Roulette World

Eight hundred and seventy-fourth world, time and space!

874 world, time and space!

"Still 2 in 1! "

The Holy Pool is a holy place for the posthumous people, a place for the talented among the posthumous people to wash their essence, and a cradle for breeding elites. (..)

This is somewhat similar to Jerusalem or Mecca on earth, and even because it has functions other than spiritual symbols, it is more respected than the so-called holy places on earth.

Just look at the detachment of the pool guards among the posthumous people, and you can know what the word holy pool really means.

This situation created the myth of the holy pool, and the status of the pool guards among the posthumous people naturally rose.

And this kind of martial arts civilization is much more mysterious than the earth civilization in this matter. The pool guards have passed it down from generation to generation. Only they know many things, not even the royal family and kings.

Another one of these secrets is the thing that has been passed down from generation to generation by the pool guards and can determine the rise and fall of the posthumous person, that is... the life under the holy pool!

Since this matter is passed on by word of mouth, there will inevitably be some deviations in the description of the matter between the previous generation and this generation, because it may include the understanding and guesses of a generation of pond guards who have explored this matter for a lifetime, so here For this generation of pool guards, the life under the holy pool is almost an existence that must not be provoked, and it can still survive and die on its own, and even because of this, that life will guard the holy pool so that it will never dry up.

Usually, this generation of pond guards would not even touch the door leading to the holy pond, but now they suddenly heard Ye Zhongming say this peerless secret that he thought only he knew, how can they be calm?

The body of this eighth-level master began to tremble, and his thinking was completely confused.

The four Wang Zun were shocked when they saw Ye Zhongming's flirtatious words describe the pool guards whom they also respected so much.

Is there anyone else under the holy pool? How do we not know? Call Ye Zhongming to see him? Why don't you see us?

A lot of questions made several Wang Zun also a little uneasy. Words such as treasure, wealth, inheritance, etc. kept appearing in their minds, and they thought that Ye Zhongming got some treasure map or something like that. ?Come here just to hunt for treasure. When you find the treasure, you pat your ass and leave. Is it the treasure of the posthumous person?

Even Hong Xiang didn't know about it, so it's normal for other Wang Zun to think too much.

"You, why do you..."

"The old man doesn't know where I come from, does he?"

Ye Zhongming briefly talked about his own background, concealing what should be concealed, and telling what should be informed, which made the expressions of the pool guards change several times.

"You mean, the holy pool is the way you left?!"

The pool guard wasn't excited at this time, instead he was frowning to confirm.

Like King Heyan, he was one step short of being able to buy level nine. What was lacking was an opportunity. Since Heyan could perceive a trace of power that did not belong to this space, naturally the pool guards could too. So as soon as Ye Zhongming said it, he knew that this kid was not lying.

Several Wang Zun's faces also looked better. It turned out that the holy pool was the way for him to leave here, and the person under the holy pool was also the news that he wore when he left last time.

"Let's go and see together."

Ye Zhongming had a panoramic view of the expressions of several people, and he knew what they were thinking. He made such a suggestion to dispel their worries.

Of course, there is another point. When Ye Zhongming went to see the people under the holy pool, he himself couldn't tell whether the person tied to the pillar had good intentions or malice towards him. Able to share risks and ensure their own safety.

Looking at the expressions of several Wang Zun, the pool guard knew that they all wanted to visit. In fact, he also thought in his heart, after all, it was a place he had never been before, and it could solve a problem that had troubled him for decades. No doubt, he didn't want to pass up this opportunity.

A consensus was reached, and a group of people came to the holy pool immediately. The four kings, Ye Zhongming and the pool guard, the six of them did not bring any entourage, and under the leadership of the pool guard,

Turned a corner in the passage on the side of the holy pool, and came to a door.

The pool guard glanced at several people, then took a deep breath, and pushed open the unlocked door.

Inside, there is a narrow path that only allows one person to pass downwards.

