Roulette World

Eight hundred and ninety first Genting oath

Many people in Yunding remember that when the villa was about to be breached, on that gloomy day, that person fell from the sky on a golden floating ball.

That scene, many years later, is still talked about by some living people.

In fact, that figure has an extraordinary meaning to Yunding Villa.

It was this man who built Yunding single-handedly, and developed this force into a superpower in a way that never exploited his subordinates, and in a way that denied his subordinates.

At least in this area, no one can compete with Genting.

The more contrast there is, the more it can reflect the preciousness of Ye Zhongming, the boss.

Although everyone knows how to fight to the death, but now is the end of the world, which faction's fighters are not fighting to the death, but their income? I can only keep a small part, and the rest are exploited by the big and small bosses, and the income is very little.

But Genting will not, starting from Ye Zhongming, and then to any captain-level figure, they will not use any means to occupy the harvest of the team members. All the magic crystals belong to themselves, and only the materials need to be handed over.

But everyone knows exactly what these materials have become, and these materials have become various equipment on their bodies.

Moreover, the value of these equipment is much higher than the value of the materials they turned in

Every Genting fighter has always believed that it is Boss Ye who has been giving them all the time, and it is this young man who has given them the capital to survive in the last days.

In their hearts, Ye Zhongming is not only a leader, but also their parents, their savior, their friends and relatives.

This kind of feeling will not change just because Ye Zhongming is not in Yunding often.

Because the boss is not here, just to create better conditions for them.

As for some people from external forces who said sourly that Ye Zhongming bought people's hearts, his evolutionary level has not been lowered. more enemies

People in Genting would scoff at this idea, no matter how much they dared, they would kill it directly, no matter who it was.

If you buy people's hearts, why don't your power buy people's hearts like this? You didn't delay Boss Ye's own Jinhua level, that's because he has strong abilities. If you don't take care of the following people, he will be stronger now

If there are many enemies, don’t look at why these enemies become enemies. Isn’t it because they are greedy for everything in Yunding and want to take it for themselves? If Boss Ye is not strong, can these things still belong to Yunding? Can they still get so many benefits?

Don't underestimate the wisdom of these ordinary soldiers, they can understand the whole story.

Therefore, they are willing to fight for Yunding and Ye Zhongming, even if they die in battle, they will die well.

Because their family members living in the living area will be alive, and their pensions will allow their loved ones to live and drink for decades, because this is the only and last piece of pure land in the last days in their eyes, and only here can they feel that they are still individuals

But outside, what they saw was the beast that they never wanted to become

Who wants to be a beast if he can be a human

So when Ye Zhongming appeared, they uttered the roar that they had been suppressing to the extreme these days. They wanted to scream a long time ago, but before, it was to vent their fear and unwillingness, but now, it was to welcome their boss, and newborn

Yes, even if only Ye Zhongming came out alone, these soldiers still firmly believed that they had won, Yunding Villa was guarded, and the zombies and mutant lives below were all no problem

"Sorry, I'm late."

When Ye Zhongming spoke, everyone could hear him clearly.

"Traffic jam."

When the other people heard this sentence, even those who were still fighting the monster, they all laughed, and just smiled and shed tears.

"I don't know who caused everything today, but I do know that they caused our homes to be attacked, the places we build and live every day, because of the flames of war."

"It is these unknown enemies that have separated us forever from our families and siblings."

"But it's all right, don't be sad,

This may be our destiny. "

"But when I come back now, as long as I'm still alive, I won't let them bully my comrades and family members. I swear, I will take you with me, and multiply the pain and parting they imposed on us today a thousand times over." give back to them"

"No matter who it is, even God, as long as they participate in this matter, they will all die"

"Everyone will die and none will live"

"This is my oath, and it is also Genting's oath"

Seeing Ye Zhongming's raised fist, everyone's blood was surging, cheering and screaming after Ye Zhongming, everyone screamed crazily

All die.

no matter who

even if you are god

The mutated life outside the city stopped attacking at this moment. They used their not-so-intelligent heads to look up at the crazy food on the city wall. They didn't know why they suddenly went crazy, but they felt that on these people, a sudden The child released a force that made their hearts palpitate. This force was terrifying.

"There are many people who came here from Yingcheng and other places. I, Ye Zhongming, am here to formally extend an invitation to you. Are you willing to join Yunding Villa? Are you willing to become comrades-in-arms with these people who have fought side by side in the past days?" and become family?"

Those Yingcheng people who had just happily cheered along with Ye Zhongming and Yunding were startled, and then shouted with all their strength.

Yes, they will.

Here, at the foot, and the city wall, the reason why they have not been invaded by the dirty things outside is that they have made great contributions. Like the soldiers of Yunding itself, they gave up their lives and shed blood to defend this place.

They have already developed a sense of affection and dependence on this place. When they agreed, they deeply felt that they were used to standing on this high city wall and going to the outside world.

They are really willing to join this tough and friendly, vigorous and powerful group

"Then, Yunding Villa welcomes you"

Ye Zhongming jumped onto an arrow stack on the city wall, looking down at the densely packed mutated beings with almost no end in sight.

"Are they scary?"

Faced with such a question, the others fell silent, not knowing how to answer.

"Yes, they are terrifying, and they will become more and more terrifying as the end of the world progresses."

"However, we will also become stronger and stronger, until one day, we will destroy them"

Ye Zhongming turned around and looked at the people who were looking at him with hot eyes.

"This is not a delusion. Today, I will prove it to everyone. Wait for me. It won't take too long. A meal will do."

"Then follow me and crush these disgusting things below."

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