Roulette World

Eight hundred and sixty eighth thorn crane

868 Thorn Crane

"Chapter 2 in 1~! "

He Yan sat on his seat, playing with a silver armguard.

This is one of the ten pieces of silver equipment that Ye Zhongming made for King Neo when he first came to Wangcheng.

Since even Wang Zun Hongxiang could get it, there would naturally be a veteran Wang Zun like He Yan.

It's just that even though he has been observing and researching this thing for so long, he still can't recognize why this thing can be so miraculous. Not only can it possess some very special abilities, but it can also be perfectly integrated into the posthumous man's combat skills.

"Another world..."

He Yan murmured in a voice that only he could hear, staring at the silver armguard in a daze.

Don't look at the fact that he crowned Ye Zhongming with a wanderer's hat at the previous Wang Zun joint meeting, and said that it is absurd to say that he came from another world.

However, He Yan has been Wang Zun for too long, and he knows that the Blue Secret Realm is not the only space.

This cognition comes from two aspects.

One is the word of mouth between Wang Zun.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the kings who rule the posthumous people are no exception. Who has a good relationship with whom, who has an in-law relationship with whom, and who hunts with whom... Wang Zun also has relatives and distances. .

This is still between kings of the same period, and there is still inheritance between kings of different periods. After all, combat skills experience and tribal resources are limited. A person who can be cultivated can reach the level of Wang Zun more easily.

So to a certain extent, there is such a thing as inheritance of Wang Zun's status.

Just imagine, the same two seventh-level powerhouses, who can become Wang Zun? It must be the one with inheritance, and it must be the one with the support of the super tribe behind it.

He Yan is no exception, he just took over his current position from the previous patriarch.

And the person who gave the position to He Yan was one of the candidates for the guardian of the holy pool before becoming Wang Zun, and he learned from the guardian of the holy pool at that time.

From the pool guard, Wang Zun learned some very secret things, including the existence of other dimensions.

So it was no surprise that He Yan knew about this.

Besides, there is another reason, a reason that only He Yan really knows.

He is only one step away from level nine.

He Yan has broken through to the eighth level for many years, and he is already proficient in physical combat skills and other aspects. What he lacks is such an opportunity.

He has been looking for this opportunity for many years, but he has never found it.

Although he was stuck in the bottleneck, He Yan had comprehended it for so many years. Although he hadn't made a breakthrough, he had also comprehended a trace of the original power and the truth of heaven and earth that only belonged to the ninth level.

This is not difficult to understand, just like human technology, people in ancient times would have imagined it because they saw the stars and the moon, but later humans could observe its shape, and then walk out of the earth and set foot on the once high legend, This is how human beings have stepped out of the earth step by step from nothing to existence.

The same is true for cultivation. Above level nine, it can be regarded as outer space. Now that He Yan has stood in the atmosphere, he can vaguely see the situation above, but he cannot rush out for the time being.

Although it was vague, he could also perceive something that ordinary people could not perceive.

That is some strands of power in the Blue Secret Realm that are incompatible with the secret realm itself.

Yes, silk, wisps of power that seem to be absent.

He Yan guessed that it was something that did not belong to the Blue Secret Realm.

That is... other spaces.

In his heart, he believed that Ye Zhongming came from another world, but he already believed it eight percent.

Otherwise, how could he explain such a glowing weapon that he had never seen even after living so many falling sand days.

It's just that He Yan doesn't plan to tell if he knows it, but he is ready to completely control this secret in his own hands.

He can even feel the power of space a little bit, so how could he not feel the instability of Blue Secret Realm.

Even if he is not as sure as the Holy Father of the Dawn Temple that the secret realm will collapse, it is always good to be on the safe side.

A plan gradually took shape in his mind.

"Patriarch, Hongxiang Wangzun brought that Ye Zhongming to see you."


He Yan was taken aback for a moment, he had already received the information when he came back from the joint meeting, saying that Wang Zun Hong Xiang had left the city, probably to meet Ye Zhongming, what does he mean by coming to see himself at this time? Want to persuade yourself to agree to cooperate with Ye Zhongming alone?

