Roulette World

Nine hundred and eighteen perfect plan

918 perfect solution

"Still Two in One"

Yan Wangshu suddenly laughed.

This smile dilutes the fear in his heart a bit.

"You have already used this... Well, the human way of saying is, you fooled me, yes, you have fooled me once, and now you take it out and say that you are not smart."

A relaxed expression appeared on the woman's face, and after only a short period of time, Yan Wangshu returned to normal.

It also wants to understand now, if Ye Zhongming really has a way to kill himself, then he will do it the moment he sees himself, and he won't wait until now, let alone talk so much to himself.

This human being didn't do anything, which means that even if he really mastered this method, it is not easy to use it.

In this case, I don't need to be afraid, the worst is to run away, anyway, it's not the first time.

On this point, mutated life forms are far more open than human beings.

Ye Zhongming shook his head: "You and I know the circumstances under which we reached the agreement last time. From the moment the Maipo contract was terminated, we both know what happened. You haven't come since you came out of Roulette for so long. Yunding, but now it is here, it can be considered fate."

Originally, according to the agreement, Yan Wangshu should come to Yunding Mountain Villa soon to retrieve the life brain. After all, it is the embodiment of its highest ability, but it did not come. As for the reason, Ye Zhongming didn't know, whether it was because of distrust of human beings, or because of the rapid recovery of strength, it was the first to break the pulse contract with the secret method.

As another signer of the contract, Ye Zhongming naturally sensed it quickly, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, Yan Wangshu didn't cancel the contract himself, so Ye Zhongming would also. people control.

But now that the Yama tree is here, Ye Zhongming knows that this guy has no good intentions, and he is thinking of killing two birds with one stone. He uses the situation to force himself here, and after eating himself, he will go to Yunding Mountain Villa for a full meal and accumulate enough to evolve to level nine. The energy is finally finding the life brain, and then going to pursue the opportunity of evolution.

The reason why he didn't do anything was because he was afraid of the bone stick in Ye Zhongming's hand.

Fate or something is naturally an excuse. Ye Zhongming paused and continued: "Don't doubt that I was delaying time or something. When you failed in Linhai, what did you choose? Aren't you standing in front of me again now? So say The method you used today, in fact, as long as I am ruthless, it will lose its effect, I did not leave, but I sincerely hope to cooperate."

Yan Wangshu's expression of displeasure flashed, but he returned to normal immediately.

Yan Wangshu knew what Ye Zhongming meant, and he just used the example of Yan Wangshu's defeat to describe himself. He can also give up some things, such as the base's subordinates. The reason why he didn't leave is to express his sincerity.

"Last time, I said that I can help you restore your body. You may not believe it, but now, I can tell you something, and you will know that I didn't lie to you."

Hearing what Ye Zhongming said, Yan Wangshu became a little interested and asked, "What are you going to tell me?"

Ye Zhongming smiled and said, "Two o'clock."

"First, our research on the living brain has made a breakthrough!"

When Yan Wangshu heard it, he was stunned for a moment, and then let out a sharp hiss. The whole body of the crystal tree was trembling violently, and a huge murderous aura enveloped Ye Zhongming's body.

Ye Zhongming immediately raised the number of dark patterns to five.

This calmed Yan Wangshu, who was already on the verge of rage.

The life brain is actually far more important than Ye Zhongming imagined at the time. At the beginning, Ye Zhongming snatched it because he thought it was a good thing, but he found that it couldn't fit into the space, and he didn't know how to use it.

After bringing it back to Yunding, Ye Zhongming gave it to Liu Zhenghong for her to start researching.

This is the project that Liu Zhenghong is focusing on now, and the rest of the experiments have been handed over to the assistants.

At the meeting when the Flaming Tiger Project was announced,

The little snake that Liu Zhenghong took out, that is, the one that hatched from the egg of Yamata, why did she cut off the other heads? Do you really think Liu Zhenghong is aimless?

