Roulette World

Eight hundred and forty special transactions

Ye Zhongming stared at the candle room without saying a word.

Since someone said so, he just waited for the other party to speak.

"You and the people in Wangcheng... are not very good at dealing with each other."

Candle Room said, raising his eyebrows.

Having stayed with Ye Zhongming for a long time, Xia Bai, Liang Chuyin and even Zhao Xingmei knew the meaning of every expression of his. Although Ye Zhongming didn't have time to tell them about the secret realm, this sentence was said by the candle room After they came out, they immediately became alert because Ye Zhongming's mood had changed.

"Do not misunderstand."

Candle Room knew that he had made a mistake when Ye Zhongming squinted his eyes, or in other words, the way of speaking was wrong. He should not communicate in this way, which is similar to directly revealing his old background, because he has no strength to guarantee Others will not become angry with embarrassment.

"I know what you like, I know what you can make, and we can make a deal."

The others couldn't understand the secret language, so they could only watch from the side.

After the candle room finished speaking, he turned his head and said something to a guard beside him, and that person went down immediately, and after a while, he brought two big bags, walked directly in front of Ye Zhongming and the others, and fell to the ground.

Except for Ye Zhongming, the others were a little dumbfounded.

In the two big bags, there are all magic crystals, magic crystals of various colors!

Xia Bai and Liang Chuyin were better off. After all, Ye Zhongming used to be very generous. It's not like they haven't seen a large number of magic crystals, but Zhao Xingmei and even Guangyao were a little dazed. Their first feeling was, why are these magic crystals on the earth? Grabbing something that breaks your head, here gives people a feeling like a discarded shoe?

Also, these magic crystals... have so many levels, from level one to level five, well, there are level six, but very few, huh? Saw a level seven!

"All these things are given to Patriarch Ye, and I only need some good equipment."

The candle room pointed to the soft halo equipment on several people, and made no secret of the envy in their eyes.

"The patriarch is not afraid of my repudiation?"

Hearing what Ye Zhongming said, Candle Room laughed loudly,

"Although patriarch Ye is disliked by the people in Wangcheng, according to some things I heard, your reputation is very good."

Ye Zhongming was speechless, what else could he say after everyone else said that.

"I won't let the patriarch suffer."

Seeing Ye Zhongming's promise, the candle room was excited. Although the posthumous people were backward, like an angry little daughter-in-law caught in a bitter cold place by the massive monsters in the Night Demon Plain and the people from the Temple of Dawn, it didn't mean that they were really They are all fighting each other, and they are all closed, and they will still communicate with each other, especially between tribes with similar strengths, as well as between tribes and Wangcheng, they will share some information. The acquisition that Ye Zhongming set off before The posthumous people have heard of the wave of useless magic crystals in the candle room. After that, the kind of weapons and equipment that can emit light, like legends, began to spread in some tribes.

Now the people who made these legends are sitting in front of them, and they have promised to help make the equipment. How can Candle Room be unhappy!

With those luminous equipment, the tribe can greatly improve hunting efficiency, ensure the safety of the tribe, and store enough food for the winter before the next cold season. As long as no one dies in the cold season, it means that the tribe is growing!

Excited, Zhushi lowered his head, shook his hands, and suddenly said to his hands: "You all go out first."

The guards were stunned for a moment, not understanding what the patriarch meant.

"go out!"

The Candle Room let out a low growl, and the guards responded quickly, and then they walked away cleanly. Only Ye Zhongming and the Candle Room were left in the entire stone hall.

"I wonder if Patriarch Ye is interested in our tribe's combat skills?"

If you don't say this sentence, you will be fine. Once you say it, the face of Ye Zhongming's city is also full of shock.

Combat skills? !

Yes, Ye Zhongming did learn their burning flame combat skills and Daqian soul refining technique from Ah Na. It is said that the latter is also a very powerful combat skill among posthumous people.

But how did this come about? This is an alternative "reward" that Ye Zhongming will only get after he has completely gained Ah's trust, and even made Ah put all his hopes and the lives of the whole family on Ye Zhongming.

But other than that, even those Shankan and Huishan tribes that later formed an alliance with the A tribe can be regarded as grasshoppers on the same rope as Ye Zhongming, and they did not take the initiative to contribute their respective combat skills .

This shows how important combat skills are to posthumous people.

Ye Zhongming did not expect that the patriarch of the Candle House would propose such a deal when he clearly knew that he and Wang Cheng, the posthumous man, were enemies but not friends. Is it because his brain is broken or his ears are broken? up?

"The combat skill of our tribe is called Liukong. After practicing it, in addition to strengthening the muscles and bones, it can also make fists, feet or weapons flow a layer of light when they reach a certain level, increasing their power. Among the posthumous people, although it is not the most top-notch technique, it is definitely superior. I don’t have many requirements, I need a batch of better quality weapons, and I don’t expect to be the same as what you use, but I saw some white and Silver equipment, I hope it is at least this level."

While talking, Candle Room stared at Ye Zhongming closely, for fear of missing some expressions that could determine the outcome.

Ye Zhongming was silent and did not immediately agree.

It stands to reason that this is a deal that is completely beneficial to him. White and silver equipment are nothing to Ye Zhongming now. It is definitely a good deal to exchange a combat skill with a maximum of a few hundred.


This matter is too abnormal, why did the patriarch take the initiative to bring it up? Is there any conspiracy in this?

This is not the earth, nor Ye Zhongming's home field.

"I know patriarch Ye will be confused, maybe he can't figure out why I would trade the most precious things of the tribe with you." Candle Room said seriously: "The reason is actually very simple, I want to bring my tribe to live, to live better!"

"The ancestral system of posthumous people? Inheritance? The rule of the royal city?"

Every time the candle room uttered a word, it was a sneer.

"I have observed these for many years, even before this cold season, I was still observing them, and I was extremely pious. I acted according to the rules of my ancestors and followed the leadership of Wangcheng, but the result? It was a cold season, and our people starved to death Hundreds of people!"

"This kind of life continues every cold season without changing! If this continues, our tribe will perish. Either no one will die, or we will not be able to survive and be swallowed up by those big tribes! Patriarch, you said, even my life will be gone, and even my tribe will be gone, so what ancestral system do I still insist on? What tradition do I insist on?"

"In my opinion, all of these are useless! I'm willing to pay the price to get anything that will keep us alive, even if the price is... combat skills!"

Ye Zhongming blinked his eyes and smiled cheerfully: "The patriarch of the candle room, I like people like you. I agree to this deal. However, I have another proposal. I don't know if the patriarch is interested."

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