Roulette World

Chapter 903: The Last Attack of the Mutant Legion

"Chapter 2 in 1"

Ye Zhongming fainted because he had exhausted his energy. . :.

Even if he had Ah Tao and the three-legged man explaining the making and usage of Horcruxes to him, he still knew too little after all. And the former's understanding of Horcruxes is still at a very low stage, and the peak works can reach the intermediate level. Although the three-legged man is endowed with extraordinary spiritual power, it is also related to his race.

Or in other words, the three-legged man is just mentally strong, has lived long enough, and knows a lot, but he is not good at making Horcruxes.

Yes, knowing and being good at are two different things. With his strength, he probably wouldn't need Horcruxes in Blue Secret Realm when he was free, because those things might not have as high attack power as his own.

So Ye Zhongming didn't even know whether he would be affected by primary ingenuity and other craftsman skills when making a Horcrux with a level nine material. Anyway, he succeeded, and created fifteen dark patterns at once. .

Regarding this point, the three-legged people knew that it was very powerful, but they never thought that it would be so powerful.

Adding these factors together, the result is that Ye Zhongming took the soul-crushing staff and plowed a death corridor of hundreds of meters. Even after killing the seventh-level life and seriously injuring the eighth-level life, he himself I ran out of mental power and fell into a coma.

How much is Ye Zhongming's total spiritual power? This blow directly consumed all these mental powers, so it is not surprising that it caused such shocking power.

Of course, it was also because of the sudden incident just now that Ye Zhongming just wanted to exert the greatest power for an instant, and didn't think about it, or thought about it, but he didn't expect that it would take so much spiritual power to trigger fifteen dark lines together.

It's just that he was dizzy, and Xia Bai, Hongxiang, Hongfa and others were in a lot of trouble. When they took advantage of the zombie army to be stupefied, they almost ran back to Yunding Villa through the big 'hole' in the city wall, but it was only a little bit short.

Two people, a corpse, and a dog have all entered the strongest state at this moment.

Hong Xiang Wangzun carried two weapons, a silver long knife and a pair of silver double hammers, both of which were given to him by Ye Zhongming.

When the surrounding zombies surrounded him, Hong Xiang knew that he had to go all out, and the long knife turned into a silver light time after time, splitting the charging enemies.

Although Wang Zun Hong Xiang was a newly promoted eighth-level powerhouse, he was still at the eighth level, and was suppressed by Ye Zhongming, but it was because Ye Zhongming had too many means in fighting.

But now it's different to face these mutated zombies around, almost none of them can resist Hong Xiang's power of a knife.

Xia Bai protected Ye Zhongming with one hand, and danced the sad ink pattern scythe with the other hand so that the wind and rain could not be seen. She did not want to kill the enemy, but only wanted to prevent Ye Zhongming from being hurt.

At the same time, both her bloodline and profession were activated, so even if she didn't take the initiative to attack, no zombies could approach her.

Dihuangwan has completely entered the state of madness. Its body has swelled a lot, and it is right behind Xia Bai, so that she will not be attacked by the enemy, such as the shadow jungle thorn, 'excited'! The 'shooting' missiles kept attacking, cleaning up the approaching zombies. This big dog, which has become a seventh-level dog, swung up its fighting power. Now it is only ranked behind Ye Zhongming in Yunding, and even Xia Bai is probably not its opponent.

Hong Xiang is Jianjian, Xia Bai is in the middle, Dihuang Wan is in the back, and Hongfa is very flexible, erratic from left to right.

Because she controlled those zombies just now, she couldn't use the ability of mental control, which consumes a lot of mental power, again for a short time, but when this half-human, half-corpse existence fought, its momentum was comparable to that of its skills and body. Dihuang Wan.

Brambles protruded from her hands and back, and these thorns were like whips that ruthlessly harvested the lives of zombies, and her red hair and long hair spread under her feet. She moved and let her face the enemy with the thorns, which made her look like a huge hedgehog, and anyone who touched the 'thorns' would be killed.

The combat effectiveness of the 'elite' squad,

Undoubtedly reflected, they will take a step almost every second, approaching the top of the cloud.