As a scientist, this kind of thing can't happen to her.

Liu Zhenghong used that little snake to conduct an experiment on the living brain, and all the other brains failed, only one succeeded!

At that time, Xia Lei said that this was the second phase experiment of Gene Life Laboratory. What is the second phase experiment? It is an experiment with the life brain as the main body and project, which is the top secret of Genting at this stage!

Ye Zhongming did not lie. Liu Zhenghong has indeed made great progress in the research of living brain. Although it is not a breakthrough, what he said is a bit exaggerated, but he has definitely mastered the attributes of living brain and is already studying how to apply it. .

If you want to study it, it will naturally destroy some subjects appropriately, and Yan Wangshu naturally understands it, so it is so angry.

Ye Zhongming shook his fingers, "Don't get excited, you feel offended, but in my opinion, it will benefit you and not harm you at all."

As he said that, Ye Zhongming took out something from the old space. It was a flower pot with a solitary seedling growing in it.

It was nothing special at first, but as soon as this thing was taken out, the aura of Yama Wangshu disappeared immediately, and he subconsciously took a few steps forward, staring at the seedling.

It felt an unusual sense of intimacy from this young Miao, as if it was a clone of itself.

"This is a Roselle plant cultivated with your seeds. We have added the genes of the life brain into it. Can you see the difference?"

As if Yan Wangshu didn't hear what Ye Zhongming said at all, it stared blankly at that beautiful woman's face with complicated expressions.

Of course it felt different. In addition to the feeling of being connected by blood, Yan Wangshu saw that there was a... magic crystal on this seedling that was only one finger high.

Yes, the magic crystal is very small. It can even be said that if you don't look carefully, you won't think it is a magic crystal at all!

What this means, no life will know better than Yama tree.

Why Yan Wangshu created the life brain, and the real purpose, no one knows except itself.

When it first realized the power between heaven and earth, it began to conceive a method to help it break through that rule when it breaks through the eighth level and evolves to the ninth level.

The method Yan Wangshu thought of was the life brain!

Yes, this thing is to be used when it breaks through level nine! This is the reason why it regretted its cooperation before. What restores the human body, what is the pulse contract, what is with Ye Zhongming and the snake, what life brain can help it become a human being, these are all means to cover up the life brain!

Because the life brain has been taken away by others, when it cannot guarantee that the life brain will not be destroyed by others, it is doomed to be timid in doing things.

Whether it is strong or weak, it is for this.

After Yan Wangshu was seriously injured, he didn't hide to recover from his injuries. Why did he follow Ye Zhongming at the beginning? It was nothing more than trying to regain his life brain.

But later, Ye Zhongming used some method to cut off the connection between it and the life brain, which made Yan Wangshu really feel scared.

Even if the Yama tree has the ability to absorb human thoughts, and its behavior is getting closer and closer to that of humans, it is still a mutated plant after all, and it prefers to solve problems in a straightforward way. If it can, it would rather simply kill Ye Zhongming. Then regain the life brain.

But it can't, it can't find the life brain, and even a while ago, it couldn't find Ye Zhongming, which made Yan Wangshu really panic, and it could only wait for the opportunity when it came to the top of the cloud.

Coincidentally, when the mutated army attacked the city, Yan Wangshu felt that the opportunity had come and he could use it, so it came.

Of course, Yan Wangshu has no idea, but it feels that once the cloud top is breached, the life brain may also be destroyed, and it is getting closer and closer to the ninth level, and it can't wait, so it decides to take risks.

But now it seems that there may be more than one way to solve the problem.

The Hades tree itself is a mutated plant. It knows very well what the evolution of a mutated plant is like. When it evolves for the first time, the magic crystal will appear, and there will be no difference in size except for the color change in the future.

So this thing is a sign of evolution.

For example, those individuals who grew up from the seeds of the Yama tree, they will not have magic crystals in the seedling stage, they are still very fragile, although they will grow and evolve soon, but in the seedling stage, even if it is only a few days or even a few days Hours and minutes, at this stage, there is no magic crystal!