Really some, whimsical ah.

He Yan suddenly felt that something was wrong, he just shook his head and threw out that absurd thought, thinking that he was thinking too much.

"He asked me to bring this to you, saying that you will understand when you see it."

This clansman of He Yan handed over a piece of green battle armor to He Yan.

Oh? He Yan's eyes widened immediately, and he felt more majestic power on this battle armor than the silver-level armguards.

Unfortunately, why is it a female model?

This green battle armor is a bit small, and it shouldn't be possible for a man to wear it, and so is He Yan, so he can't try it on.

Putting the battle armor aside, a sneer appeared on the corner of He Yan's mouth, knowing that Hong Xiang's purpose was indeed to use this kind of 'bribe' to persuade himself to change his mind.

Cooperation? He Yan went through it in his mind, and probably guessed why Ye Zhongming was so keen on cooperating with posthumous people, probably because of those magic crystals, he...whether he is a wanderer or a person from another world, In his hands, he has mastered the method of extracting and utilizing magic crystals.

This may be the core secret of making this luminous weaponry!

He Yan felt hot in his heart, if this method is mastered by himself, then...

"Call them in."

The clansmen withdrew, and led Ye Zhongming in after a while. King Heyan turned around the two of them, and the last trace of fear disappeared.

The two did not bring any weapons and equipment.

In front of him, an eighth-level expert, two people without weapons, even if one of them is Wang Zun of the same level, has no chance of winning.

However, the earth elf on Ye Zhongming's shoulder immediately attracted He Yan's attention, and he felt an energy that made him tremble with excitement.

If he can obtain this kind of energy, maybe it is not necessarily possible to break through the shackles of the ninth level!

Forcibly suppressing his body, not letting the two people see anything, King Heyan sat there without moving, but said with some pride: "What's the matter?"

Anger flashed across Hong Xiang Wangzun's face, and he gritted his teeth hard.

Although he has just become the eighth-level Wang Zun, he is also ranked fourth, and he is equal to He Yan in terms of rules, but now this guy dares to be so contemptuous of himself!

Ye Zhongming took a look at Hong Xiang, and secretly praised him, good acting skills!

If Hong Xiang didn't show any anger, grievance and depression at this time, then He Yan might become suspicious.

Ye Zhongming raised his head and looked at He Yan who was sitting on the high chair.

Sure enough, the old man had strong energy fluctuations, and he was really an eighth-level powerhouse.

There was nothing wrong on the surface, but Ye Zhongming's heart was full of alarm bells.

It's not that he has never seen a powerhouse of level eight. Leaving aside those on Earth, that and posthumous people are evolutionary methods of two systems. For example, the guardian by the holy pool, Ye Zhongming was still killed by that Someone hit it.

But at that time, the pool guard was not as strong as He Yan's power fluctuations at the moment.

This shows that He Yan's strength is still higher than that of the pool guard!

Today, it looks like it will be an uphill battle.

"King Zun Heyan, I think you should know why I'm here. It's for cooperation."

Hong Xiang Wang Zun's tone was a bit sullen, and he continued to display his Oscar-level acting skills.

"Did I not understand enough?"

He Yan squinted his eyes and patted the table next to him, making rhythmic sounds.

"...Let Zhong Ming talk to you."

Hong Xiang Wang Zun turned his head slightly, as if unwilling to face He Yan.

He Yan sneered in his heart, said to himself ignorantly, and then set his eyes on Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming waited for a while, and then said: "King Zun Heyan, I heard Wang Zun Hongxiang said the reason why you don't agree with the cooperation. I think I can explain all the questions you have about me."

"Oh?" He Yan made a decision in his heart at this time, and caught Ye Zhongming right here. As for Hong Xiang's reaction, hehe, in the face of a secret technique that can use magic crystals, it's okay to turn against a Wang Zun, as long as you don't Killing him is not a problem.

"The first is my identity. Yes, I come from another world."

The exit was a shocking news, did the Heyan royal family sit up straighter?

