Roulette World

Nine hundred and fifth edge of death

The one attacking from behind was the eighth-level monster with five heads, and the magic crystal was on the small head in the center. .

Compared with zombies and mutated animals and plants, there are not many monsters, but each one is quite powerful.

Just like in the mutant army that besieged Genting, there were probably less than 10,000 monsters, but the average evolution level was five, which was higher than the corpses and mutant animals and plants.

Because of this, they still became a force on an equal footing with zombies and mutated animals and plants.

Now this level eight monster made a sudden attack, which attracted the attention of many high-level beings among the mutant beings. They all wanted to see how powerful this bird-shaped monster with a pair of thick wings that should not be able to fly and a somewhat bloated body was.

Xia Bai's mask was equipped with purple equipment, and any attack would be a threat to a ninth-level life. This monster also obviously felt it. One of the four huge external heads opened its mouth suddenly, and a ball of stone wrapped in flames was spit out from inside.

Many humans were shocked, because although this monster has a big head and a long mouth, the protruding stone surrounded by flames is even bigger. How did it spit it out?

And the flame is not ordinary, what is burning on it is a fluorescent green flame!

The extremely cold condensation collided with this group of flaming meteorites, and there was an earth-shattering sound in the next second, and a huge air current rushed to the surroundings, mixed with fine gravel.

The celestial maiden scattered flowers, and these gravels shot all around. Whether it was on the city wall or on the ground, many lives were harvested by these gravels, and rows and rows of human and mutant lives fell down.

And these people who were hit immediately ignited that kind of fluorescent green flame, and within a few seconds, their bodies were burned to ashes.

Some gravel also hit Dihuang Wan and this strange hand. The former was resisted by animal tools. Although it caused damage, it was not serious. It was just that his body was tilted by the force of the air wave, and it should have just fallen on his back. Xia Bai and Ye Zhongming rubbed their bodies and fell down.

How could Dihuang Wan let its owner fall into the dense crowd of corpses below? At this moment, it couldn't care less about anything else, opened its mouth wide, and directly suppressed the sad ink-pattern sickle that it was about to touch.

But there, it happened to be the head of the sad ink-pattern sickle. The canine teeth of Dihuang Wan were actually not suitable for biting such a flat thing, but in order not to let the owner drop it, Rhubarb cut the blade close to the delay gap of his own, just like that hung there.

Blood immediately flowed from Da Huang's mouth and dripped onto Xia Bai below.

The five monsters were hit by stones, and they were covered with blue-brown feathers that looked dry and devoid of nutrition. Nothing happened, and the flames didn't ignite, but some frost appeared on the feathers, but it didn't matter to them. influences.

It was the impact of the explosion that made it retreat a few meters. In the process, the monster fell down.

People with discerning eyes can see that although this monster has wings, it seems that it cannot fly for a long time. It can fly as high as half the city wall, which should be its limit. The role of the wings is more like a tool to maintain its body balance and glide .

Dihuang Wan didn't care about the wound he had been cut by the sad magic scythe, he flapped his wings hard, and wanted to rise under the city wall. At this time, the arrow rain of those mutant hedgehogs arrived. It's a wave, this wave, at least one-third of the hedgehogs are aiming here!

The big dog and the two humans hanging under it were immediately covered by the rain of arrows.

Dihuangwan is covered with armor. Ordinary hedgehog arrows have little effect on it, but it still has some exposed places. The sharp thorns fired by some high-level mutant hedgehogs are not small. If you can't dodge, you can only keep this The Dihuang Wan in the posture was shot by many arrows immediately, and there was a painful hum in his breath.

And Xia Bai, who was hanging there, couldn't move, he directly protected Ye Zhongming inside his body, and at the same time lowered his head as much as possible, letting those sharp thorns shoot at his sadness.

She did not issue the purple mask again,

Because she knew that after the rain of arrows, that level eight monster would still attack, so she had to save some mental power.

Fortunately, she was also wearing intact armor, most of which could be blocked, only some thorns were thrown into the armor and embedded in the flesh, and the blood flowed out immediately, flowing down the gap of the armor, and the rhubarb dripping on her body The blood was mixed together, and it was impossible to tell whose it was.

It's just that Xia Bai obviously thought the question too simply. From the moment Dihuang Wan flew into the sky, these mutated beings were about to kill them. In less than half a minute, they felt that they had already been attacked with the highest intensity. .

But the eighth-level monster did not rush forward as she expected, but saw Dihuang Wan wanting to continue flying away against the rain of arrows, its four huge heads turned, and the other one opened to Dihuang Wan Big mouth.

With a puff, an unknown white mass flew towards the upper part of Dihuang Wan, and the rising dog immediately bumped into it.

It wasn't until the white mass was knocked apart that everyone realized that it was a strip of white bugs that were more than 30 miles long and about the thickness of a finger!

These bugs are like sharpened pencils, with sharp thorns on the front of their heads. When they landed on Dihuangwan, they immediately burrowed into the gaps in the animal gear, and the speed was so fast that those sturdy beast equipment As if it didn't exist, it was easily broken through.

The lip skin around Dihuangwan's mouth was raised, and the eyes were staring suddenly, the light on the body flashed continuously, and the spirit healing technique was activated, but the body was still trembling violently, as if it was suffering some severe pain .

It is indeed suffering the pain of being drilled into the body by those bugs at this moment.

The thin needles and dense threads make it naked at the moment, and when the defense is weak, wearing animal gear after using the skill can still play a defensive role before, but after these little bugs land on it, Dihuang Wan is a little helpless up.

If it let go at this moment, it can still deal with it. Among other things, it can fight these bugs by launching the golden sea shadow when it falls to the ground.

But how can Dihuang Wan let go now, it is still biting the Sorrowful Black Scythe tightly, because of the pain, it bites even tighter, the blade has already cut deeply into its gums, leaving a deep wound there.

All this happened very quickly, Xia Bai felt that something was wrong, and was turning his head sideways, but arrows were still raining down from behind, a sharp thorn hit Xia Bai's neck, blood burst out, and Xia Bai controlled it. He held the arrow with his muscles, but blood flowed out from under the mask, obviously the injury was serious.

But the eighth-level monster refused to give up, and the third head turned around and spewed out something again!

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