Roulette World

Eight hundred and sixty captured alive

Even though he had already been to Wangcheng once, Ye Zhongming was still shocked by it when they met again. ,:. ????

Perhaps, posthumous people are backward. After so many years, they still stick to the system that has long been outdated. Perhaps, their ruling class does not think about making progress, but only wants to be conservative. Perhaps, in the face of the attack on the Temple of Dawn, the people living in this city are still intoxicated and dreaming of death.

But this city, which took an unknown number of years to build, clearly shows the legacy, or in other words, the time-precipitated and alternative greatness of a civilization.

Ye Zhongming suddenly had a thought, if he didn't come, even if he came, he still couldn't change the ending of the posthumous person? Will this royal city, like those at the end of the dynasties on earth, become a place that is only described in the history books of later generations in the annihilation of civilization and the collapse of the system, and will be "fancy" evaluated by the people of later generations? Can only be bloody and tragic, only regret and nostalgia?

"Zhong Ming, wait here. I'll go back and discuss with them. Don't worry. Although I can't promise you anything, this matter is very promising. Don't worry."

Hong Xiang Wang Zun knew that Ye Zhongming would not go if he was allowed to enter the royal city. Although the two parties are likely to cooperate, everyone must guard against each other. It is the best choice to station outside the city first.

Now he really hopes that the two sides will cooperate. He has really seen the fighting power of Ye Zhongming and his men. If the posthumous people and the Temple of Dawn are two forms of civilization, then Ye Zhongming and his world, and the Temple of Dawn There are also two forms of civilization.

In this kind of battle related to the survival of the race, Hong Xiang Wang Zun has already determined that Ye Zhongming is the hope of the posthumous people.

Looking at the back of Hong Xiang Wangzun leading the people away, all Ye Zhongming can do for the time being is to wait while making the equipment.

The "gate" of the king's city had already spotted the team entering the mountainside, and many guards had gathered at the "gate" of the city, solemnly and nervously on guard.

It's really... a bit crowded.

Hong Xiang walked quickly to the meeting hall of the royal city, and he had already sent someone to notify the kings in the royal city to gather there.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw that many people had gathered here early, Wang Zun Hong Xiang glanced at these people, and his expression was not very good.

Among the seven kings, besides Hong Xiang, there are six others, but here, there are only four.

"Where are the Black Wall King and Sim King?"

Hong Xiang used his power to convene this temporary joint meeting. In his heart, this matter was related to the life and death of the posthumous person, and everyone should pay attention to it, because outside, the Dawn Temple had already closed its doors.

But here, he only has five kings. According to the king's rules of posthumous people, some important decisions need to be approved by a majority of kings. If you want to cooperate with Ye Zhongming, you must have four kings to agree. Wang Zun, who is not here, counts the votes as disagreement.

In other words, before the discussion even started, there were already two negative votes! Among the four kings present here, if there are two people who disagree, this cooperation will be out of the question.

The seven kings of posthumous people, when Ye Zhongming came last time, had three ranks eighth and four ranks seven.

Heibi, Heyan, and Lingkun are the eighth-rank kings, and Ni Ao, Hong Xiang, Kanzishan, and Yuehong are seven-rank.

Immediately after Hong Xiang's breakthrough, there are four ranks in each of the seventh and eighth ranks.

"Their tribe encountered the army of the temple and went back to preside over the overall situation."

He Yan raised his eyes to look at Hong Xiang, and said calmly.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence itself, and it sounds like what these Wang Zun should do.

However, Hong Xiang's face darkened. Although the other Wang Zun knew the news, they were dumbfounded.

In the war against the Temple of Dawn, the posthumous people had indeed never won a victory, but there was one thing worth boasting about.

That is, the royal city has never been captured.

For the Temple of Dawn, the location of the posthumous king's city is not a secret. Several battles and the final decisive battle were actually held here.

Many times the posthumous lost all their territories,

There is only one royal city left.