Several people filed forward and walked around inside for a long time before they finally came to another door. Six people put torches by the door. The locked door pushed open.

Light, immediately shot from inside.


It was like a gentle greeting from a friend who hadn't seen him for a long time, but it made all six of them tremble.

This is not ordinary words, but direct spiritual communication! Also communicated with six people!

With Ye Zhongming's current total spiritual power, if he wants to communicate with a kind of life directly with his spirit, he can't do it so clearly. At most, he can be noticed by others, but he can't communicate with one, let alone communicate with six lives together. up.

From this point, we can know how powerful the mental power of this person tied to the pillar is.

Several Wang Zun stood there with frightened faces, hesitating.

Because in many cases, the strength of spiritual power represents the level of strength. If this person can use such spiritual power, then his level...

Isn't it better than the eighth-level Ling Kun, Hong Xiang and the pool guards?

That is, level nine?

Ye Zhongming was not as frightened as Wang Zun and the pool guards. He first observed the surrounding environment, and there was no difference from the last time when his soul came here, except that the mouth containing holy water The spring did not erupt, but was quiet, and the milky holy water inside was calm and waveless.

This is the best healing medicine, Ye Zhongming subconsciously wanted to swallow.

In addition, in this huge space, the huge stone pillar connecting the book is the most conspicuous. Of course, the people tied on it are more eye-catching.

Ye Zhongming's eyes not only fell on the iron chains that pierced the body of this strange man with three legs and three hands, but if this strange man thought he was a level nine powerhouse, then what could have entangled him for an unknown number of years? Is this substance itself very powerful, or because of other reasons.

"What is your world like?"

The message came again, but this time, Ye Zhongming saw that the other Wang Zun didn't show any expressions, so it should be aimed at him.

my world? Ye Zhongming didn't know how to speak for a while.

Seeing Ye Zhongming like this, the people under the holy pool didn't blame him, but said again: "Let me show you my world."

After finishing speaking, Ye Zhongming's mind suddenly rushed into a force, and then, countless pictures appeared in front of his eyes.

In the picture, there is an endless red grassland, purple tidbits flying all over the sky, and bright rain that pervades nine days.

There are rough seas, a sky full of stars and four bright moons, mountains, lakes, swamps and ice fields.

There are giant cities made of metal, there are warships flying around the sky, and there are uniform armies with weapons.

There are also countless strange beings living in places where "human beings" have not set foot.

It is very big there, and there are so many pieces of land, but the ocean there is small. But compared with the earth, there are dozens of times the size of the earth.

Above the ocean is a horizontal bridge with a long span and exquisite construction, which makes Ye Zhongming amazed.

There are also miraculous buildings and natural scenery, allowing Ye Zhongming to see a different kind of beauty that is completely different from the earth.

This is another place of life!

Ye Zhongming was shocked. Is this the predecessor of Blue Secret Realm? Or another planet?

As soon as this idea came up, Ye Zhongming thought of the answer.

These pictures should not be from the Blue Secret Realm, because the posthumous people and the Temple of Dawn are the aborigines here, not the three-legged and three-handed form of this human being.

In this case, what these face-changing descriptions are another world, the hometown of this person who was bound under the holy pool.

But why did he show himself these things?

Immediately, that person gave the answer.

In those vibrant and beautiful fairyland-like scenes before, suddenly appeared... a golden battleship!

Ye Zhongming's pupils shrank.

Isn't the beginning of the pattern marked by the appearance of these guys?

The only difference from the earth is that this world resisted, and the result... was a complete failure.

There, zombies appeared, modeled on the people there, with three legs and three hands.

There are more mutated beings and creatures than on Earth, and even the Jedi are black holes in time and space that don't know where they are connected. From inside, fierce and powerful beings continue to appear.

The order and life there are collapsing and depleting faster than the earth.

