Roulette World

Eight hundred and fiftieth chapters, ready to meet the ceremony

"There is more to add, but it may not be finished tonight, if you can't finish it, you can post it tomorrow morning, let's read it tomorrow~~"

The Dawn Temple started out as a religion, and everyone is a fanatical believer in their so-called god.

Faith, worthy of respect, is even the pillar and foundation of many societies.

But after the end of the world, Ye Zhongming vaguely knew some bits and pieces of information, and he didn't know in his heart that the so-called gods were just murderers who plunged each space into mountains of corpses and blood!

Such a god, Ye Zhongming scoffed.

However, he would never underestimate people and troops with such beliefs.

Because they will explode with much higher combat effectiveness than ordinary people.

"The Knights Templar, look at the sign, it should be their bright color baptism branch, with five hundred's a squadron."

Wang Zun Hong Xiang looked at the 4K high-definition screen, and said these data, but his heart was shaken.

A race that was still lit by torches at night suddenly saw the products of the technological world, not to mention that Hong Xiang was just an eighth-level king, even a ninth-level supreme person would probably be dumbfounded.

The power of the collision between two different civilizations cannot be easily expressed in words.

The Dawn Temple understands the posthumous person, and the posthumous person actually understands the Dawn Temple, perhaps not as clearly as others, but at least they have a lot of information on many major events.

For example, the military system of the Dawn Temple.

At this moment, three days have passed since the two of them set off from the Yunding Fall Alliance. At the beginning, Hong Xiang Wangzun, who had regained his freedom, was still looking for a chance to escape, but when he saw an army from the Temple of Dawn on a mountain peak After walking away, he settled down.

Because he knows very well what is more important at this time.

Even though he had never treated people from other tribes of the posthumous people as adults, when he saw the broken corpses in the camp that had been slaughtered by the departing army, Hong Xiang still felt a sense of sadness.

He knew that what Ye Zhongming said was right, this time, the Temple of Dawn came to ransack the family and exterminate the entire family! Because of the previous war, they have not carried out massacres on this small tribe with only a few hundred people.

Therefore, Wang Zun Hong Xiang is completely honest now, he knows everything about Ye Zhongming, and he has a complete inclination to cooperate with Ye Zhongming in his heart.

The Temple of Dawn has already come to the door, and there is no room for change between the two parties. If you cooperate, no matter how powerful you are, you can have one more ally. If you don't cooperate, will you push them to the Temple of Dawn?

Hong Xiang Wang Zun was not very good before, but he knew how to choose in this kind of matter.

However, Wang Zun Hong Xiang was instinctively afraid of Ye Zhongming's proposal to follow the Dawn Temple army and then destroy it.

Generally speaking, the number of Dawn Temple fighters is five times that of the established system, and the posthumous people dare to attack. Although this team only has 500 people, it takes at least 2,500 people to make a move. That's enough, but that's Ye Zhongming's people. If you count only Wangcheng's army, there are only nearly two thousand. He... really doesn't have the guts to charge alone. What if Ye Zhongming is used as cannon fodder?

Ye Zhongming didn't pay attention to Hong Xiang's thoughts at all, he just wanted to kill the army of Dawn Temple.

It is Ye Zhongming's habit to think about defeat before thinking about victory. When he came to the secret realm, the first thing he considered was how to get back. There are still only three roads, two of which have been confirmed.

One is the blessing door of the Dawn Temple, and the other is the holy pool.

If the invasion of the Dawn Temple had not happened, Ye Zhongming would not have been allowed to leave the Holy Pool due to the relationship between Ye Zhongming and the posthumous man Wangcheng. He would have to use some unconventional means.

That would be very difficult, and the price paid would be very high.

As for the gate of blessing, Ye Zhongming didn't think about it at all, there was a level 9 bull~~ forcing people to guard it, wouldn't he die if he went there!

But probably God helped him,

The Dawn Temple didn't know why it started to invade the posthumous people at the end of the cold season!

This made Ye Zhongming see an opportunity to leave the holy pool openly!

Cooperate with the posthumous people to fight against the Temple of Dawn!

He really dared not let Ye Zhongming bring people to challenge the Temple of Dawn, which has the eighth-level Yangos and the ninth-level holy father, but he really dared to bring the whole posthumous people with him.

However, he also knew how difficult it would be to discuss cooperation with the posthumous Wang Cheng. After all, his strength is not as good as others. Among them, Wang Zun is at the seventh level, and there are at least three at the eighth level. The guardian is the most powerful person he has seen so far, except for the ninth-level holy father.

Why do people cooperate with you? Has King Hong Xiang been captured? This is just a stepping stone to negotiate with others. To make them truly accept Ye Zhongming and his next series of plans, Ye Zhongming needs to prepare a gift of sufficient weight.

So, what else is better than killing an established Dawn Temple army!

So Ye Zhongming repaired the Jingjue floating ball with the help of some people, used its speed to explore the surroundings, and finally found this Dawn Temple army that could attack.

Ye Zhongming sometimes has to admire the Temple of Dawn. After possessing the aerial reconnaissance weapon of the exquisite floating ball, he found that the army dispatched by the Temple of Dawn is very frequent and tight, and the coordination between various departments is also very perfect, and the actions are neat Ye Zhongming followed for a day before he found this opportunity. This 500-man knight squadron gave him a chance to attack because he attacked the posthumous tribe and was a little far away from the surrounding friendly forces.

"Hong Xiang Wangzun, look at our fighting style."

Ye Zhongming smiled at Wang Zun beside him, and controlled the Jingjue floating ball to suddenly lower its height, and rushed towards the Templar Knights in the distance. At the same time, the Genting team on the ground received an attack call. With the order, thousands of people began to accelerate and run towards the target.

The Knights Templar is the cavalry organization of the Dawn Temple. According to Hong Xiang Wangzun, this cavalry regiment has a total size of 50,000 people and is divided into five sub-groups. Mingse Baptism is one of them.

Although in the mouth of Hongxiang Wangzun, Mingse Baptism is not one of the most powerful sub-groups, but it can definitely be ranked in the top three, the combat power should not be underestimated, and every knight, because they were all trained by the temple The fighters who practiced uniformly practiced Light Strike, known as one of the top ten secret techniques of the temple. It was a very magical and powerful combat technique, and many posthumous people suffered from this technique.

However, Hong Xiang Wang Zun did not expect that he had already provided such detailed information, and this man would rush down directly.

Normally speaking, this should not be the case!

At this time, the knights who were walking slowly also discovered the metal ball attacking in the sky.

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