But the royal city never fell!

Because every time a war starts, the posthumous people who know that they will lose will try their best to hit the royal city as much as possible, and use the natural advantages of defense here to fight against the army of the temple.

In this way, not only can the temple be dragged into the city's offensive and defensive battle that they least want, but also the power of the posthumous people can be preserved as much as possible to prevent them from breaking down one by one.

Wangcheng is the only city where the posthumous people can rely on the overall system of defense such as the city wall to fight against the Temple of Dawn.

Now, everyone obviously knows the news of the Dawn Temple's invasion again. The most important thing to do is to take as many tribes as possible, especially the most powerful royal tribes They all gathered in the royal city, where they would fight against the temple.

The temple is not stupid, even far smarter than the posthumous people. They naturally know the methods of the posthumous people in previous wars. They have to clear the tribes outside the posthumous people first to prevent them from 'harassing' the rear when they attack the royal city , will also send some sharp knife troops to 'harass' and attack some super tribes, delaying their return to the royal city.

When encountering this kind of thing, one of the practices of posthumous people in the past is... run!

There are many super tribes, so they use the lives of the old and weak to delay the pursuit of the temple army and cover the retreat of others. When necessary, they will also use the lives of some soldiers to open the way for the tribe to break through.

And Wangcheng usually only sends people to respond, but not to help, because that will make the temple hold back more people, and their air force may appear at any time, and deal a heavy blow to the posthumous people.

If you really can't get out, then give up completely. After all, the temple can't have too much ability to attack every super tribe, and most royal families can still retreat to the king city smoothly.

In the past, everyone used this method of abandoning a small number of people to deal with the attack on the temple.

But this time, two Wang Zun unexpectedly ignored this coping method summed up by the predecessors with the lives of countless posthumous people, and instead took them back to their own tribe?

what are they doing Do you think Wang Zun can act recklessly? Wang Zun is the backbone of the defense of the royal city, now he goes out alone, what should he do if he is killed by someone?

Hong Xiang Wang Zun was furious, these two Wang Zun were taking risks, they knew that they were unlucky, their mother clan was being targeted by the temple, and they also knew that if they followed the habit of posthumous people, their Even if the tribe is not wiped out, it will still suffer a lot of damage, and the tribe has always been Wang Zun's biggest support. How many Wang Zun lost their status because of the demise of their mother clan?

They are afraid of losing their status as kings! Lose the huge benefit distribution thus obtained!

From their personal point of view, this is understandable, but at a time when the entire posthumous family is facing the crisis of genocide, it is too selfish for them to choose this way.

Hong Xiang knew with his toes that these two kings would never return to the king's city. Once they saved the tribe, they would wander in the wild, waiting for the decisive battle between the Temple of Dawn and the king's city. They believed in their hearts that the royal city must be defensible, so that after the war, they could still come back and sit comfortably in the position of the king. However, because the strength of the tribes at all levels was greatly reduced, there was nothing they could do about them, even because The imbalance of power, they may also get greater rights and more benefits!

How shameless this is!

But now that he has left, Hong Xiang Wangzun has no choice but to sit down in his seat and tell the people here about his intention to call this temporary joint meeting.

Hearing Ye Zhongming's name and seeing the heads of thousands of Dawn Temple warriors brought by King Hongxiang, the posthumous people were all shocked.

Ye Zhongming's various incidents in Wangcheng last time were also mentioned, and the understanding and origin of this person are also clearer this time.

"What do you all think?" Hong Xiang Wang Zun explained everything he could say with embellishment, and looked hopefully at these Wang Zun who were on the same level as him, waiting for them to express their views.

Several Wang Zun were a little silent, thinking about it. After a while, it was the Heyan Wang Zun who said slowly in his deep voice: "Perhaps, there is another way that is more beneficial to us."

Hong Xiang Wang Zun was taken aback, and subconsciously said: "What method?"

"Catch alive." 8

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