Roulette World

Nine hundred and eleven 500 doors

911 five hundred 'doors'

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After Ye Zhongming woke up from the seven-star evolution, although he saw Dihuang Wan, he hurried back because he was worried about the battle situation at Yunding Villa. ,:.

One thing he overlooked was what kind of innate ability Dihuang Wan produced when it evolved to level seven.

In other words, in Ye Zhongming's subconscious mind, he felt that the probability of Dihuang Wan's evolution to produce a new innate ability was very small.

After all, due to his very special 'alternate' ability extractor profession, Dihuang Wan has the same number of natural abilities as the evolution level. Strictly speaking, this is an abnormal phenomenon. According to the law of evolution, Dihuang Wan cannot At the ninth level, there is a great chance that brand new abilities will appear again. At other evolutionary moments, it is already difficult for any new abilities to appear.

And after all, Rhubarb is not a population with excellent talent. It is impossible for some special races to awaken new innate abilities every time they evolve.

Of course, the big dog didn't tell himself.

Cotyledon Ye Zhongming is very clear about the "nature" of this beast of his own. To a certain extent, it is similar to Xiaohu. They are all up to the sky, and they can't wait to show off in front of Ye Zhongming.

Ke Di Huang Wan did not.

Now, Ye Zhongming finally knows why, because this newly awakened ability is... revenge and counterattack storm.

If he could choose, Ye Zhongming would rather Dihuang Wan not master this ability, because this ability would only be activated automatically in extremely dangerous situations.

Yes, it is activated automatically, this is more like a passive ability.

If possible, no one would want to 'activate' this ability, because that would mean falling into a desperate situation.

Revenge and counterattack storm, as the name suggests, is the stress response of the mutant life with this innate ability when it encounters an irresistible danger, based on the last used ability.

In other words, this is not an ability with a fixed skill, it just emits an 'improved' form based on the latest skill before it was 'inspired'.

In contrast, this form will not be fixed, that is, it is not necessarily the same as the skill before the 'excitement', but the power must have been expanded a lot, so it is called counterattack storm.

If it is only these characteristics, then this is undoubtedly a very good ability, at least it can save lives in times of crisis, and it can even turn defeat into victory. It looks like a 'fine' ability.

But there is no such thing as a perfect and invincible ability in the world. Revenge and counterattack storms have side effects, and they are also huge side effects.

Generally speaking, innate abilities will become stronger with the strength of the mutant life. The ability to awaken at the first level still exists at the seventh level, but the power is definitely not the same. The newly awakened ability may be slightly stronger, but There will not be too much difference, but the division of labor is different. Some abilities are mainly offensive, some are mainly defensive, and some are mainly auxiliary.

But no matter what kind of ability it is, it is in line with the level of the life body itself. There will never be a situation where a low-level life has the power of a high-level life talent, otherwise, the level system will collapse.

However, Revenge Counterattack Storm can exert several times or even greater power than the previous ability, which is already against the sky. Such a powerful skill is destined to pay a corresponding price.

As for the price, there are usually two situations. Most lives will die directly after this ability is activated. This is also the meaning of the word revenge. There are still a small number of lives that are lucky and will survive, but they will have side effects related to skills like the previous 'inspired' skills.

Just like the current Dihuang Wan, before it encountered danger just now, the last ability it used was Gilded Sea Shadow, so when the Vengeance Counterattack Storm was activated automatically, it directly turned those metals into pieces of powerful bladed knives. The zombies within a hundred meters were wiped out.

But Dihuang Wan was lucky, he didn't die because of this skill, but it produced a side effect similar to that of Gilded Sea Shadow.

It's just... turned into a golden statue!

Is Dihuang Wan dead?

Of course he didn't die, but it was also a fact that he turned into a cold golden statue that couldn't move.

To get rid of this side effect, Ye Zhongming knows the way, but it is very difficult to do it. Even before he was reborn, he knew that some people's war beasts had this ability, which caused various side effects, but It is rare to find a way to eliminate this side effect. Even Ye Zhongming knew that this was also the case with the beast of a nine-star powerhouse. With its master's strong strength and transcendent status, it did not meet this condition. One can imagine how difficult it is to eliminate the side effects of the revenge storm.

Ye Zhongming knows the difficulties, but he will never give up. From the first day of the end of the world, Dihuang Wan has followed him, fighting all the way, evolving all the way, and never giving up. One person and one dog are already connected by blood, even if a hole is poked out in the sky, Ye Zhongming will definitely rescue Dihuang Wan.

Now, what he has to do is to move the golden statue of Dihuang Wan closer to the city from outside the city, otherwise the golden statue will be destroyed and Dihuang Wan will really die.

How can we quickly move back the golden statue of Dihuang Wan in the densely packed mutated life? Certainly not in the air, not to mention the weakness of the cloud top air power, which is almost equal to zero. Even if there is an air force, the eighth-level monster that is still slowly gliding in mid-air will not allow humans to easily pass by its side to rescue it. . Then we can only find a way from the ground. In the final analysis, it is nothing more than quickly letting the soldiers break in there.

Due to the difference in numbers, the two teams that left the city were stopped at the same place and stopped. If they could not immediately increase the strength of the fighters, they could only rely on external forces, that is, use powerful firepower to quickly suppress the mutated life army. , to achieve this purpose.

For the time being, the way Ye Zhongming can increase firepower in a large and large area is this V2 grenade rocket launcher.

Each door of this combat weapon comes with five rockets, and it is very cheap to buy rockets alone. Recently, people wearing military medals have accumulated a lot of military exploits. Ye Zhongming was not polite, and bought all this equipment and rockets. With Mo Ye's help, five hundred 'gates' appeared on the city wall soon. V2 grenade rocket launcher and more than 10,000 rockets!

The 500 soldiers were divided into five groups, took these bazookas in their hands, and aimed them at the city wall.

"The first group, as well as all the long-range weapons on the city wall, are responsible for protecting the golden statue of Ji Huangwan, keeping the zombies away, and the other four groups, clearing a passage leading there from the city 'gate', all saturated Attack! Rescue Dihuang Wan at any cost!"

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