Roulette World

Eight hundred and eighty top big 0 soul refining technique (below)

A contract rune first appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Although Ye Zhongming's mental power is not as strong as this three-legged man, but when the total mental power reaches a certain level, he will have a strong sense of protection, just like the "shell" around the brain. The shell will automatically play a protective role.

Although the time this shell can protect against the impact of mental power higher than his own is not long, for example, if it resists the mental power of a three-legged person, it may only protect for one second, but this second is enough for Ye Zhongming Disconnect from each other.

This is also the reason why the person said that he could stop at any time. Only when the mental power is high enough can he feel the existence of this shell.

The inputted energy did not rush to break open the shell, but stayed there, and the contract rune appeared. After Ye Zhongming accepted it, the two parties signed a spiritual contract.

This is also an ability that can only be understood after a certain level of mental power has been reached. It is actually not complicated. The essence is to open up a certain degree of self-spirit and let the other party "plant a seed". To sign certain contracts, this can prevent the other party from breaking the promise, because that would cause extremely serious mental trauma, the more mental strength, the more serious the injury.

After signing the spiritual contract, Ye Zhongming let go of himself, and that power began to enter the sea of ​​consciousness.

It is difficult for Ye Zhongming to describe the feeling at this time with a precise word, there is some warmth, some tingling, some erratic, some intoxication... In short, he feels that his spirit has been withdrawn, and he has a sense of being outside and nothingness.

I don't know how long it took, but when this feeling disappeared, Ye Zhongming found that his surroundings suddenly became extremely clear. He closed his eyes, but he could 'see' everything around him. kind.

The stone pattern at the bottom of the sacred pool above the head, the potholes on the stone pillars beside it, the dust in the cracks of the bricks on the ground, the pores on the face of the three-legged man...

He knew that this was due to the surge in mental strength.

Ye Zhongming opened his eyes, and an invisible force centered on him violently rushed towards the surroundings. He obviously couldn't see anything, but there was a gust of wind and waves in the hall, and even the long-burning lights here were blown into a trance. indistinct.

This is the spiritual field, the spiritual field that is about to materialize.

"I don't know how to refine soul skills, because no matter how talented people are, they can only master one kind of physical skills and soul skills, but soul skills are all similar in essence. You pass me to your spiritual power. If you master it completely, you can reach the highest level of soul skills, as for whether you can make a breakthrough, it depends on your own talent and luck."

The three-legged man looked weaker than after he was ravaged by the Mingwen soul lock just now, obviously upgrading Ye Zhongming's soul skill Daqian Soul Refining Technique consumed a lot of energy.

"Can it be upgraded again?" Ye Zhongming frowned. He had agreed on the highest level before. What do you mean by saying that there is a higher level now?

"It's not what you understand. In all time and space, energy has no upper limit. When you think you have reached the upper limit, it's just that you can no longer find a way to move forward. But there is a chance after all, and you will break through the upper limit. Although such an opportunity may not appear for tens of thousands of years, we cannot deny its existence. Otherwise, how would so many levels in our respective power systems appear? It is nothing more than breaking through one by one at that time. It appeared after the upper limit of the upper limit, perhaps tens of thousands of years ago, the highest level in the world may only be three levels."

Ye Zhongming nodded his head when he said this, which is quite reasonable.

"Okay, let me introduce you to the soul skills." The three-legged man was bound by the Wenming soul chain, and could only rely on the stone pillar to recover his strength.

"Usually speaking, the initial manifestation of soul skills is the rapid increase of mental power."

Ye Zhongming knew this. He entered the secret realm last time and learned the Daqian Soul Refining Technique, which indeed made a leap in the total amount of mental power.

"In addition to this, there will be differences in the performance of each person and each soul skill ability, but in general,

It will be mental field, mental medium, mental attack and mind control. "

"You have already appeared in the spiritual field, and you are not weak, so I won't explain too much, and mainly talk about the latter ones."

Ye Zhongming listened attentively. After all, this is not a roulette skill, and there will be an explanation.

"Psychic medium is the ability to apply mental power to various objects. Objects with spiritual power will have various functions, mainly depending on what you want to do and whether you can control the generation of mental power different effects."

This sentence sounds straightforward, but Ye Zhongming knows that it contains a lot of complicated things, such as involving the control and manipulation of mental power, such as turning mental power into violent, and putting it into an object may produce attack effect. If the mental power is rounded and peaceful, it will probably be able to give the intervening object the ability to defend.

Of course, these are just Ye Zhongming's conjectures based on the facts, and he has to research on how to do it.

"Spiritual attack is relatively simple, that is, to attack the opponent directly with mental power without pretending to be foreign."

Hearing what the three-legged man said, Ye Zhongming understood. In fact, he has already figured out the way in this regard. Before, he could also perform mental attacks on some targets with weaker mental power, but he could only let the mental power attach to the body. It can only be activated at a certain point, and it cannot launch an invisible attack like the skill Spirit Stab.

It seems that more efforts will be made in this area in the future. After all, this attack method of directly using mental power is more advantageous for people like Ye Zhongming who have a huge amount of energy.

"There is also mind control. As the name suggests, some spiritual beings will always have some followers around them, that is, the objects controlled by their minds. This ability is difficult, but once mastered, it is also very useful."

Ye Zhongming thought of Yupo and Hongfa, they have controlled many zombie subordinates, although the time and space are different, and the way of possessing mental power is also different, but they have undoubtedly done a good job in this regard.

"Perhaps there are other manifestations of soul skills, but those are very rare, and you have to discover them yourself."

Even a master like a three-legged man cannot fully understand all the circumstances of a certain ability. He can only pass on his understanding, experience, and insights to Ye Zhongming. As for how much he can understand, it still depends on Ye Zhongming himself.

"Holy water is a magical liquid derived from the underground environment here. If you need it, you can take some away. Although the underground storage is not much, it should be enough to last for a while."

"Let's go, I'll give you this token, and the kings of the posthumous people will know it. With it, as long as the request is not too excessive, they will listen to you. I also told those people when they left, so please rest assured."

Ye Zhongming stood for a while, took some holy water, then turned and walked out.

"Remember your promise."

The moment the door closed, the words of the three-legged man directly rang in Ye Zhongming's sea of ​​consciousness. Ye Zhongming didn't stop, but his face became gloomy.

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