Roulette World

Eight hundred and eighty four colorful Buddha

"Colorful Buddha!"

Qinghua spat out two words, as if showing off, the light circle behind him flashed, Xiaohu only felt the whiteness in front of his eyes, and temporarily lost his vision.

He didn't panic, his body retreated rapidly, and at the same time he swung three knives at equal distances forward.

More than a year after the apocalypse, the evolutionists already have rich combat experience, and there will be no situation where Ye Zhongming's body can't keep up with his brain when he was just reborn. Xiaohu's response is the embodiment of this experience.

It's just that before his vision recovered, Xiaohu felt a scorching heat appearing behind him.

He was startled, his body reacted naturally, his feet turned hard, and his whole body turned to one side. At the same time, the saber in his hand also circled along with the momentum, not only protecting him, but also acting as a deterrent, using offense instead of defense .

Qinghua laughed, probably because the steel fork hit Xiaohu's weapon, making a ding. But in the next second, Xiaohu, who thought the enemy's attack was over, felt a stabbing pain on the side of his neck, turned his head at the nick of time, and then jumped back two steps.

At this time, the vision had recovered, and Xiaohu looked at Qinghua who was smiling at him in front of him, and felt the warmth of the blood flowing through his neck.

One hit and hurt!

"That's right, you can dodge my attack." Qinghua is very beautiful, and she is still smiling, but it always gives people an extremely cold feeling. "Some people always say that without Ye Zhongming, Yunding will die in three days." collapse, maybe it was like this before, but now, all of you have impressive strength..."

"So, die early."

After Qinghua finished speaking, the pair of steel forks in her hands slowly rose into the air, and the nails on each finger of her free hands became longer and hardened, forming sharp 'claws', and the light circle behind her fell to the ground, surrounding her feet.

"After the mask was taken away, everyone thought I was useless, even those from the Retail Chamber of Commerce. Mo Jin and I were like abandoned children, no one cared about me."

There was a look of resentment on Qinghua's face, as if seeing Xiaohu as an opponent, he could also express the hatred in his heart.

"But the world is unpredictable, who would have thought that I would get the job of the colorful Buddha?" Qing Hua continued to smile: "The first Buddha of the colorful Buddha is not as good as other Buddhas!"

Following her words, Qinghua's body rushed towards Xiaohu suddenly. The speed was uncontrollable. At the same time, the two steel forks floating in the air began to rotate violently. No one would doubt that they would fall down quickly when needed. Waiting for an opportunity to stab Xiaohu's body.

"Mouth cannon!"

Xiaohu cursed, made a black ball out of nowhere, threw it in front of him, and with a bang, a white ball burst out.

Almost instantly, the blue and white flowers that suddenly increased in speed rushed into the white mass.

"White flakes!"

The thing Xiaohu threw out was a good thing he got himself. It was specially designed to deal with those fast opponents. When this equipment is activated, countless white catkins will burst out around the user's body. The size of the covered area and the size of the user It is related to the mental power consumed.

All life that enters the range of the white catkins will be restricted in terms of speed, including the user.

This thing seems to have the same effect on everyone, but it depends on when to use it. Obviously, it is right for Xiaohu to use it at this time, because he just took a look and knew that his speed could not keep up with the blue and white saint. seats, and there are still many differences.

Then it is undoubtedly the best choice to bring Qinghua and his own speed to the same level.

Unexpectedly, Xiaohu did not dodge or counterattack, but chose this kind of cowardly method. Qinghua entered the range of the white floc equipment without any precautions.

It's easy to come in, but difficult to get out, because Xiaohu not only expanded the range of the white catkins, but also took the initiative to attack and entangle Qinghua.

Under the premise of the same speed, it is really difficult to get rid of Baixu under Xiaohu's attack.

The silver Zhan Saber's light suddenly became brighter, extremely dazzling, and Xiaohu launched the Pike Zhan.

This is an indomitable knife!

And this ray of light is the skill on the silver saber that has the same name as Guangyao. When this weapon uses skills, it will emit light that shoots at the opponent.

Qinghua let out an ah, and had to experience the feeling her ability gave Xiaohu just now.

What Baixu weakened was not only the agility of the body, but also the speed of the skills. From the outside, although Xiaohu's skills were not as slow as in slow motion, he could clearly see the trajectory. An attack of this level, Not to mention blue and white, even three or four star evolutionaries can easily avoid it.

But unfortunately, the blue and white flowers were among the white catkins, watching this attacking skill, but couldn't dodge it in time.

No way, skills are always faster than human body movement.

Qing Hua was a little aggrieved, but now she has both hands empty, the weapon is outside, she immediately felt like she was in a cocoon.

A smile appeared on the corner of Xiaohu's mouth, and he said in his heart that the boss really didn't lie to me. He usually pays attention to collecting some small things, which can really turn the tide of the battle and even save lives at critical moments!

The two steel forks on the outside of Baixu were activated at this moment, and they entered Baixu's range in the blink of an eye, the speed suddenly dropped, but they still kept moving forward, while Qinghua struggled backwards, and when Xiaohu's slash hit her The moment before, the steel fork blocked the front.

The collision between the two sides made a crisp sound, the steel fork slowly flew away in the white catkins, and Xiaohu's skills were broken because he took two steps back.

He knew that this was another skill of Qinghua, and its power was quite good.

But Xiaohu's battle was all about attacking, he didn't stop at all, he swung the long knife in his hand again, and made a second chop.

With the improvement of his evolution level and the enhancement of his mental power, Xiaohu has changed from only being able to use three strikes at a time to seven strikes in a row.

"The Second Buddha, Bo Tuo Buddha!"

The color of the aperture under the blue and white feet has changed from blue and white to red and black now.

Step up to the speed of Buddha Lord, and the power of Buddha Lord Bodhisattva!

After the light circle under her feet changed color, Qinghua was not afraid of Xiaohu at all. She retracted the nails of both hands and swelled a little after clenching her fists. The skin on them changed from a white and tender state to a bronze color. Xiaohu's man cuts off.

There was no unexpected collision, it was a confrontation between weapons and guns, but there was the sound of gold and iron clashing, Xiaohu retreated several steps in a row this time, if it wasn't for Bai Xu's deceleration effect, he might have to retreat even further.

Qing Hua only moved three steps, she looked at her fists, and smiled heartily.

"You don't seem to be able to do it." After finishing speaking, he rushed over and met Xiaohu's Saber with a pair of iron fists!

The offense and defense switched at this moment, Xiaohu was forced to be stretched to the left and right, and he tried three times in a row, but was completely resisted by Qing Huasheng.

Xiaohu panicked for the first time, he doesn't know what to do now, if he continues like this, his strength is not as good as Qinghua. However, the speed of removing the white catkins is not as good. How can this battle be fought?

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