The picture is like this, as promised, flickering frame by frame. Ye Zhongming saw the city entering the end of the world. He didn't know how many years it took to see all this happen, but it should be a long time, because no In most of the screens, there will be scenes of various bloody battles by one person.

Since the end of the world, he has led people to evolve, completed impossible breakthroughs one after another, and finally established a base, gathered the clansmen, and began to understand the dangers in the world step by step.

Afterwards, he became stronger and stronger, even to the point where Ye Zhongming thought he was even stronger than those nine-star evolutionists in his previous life. It may be an exaggeration to destroy the world, but it can definitely be done.

However, just when he led the people there for an unknown number of years and was about to win the victory, some lives fell from the sky. They wore black armor and held sharp weapons, and killed powerful three-legged and three-handed human beings one by one. , the best among them can even fight against that strong man. In the end, outnumbered, that man was seriously injured. On the eve of the Genocide War, he opened something and put his child in it. .

That thing is the key to the secret realm!

Ye Zhongming finally knew who the person in front of him was...the offspring of that invincible powerhouse!

The picture ended here, and no one knows what the final battle will be like, but the result is actually doomed.

Slowly, Ye Zhongming woke up from this fugue state, and found that he was the only one left in the whole hall, and the pool guard and Wang Zun had left.

"I ordered some things and they all left."

The man's voice sounded, this time, it was really speaking.

"Now, you can give me your world."

He was not surprised that this person knew that Ye Zhongming came from another world. He should be a person with great ability.

After seeing the previous pictures, Ye Zhongming inevitably felt some hatred and hatred in his heart, so he simply walked to the stone platform not far from this person and sat down, and began to tell everything about the earth.

That person listened, and those eyes, which were obviously much bigger than those of the people on Earth, were getting bigger and bigger.

"The disaster in your world has just begun!"

The man's body moved, causing the iron chains that bound his body to rattle, only a few rings, some white runes appeared on them, and after some light was emitted, the iron chains began to tighten , and twitched back and forth in this person's body.

The man showed a look of extreme pain.

Ye Zhongming didn't rush to help, because the vigilance in his heart was still there, and he still couldn't figure out the man's intentions. It didn't mean that they had the same experience, but they were friends.

After a while, those iron chains gradually stopped, and the man leaned against the stone pillar as if collapsed, unable to speak for a while.

Ye Zhongming's incomprehension of these iron chains has risen to fear.

Something that can make a strong man who is at least level nine helpless. If he is not afraid of nerves, he will be really big.

"Those who appeared last are called slaves."

Ye Zhongming's heart trembled, and he was shocked when he heard the first sentence this man uttered after resting for a long time.

Because he knows the slaves!

Although it is impossible for Guangyao to know as much information as the general commander of the war zone like Wen Zhong, he still has some secrets.

The slave family is one of them, and he also told Ye Zhongming.

In Guangyao's view, the slave race is the chief culprit in the last days and the source of all this.

"They are very powerful. Based on the evolutionary level of the aborigines in this world, the weakest slaves have the strength of eighth-level fighters. A small captain-level figure is nine-level, and those big figures among the slaves are just more powerful."

This sentence completely overturned Ye Zhongming's understanding of power registration. Above level nine, is there a more powerful existence?

When he asked this sentence, he was denied by that person.

"No, the ninth level is the most powerful. It's just that the evolution level here is different from... the power structure of the slaves. It's useless for you to know this now. When you need it later, when you really want it It’s never too late to talk about the day when I meet the slaves face to face.”

Ye Zhongming frowned and didn't speak.

"I know you have many questions and doubts in your heart, and you don't fully believe me, but it doesn't matter. I can tell you everything I know, but before that, I want to ask you a question."

Ye Zhongming was taken aback, and asked me a question? He didn't think that he, a person who came from the earth and the end of the world had just begun for more than a year, could answer the doubts of this person who didn't know how long he had lived?

"Do you want your world to become like this?"

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