However, the posthumous warriors rushing out from the city wall were not progressing smoothly. Although they took advantage of the fact that the zombies hadn't noticed before, they rushed about ten meters away, but the entrance of the 'hole' was too small, and not many people came out at once. People were blocked inside the villa. If there was no fire support from the city wall, they might all be pushed back, or even attacked by zombies into the villa.

Fortunately, the posthumous warriors were really fierce when they fought. The first batch of warriors who rushed out used their lives to resist the counterattack of the zombies, and established a front line, so that the people behind could rush out continuously, stabilizing the road. An arc-shaped line of defense centered on the big 'hole' in the city wall.

However, that's all. These fighters were blocked here, unable to move an inch.

The situation changed after the advanced life among the zombies arrived.

Since the siege of the city, there have been two level 8 beings among the zombies. One is the level 8 corpse ape that was killed remotely before, and the other is the level 8 black Cell who was just killed.

They are here, and the zombies concentrated here are centered on them. Even if the red-haired or even Yu Po comes back, it will not help, because there is a gap in level and they are stronger.

But now they are gone, and some powerful zombies who followed them were also killed just now, which caused a serious loss of high-end power of the zombies. But there are too many zombies to be afraid of here. Based on this base number, the number of beings at level seven exceeds ten, at level six there are hundreds, and at level five there are even countless.

When the original corpse king dies, the remaining zombies with the highest evolution level will automatically take over the position of this corpse king, so when two level 7 zombies arrived with more than 20 level 6 zombies, the elite team finally stopped The forward steps were stopped only ten meters away from the posthumous people's front.

Between each other, even the slightest expression on the face can be seen, but this distance is like a natural moat.

A level-7 zombie led six or seven level-6 zombies to entangle Wang Zun Hongxiang, another level-7 zombie confronted Hong-hair alone, and the remaining level-6 zombies brought their subordinates to attack Hongxiang. Xiabai and Dihuang Wan.

To avenge the predecessor who was killed, and to inherit the position of the predecessor, seems to be a way that all kinds of life will adopt, and zombies are no exception.

Xia Bai yelled, and after chopping down the two zombies, Dihuang Wan opened her mouth and grabbed her collar, and with a slight flick, she hugged Ye Zhongming onto Dihuang Wan's back, and then the big dog barked wildly at it, The fine needles and dense threads were activated, and those golden sharp dog hairs, which are now 20 centimeters long, fired towards the surroundings, clearing out a large vacuum in an instant.

Then the Dihuang Wan animal tool moved, and it took Xia Bai and Ye Zhongming with it to the sky.

With Rhubarb's flying speed, it only takes a few seconds for it to fly to the city wall above the slope.

It didn't use its flying ability before, it was just waiting for the appearance of high-level zombies, otherwise it would be very easy to be stopped by these guys.

When the people on the city wall saw Dihuang Pill lifted into the air, they immediately began to cooperate with the cover, so that it would not have any worries.

However, among the dense crowd of corpses not far away, another seventh-level zombie that had been lurking there 'revealed' its head, as if it was waiting for this moment, it let out a piercing scream.

As it screamed, behind it, a row of more than 50 powerful zombies suddenly stood up. Each of them was holding a small agile zombie in their hands. He flung himself towards the direction of Dihuang Wan in the sky.

This is not over yet, in another direction not far away, thousands of zombies of different shapes also 'revealed' their majesty. These zombies all have one characteristic, they have wings!

At the same time, at the edge of the area in the middle after being divided into two parts because of attacking humans, a pair of nearly 10,000 zombies of the same type have gathered at some point!

These zombies are all about two meters tall, and each one is very strong. Unlike other zombies whose bodies have gradually evolved thin or thick armor, the skin of these zombies looks extremely soft and obviously does not have too high a defense Ability, and the 'legs' are severely degraded, but the upper limbs are somewhat developed.

The most striking thing is that they all have huge bellies, and the pregnant women who are about to give birth are not as big as their bellies.

It is very rare for zombies of the same type to gather together.

If Ye Zhongming wakes up and sees these mutated beings, he will definitely recognize them as the cannonball corpses!