Hearing it from someone else's mouth and admitting it from the person involved are two completely different situations. He Yan originally suspected that Ye Zhongming came from another time and space. He wanted to catch Ye Zhongming. This was a question that needed to be answered. Now that Ye Zhongming directly admitted it, it still surprised him and shocked him.

Another world! What kind of place would that be?

"Secondly, the reason why I urgently want to cooperate with the posthumous man is that I need a lot of magic crystal resources, because that is the necessary material for me to make this kind of equipment."

Another astonishing news, He Yan was excited, his guess was right!

Looking at Ye Zhongming who was still about to say something, He Yan already looked at him with a look of looking at a treasure.

Ye Zhongming didn't seem to find anything, continued talking, and took out a ring made of black metal hanging by his side, pointed to the magic crystal inlaid on it and said: "This is a template for manufacturing equipment, used to extract The energy in the magic crystal is then used on other materials to make various weapons and equipment." He Yan also subconsciously wanted to take over, but the next moment, both sides moved.

Ye Zhongming threw out the thing in his hand, and a wooden stick appeared in his hand at the same time, while He Yan's body was moving forward, trying to catch Ye Zhongming, but probably found something, it turned into a sharp retreat, and his body still issued There were some dark halos.

Then, there was an explosion.

Hong Xiang's figure flashed behind Ye Zhongming, and before the explosion was over, he rushed out again.

The battle to assassinate He Yan began here.


Outside the Wang Tent, Tianliu and Chengka waited bored with their people, but if you observe carefully, you will find that their eyes have been looking around.

They are the confidants of the Hongxiang royal family and the second and third in command of Hongxiang Wangzun's tribe. They waited outside with several clansmen and Liang Chuyin's Xiabai twin sisters.

At the gate, King Heyan's guards are all here. This guard with only 18 members is very elite and well-known in the entire royal city. Everyone is a strong man of level five or six. Even the head of the guard is a seven A high-level high-level fighter, many people said that this head of the guards would succeed He Yan as the new Wang Zun in the future.

It's just that at this time, the guards' gazes would pass over Liang Chuyin Xia Bai and even the twin sisters from time to time.

Although the lives of the posthumous people in the royal city are much better than those scattered tribes, they are still backward. The women here are still wearing animal skin armor. They have to fight in the wild all year round, or work in the mountainside, or wind Blowing the sun, the skin is rough, or the face is pale and clumsy. It is also because of the inconvenience of getting water, these women are not particularly diligent in bathing, and there is no smell, but the hair on their bodies is not so clean and tidy.

But Liang Chuyin Xia Bai and the others are not. In this regard, Ye Zhongming never treats himself or his subordinates badly. Everyone will wear clean clothes, not to mention his women, they don't even lack cosmetics.

In addition, the evolution on the earth depends on the evolution potion, every evolution is a kind of cleansing essence, men will be sunny and handsome, and women will be beautiful and charming.

In contrast, apart from Miya's natural beauty, these guards have never seen such a seductive woman, even the two twin sisters, although they are young, There is still a body, but someone likes this one.

Therefore, because the guards in this team were assured of the safety of the great master He Yan, their minds were inevitably active, and their eyes were always on these earth women, so they relaxed their vigilance against Hong Xiang's subordinates.

Liang Chuyin moved suddenly, and greeted these guards with a smile. She looked delicate and beautiful, and the professionalism of Internet celebrities was vividly reflected.

It's just that her words are in Earth language, these people can't understand them naturally, but it doesn't prevent them from feeling good about themselves.

It's always a pleasure to be approached by a beautiful woman, even in Blue Secret Realm.

What they didn't know was that Liang Chuyin was listening to the conversation in Wang's tent from the military medal at this moment, and knew that Ye Zhongming was about to make a move.

"Don't understand? It doesn't matter? You will understand everything after you die!"

With a smile on her face, Wang Hongmei suddenly pulled out her whip from behind and moved towards the guards, while Xia Baiyaniyatian and Hong Xiang Wangzun's subordinates also launched attacks at the same time.

In the camp, there was an explosion sound that was not too loud but was exclusive to the magic crystal grenade.

At the same time, riots broke out in the entire royal city!

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