, he couldn't kill the Level 4 monster, the Iron Prisoner.

Not to mention killing him, he couldn't even seriously injure the chained prisoner Ye Zhongming.

However, Ye Zhongming just wanted something, and even compared to the monster baby, he cared more about the benefits he might get from the chained prisoner.

This can be seen from the fact that he did not participate in the treasure hunt.

So under such a situation, Ye Zhongming launched an attack brazenly!

Seeking wealth and wealth, Ye Zhongming is also fighting now.

With this shot, Ye Zhongming aimed not at the chained prisoner's body, but... the chained 'ghost gold' wrapped around the chained prisoner's body!

This kind of metal is very expensive. In the end of the world, some are occasionally circulated, and they are all sold by gram, and the price of each gram is sky-high.

Ye Zhongming is not very clear about the specific function of ghost gold. In his previous life, he was not a top powerhouse and could not obtain some confidential information. He was not a craftsman or alchemist, so he had never handled these rare materials.

However, according to rumors, some people say that as long as a little ghost gold is added to the smelting process, the quality of weapons and equipment will be greatly improved. You might even get some magical abilities.

Of course, Ye Zhongming doesn't know the truth of this rumor, but there must be a reason for the rumors. Ye Zhongming only needs to know the preciousness of this metal, and the specific function can be studied slowly after he gets it.

The bullet hit the ghost gold chain, making a loud sound, and a large number of sparks sputtered out. The ghost gold chain that was the target shook violently. After wandering back again, Ye Zhongming found that the shot had almost What effect, there is only a little faint trace.

Many people who didn't understand why Ye Zhongming did this thought that he wanted to attack this giant monster, but the shot missed.

But what Ye Zhongming did next made others realize that the young man's goal was those dark chains.

Bang bang bang!

Ye Zhongming emptied all the bullets he had processed in the new gun in one breath, and each shot hit the same place on the ghost gold chain. At such a distance, even if he is not a professional shooter, he can only rely on It is impossible to miss the experience of the previous life.

A small crack finally appeared at the joint of the chain.

It's just a tiny crack that can't be thinner, and there is no gap. If it weren't for Ye Zhongming's good eyesight, he might not have been able to find it.

These consecutive shots not only made the people under the ruins a little dazed, but even the chained prisoner who was about to step over the ruins was at a loss, not knowing what the ant was doing.

"Why are you in a daze? Grab it!"

Leader Ye, who had already been forced out of the inner circle by the trio, was startled by Ye Zhongming's behavior before, but when he found out that Director Liu and the others had already taken advantage of this opportunity to reach the ruins, and in such a As they got closer, they raised their guns one after another. Leader Ye roared, and the gun in his hand shot out flames first.

Director Liu scolded on the surface, but his body was already hiding aside.

Director Liu was not on the ruins before, so Ye Zhongming's behavior was not as shocking as others. Although he ordered to shoot, except for Xia Lei's outrageous shot, the others have not broken through the psychological barrier. Start with the same kind.

So Director Liu changed his approach. He ordered some of his subordinates to follow him, and quickly approached the ruins. When he got nearby, he asked his subordinates to raise their guns.

He didn't give the order to fire, but just put his men on alert, and he waited, waiting for this action to trigger a series of reactions.

Leader Ye was the first to react, and was also the first to shoot. Facing the attack, Director Liu's subordinates subconsciously started to fight back!

There was a lot of gunfire!

The barrage instantly filled the entire ruins.

Most of the people on the ruins were evolutionists, they reacted quickly, and they all looked for cover to fight back. As for the treasures that fell on the ground, they had no time to care about them.

The bullets made the ruins into a miasma, and the sight was blocked. Almost everyone was shooting blindly, and it was up to fate whether they could hit or not.

Director Liu hid behind the bunker with a sinister smile on his face. He achieved his goal and successfully got his subordinates to shoot. The next thing to do is to wait for the right opportunity to pick up those treasures on the ground.

There are many people who have the same thoughts as him. Wang Ding and Captain Ye got together to observe the battlefield from behind the stone, looking for the position of the treasure and the timing of the attack.

Mo Ye and the others also retreated to the place where they rushed out just now. They have already won three treasures, and it would be a good thing if they could get one or even a few more.

The trio also hid aside. They didn't have guns, so they could only wait for the two sides to cease fighting. For them, the longer the time, the better, so that their injuries would be lessened.

The smoke covered the ruins, as well as those who snatched the treasure, but above the ruins, the battle between Ye Zhongming and the chained prisoners entered a fierce stage.

The chained prisoner finally got tired of Ye Zhongming's harassment of it, and the blood tree in his hand slammed down, and the huge cross-section of about ten square meters was pressed down like a mountain peak.

Ye Zhongming scrambled and scrambled to dodge, because he only had one hand to use, so he didn't care about the new gun, so he threw it aside, picked up Feng Zhiyue again, and borrowed the help of the giant tree smashing on the ruins. At this time, he quickly ran under the iron chain prisoner, jumped onto the monster's heavy truck-like giant feet, jumped up suddenly, Feng Zhiyue swung out, and accurately slashed on the ghost gold just now .

This piece of ghost gold is the bottom section of the chains on the chain prisoner. It is about four or five meters high from the ground. Standing on the huge feet of about one meter or two meters, Ye Zhongming can cut it to his limit.

After the knife went down, he fell to the ground again, and rolled away, avoiding the trampling of the prisoner in chains. Looking up, Feng Zhiyue was indeed more effective than bullets. Although the blow just now did not cut off the ghost gold, it left A clear imprint.

But this was obviously not enough, Ye Zhongming immediately reached out his hand and took out a bundle of cables from his backpack, which was just spun on the roulette in the school supermarket. Skillfully tied a section of the cable to a half-sized stone, and took advantage of the prisoner's bow to look for his own opportunity, Ye Zhongming swung the cable a few times in his hand, and then it landed on the iron lock with a jerk .

After trying the feeling, Ye Zhongming started to run up, and then with the help of the strength of the rope and the acceleration brought by the movement of the chained prisoner, his body swung up.

With this swing, Ye Zhongming reached mid-air, saw the right moment, let go of the rope and grabbed the iron lock!

Ye Zhongming actually climbed directly onto the iron locks wrapped around the fourth-level beings!

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