But this seedling, it has a magic crystal!

Although very small!

what does that mean?

This means that the magic crystal evolves as the body grows!

This sentence sounds like nonsense, right? All mutated life evolves as it grows, but why did Yama tree make life brain?

Isn't it because you want to break through the shackles of level nine? It is because, when reaching the peak of the eighth level, if you want to evolve to the ninth level, you don't just need to grow or accumulate full energy, you also need to comprehend.

As for this seedling, it was born with a magic crystal, which means that the magic crystal has a great possibility to evolve as it grows, until it breaks through to level nine!

No resistance, no shackles, direct evolution, just like other levels of evolution!

Isn't this the reason why Yan Wangshu spent countless efforts to create a living brain!

Now the answer is in front of you, how can you not let Yan Wangshu be excited. In his previous life, he had no chance to come into contact with advanced evolutionaries, let alone advanced beings. Therefore, the understanding of that level comes more from the posthumous person. These days, the several kings have often talked to Ye Zhongming about this aspect.

He knew that these Wang Zun were not stupid after seeing something unimaginable like the Gene Life Laboratory. They found an easier way to evolve, so they inquired about the news from the side.

Ye Zhongming was naturally happy to let them guess wildly. Taking this opportunity, he got a lot of high-end information, combined with some rumors from his previous life, it made him the person who knew the ninth-level threshold best in the current world.

So after Liu Zhenghong informed him of the results of the life brain research, he knew the trump card of Yanwangshu, so Ye Zhongming was sure that Yanwangshu would be calm when he took out this plant.


Ye Zhongming changed hands, put the plant away, and looked at the extremely peaceful Hades tree.

"The same sentence, I can help you have a human body."

A movement of pursing her mouth appeared on Yan Wangshu's woman's face, obviously sneering at this point.

Indeed, a human body is nothing compared to evolving to level nine.

"Listen to me, if you can still maintain this attitude, then I will admire you very much."

Ye Zhongming continued after saying a word: "You may be skeptical about the first point in your heart. To be honest, we have only just bred this little plant, and we need to continue to study the specific effect."

"The study of the living brain still needs to be tackled."

Yan Wangshu immediately said: "Are you playing with me?"

Ye Zhongming shook his head: "Since you are so used to thinking about problems with human thinking, you should know that many things, especially scientific research, are done step by step, and even in the end, you will find that the road does not work, or even fails. "

Hearing what Ye Zhongming said, Yan Wangshu became even more angry. Not only does it take time, but it may fail?

"When I say this, it just shows my sincerity, because I don't guarantee that I will succeed, and that is lying to you."

Seeing Yan Wangshu's thoughtful expression, Ye Zhongming said: "This is why I said the second point. We may not be able to guarantee the success of the first method, but we can guarantee that you will have a perfect human body." .”

Ye Zhongming let out a breath slowly, and began to say a sentence that he hadn't seen before.

"And once you have a human body, you are destined to successfully evolve to the ninth level."

Yan Wangshu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Evolution potion?"

"Yes, the evolution potion, as long as you have a human body, you can take the evolution potion to evolve like a human being, and you will naturally get rid of the shackles and shackles that you have to face when your mutant life evolves to the ninth level, and there is no chance of failure. success."

Yan Wangshu stopped talking, and the crown swayed slightly. Finally, he had to admit in his heart that what this guy said was right.

Evolution is nothing more than two situations, one is to use the form of a tree, and the other is to use the form of a person.

The first method is prepared for the form of a tree, which is solved with the life brain, and the second method is solved with the human body in the form of a person.

This human being has really considered all kinds of situations.

One person and one tree stood silently facing each other for five minutes, and Yan Wangshu finally spoke.

"Okay, let's cooperate, but if you dare to betray, I will kill you!"

"As long as the interests are there, no one will betray easily."

"Then if I have a human body, can we mate?"


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