A mutant zombie that spits out the special liquid accumulated in its body as an attack method.

They are also one of the few professional ranged attackers among the zombies.

The liquid spewed out by these cannonball corpses is very powerful. First of all, it is full of power, and it will make a bang sound when fired. This is also the origin of their name. It will cause a very strong impact and a huge lethality.

The liquid itself is also highly corrosive, and after being exposed to the air for a certain period of time, it will undergo a chemical combustion, which is very difficult to extinguish.

Every time they evolve, if they have innate skills, they will be manifested in this liquid, causing these liquids to have several abilities. In addition to strength, combustion, and corrosion, they will even have effects such as poison, explosion, and weakness, which can be described as ferocious.

Now these cannonball corpses appear, they are lined up neatly, lying on the ground one by one, their mouths that have been deformed and more suitable for spraying colors are aimed at the Dihuang Wan that has just risen into the sky and the Yunding city wall behind it, passing by After a momentary short inhalation, the first row sprayed out fist-sized balls of different colors.

Then came the second row, the third row...

After all the cannonball corpses were sprayed, the space between them and the city wall of Yunding had already been covered with these liquids, covering the sky and the sun.

The different colors are just because of the different abilities contained in them.

In the other direction, because humans were caught in a 'fierce' battle, few people noticed, but at this time, there was also a strange sound coming from there. Many people looked over and found that although the flying troops that humans were most worried about did not appear, A group of bluish-white things the size of a single bed were standing on top of a pile of mutated life corpses, pressing down hard.

Many of you know this thing.

Mutated blood-sucking fleas!

Seeing these thousands of guys trying to press down, the survivors knew that they were going to jump.

Sure enough, when their evolved four rear 'legs' were bent to the extreme, they heard the sound of bang bang bang, one after another, blood-sucking fleas flew up into the sky, towards the city on the top of the cloud... and go.

Yes, their jumping ability can already exceed the height of Yunding City Wall and fly directly into Yunding Mountain Villa.

However, it is not these big fleas that really frighten human beings, because inside the villa, there are more than six-figure fighters on standby. They jump in and can only create chaos, but they cannot really break through the cloud top.

But behind them, the soil on the originally flat ground suddenly churned, and a moment later, a big purple-red bug rushed out like a small train. There are countless thick broken 'legs' under the ten-meter-long body. One can tell at a glance that although this guy has a long body, he must be extremely fast.

The most eye-catching thing is its head, where it is completely a drill bit that has been sent to an unknown number of times. As it shakes, people can feel the power contained in it.

As soon as this big bug appeared, it rushed towards a city wall with a bang. The spiral head even started to rotate slowly, and it became faster and faster. weird.

Obviously, it wants to drill through the city wall directly!

There was a dense piercing sound, some sharp, and the sky at the top of the cloud was dark at this moment. At some point, a group of tens of thousands of mutated hedgehogs squatted in the distance, their heads almost nestled in their bodies, but those mutated hedgehogs The sharp thorns, which are more than one meter long, are covering the top of the cloud. Each mutant hedgehog has dozens of sharp thorns on its back, shooting one after another, and soon overwhelming, like a cloud A dark cloud, pressing heavily towards the top of the cloud.

In the camp of mutated animals, a small white elephant, about the size of an SUV, is knocking on three evolved trunks, baring two exquisite tusks, looking at Yunding Mountain Villa, it On the forehead, there is an orange crystal that is the same as the pink ball.

Not far from the white elephant, a monster with thick, flightless wings 'covering' its head slowly stood up. On its thick neck were four huge heads, front, back, left, and right. There is no magic crystal on it, only some people on the city wall can faintly see a small head in the center of this huge head, and there is a magic crystal of the same orange color on it.

These attacks seemed to be a signal. Half of the mutated life corps that had begun to besiege the humans outside the city before suddenly separated hundreds of thousands to let their companions continue to fight. They turned around quickly and rushed towards the top of the cloud!

After the humans launched a fierce attack due to a misunderstanding, the mutant army that had been probing the attack before also launched a counterattack, and with a single move, there was a thunderbolt.

The human warriors, who were originally morale like a rainbow, suddenly became a little confused.

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