Roulette World

Nine hundred and twenty ninth failure

In the last days, there are actually two types of women.

One is stable and the other is unstable.

The stable type is undoubtedly Xia Lei, Liang Chuyin and others. No matter what they were like before, but when their hearts have sustenance and their feelings have belonging, they will settle down and do things for their men wholeheartedly. The interests of their own men remain highly consistent.

The other is the unstable type, which is similar to blue and white. Basically, they will not fall in love with anyone wholeheartedly, and their own interests will always come first. Even if you sleep with her countless times, even if you give everything for her, her heart will still not belong to you.

It's hard to say which of these two types of women is more suitable for the last days. If you meet a man who will never leave and is worthy of a woman's entrustment, then undoubtedly the first type will live better in the last days. After all, even brothers can be together. It can cut through money, not to mention the closer relationship between men and women.

However, in most cases, the second type of woman is more suitable for the end times. Because there are too few men in the last days who can be trusted.

Even if a woman belongs to the first type, the chance of encountering a scumbag in the last days is very high, and the possibility of being betrayed and betrayed is naturally high. If she survives by luck, she will probably become the second type.

Qinghua is undoubtedly like this. It's not that she was deceived by others, but that after she fell from the seat of the Holy Throne, she began to become a typical unstable type.

After joining Stabbing Heart, in the eyes of outsiders, she has a relatively close relationship with Mojin, but in fact, she also has an extraordinary 'friendship' with the person who planted the magic mark on them.

After all, no matter from any point of view, Qinghua is an uncommon beauty, even if her appearance has improved significantly after evolution, she is still one of the best.

So Qinghua received much more benefits and news than Magic Gold.

For example, the one-time Buddha statue, the news that the magic mark can be swallowed, and how to use the magic mark.

People like Mojin, even if they have been planted with magic scars, are of the lowest level. In other words, their understanding of magic scars is almost zero.

He only knew that the magic mark would greatly improve all the abilities he possessed. As for other things, such as the ability to swallow other magic marks, Qing Hua had told her.

He is far from knowing that the magic mark actually has its own ability, and this ability also needs to be stimulated by the person who planted the magic mark.

Mojin doesn't know, Qinghua knows, she also obtained this ability in all kinds of fawning.

Of course, this ability cannot be used casually, because it is a side effect, and the side effect is very terrible, it is Fei's passing vitality!

Evolved people can feel that they will live longer than ordinary people, but no one knows how long it will last. Therefore, when calculating the life span, the standard in peacetime is still used.

Under such circumstances, no one wants to shorten their lifespan.

Trading lifespan in exchange for the use of a certain ability, no matter how big a heart is, will not use it casually.

But now I can't help but use blue and white, because if I don't use it, I won't have a chance to use it in the future.

The phantom of Buddha Buddha was shattered under Xia Lei's attack like a gust of wind. At the moment of shattering, the blue and white ghostly shadow appeared.

The black figure came in a hurry, almost teleporting!

Xia Lei felt the god of death beckoning to her.

The strength of the six-star evolutionary and Xia Lei's high reaction were reflected at this moment. When she bit her teeth, the tip of her tongue was bitten, and then a mouthful of blood sprayed out, instantly forming a bloody mask in front of Xia Lei. At the same time, she flew back, and her left hand turned silver, as if it was made of silver sand. This hand kept swiping in front of her body. Every time she swiped, there was silver sand floating there, and soon formed a circle. A simple picture.

"Elementary Blood Guard!"

A protective skill that requires one's own blood.

"Silver Sand Painter."

A very strange and special auxiliary class!

Xia Lei's rights were not fully used in the construction and management of Yunding Villa,

It also brings benefits to herself!

Although she wouldn't intentionally enrich herself, Xia Lei wasn't that noble, and while she deserved what she got, it was still possible to favor her a little.

For example, when Yunding's income is collected and waiting for her to reward her meritorious deeds, Xia Lei will take the lead in checking to see if there is anything suitable for her. If there is, she will naturally get the priority.

For this kind of thing, Xia Lei never shied away from Ye Zhongming, even the core members knew about it, but no one had any complaints.

Because Xia Lei really only wants the right ones, not expensive ones, and knows when enough is enough.

Sometimes, Ye Zhongming would feel indebted to this woman because of this.

It was Xia Lei who had a clear plan for her own abilities, and equipped herself with some not particularly good professions and abilities, allowing her to have a strength that was only inferior to Ye Zhongming Xia Baidi Huangwan in Yunding.

Yes, in Yunding Mountain Villa, this inconspicuous No. 2 person is powerful enough to tie with Mo Yeliang Hatsune in fourth place!

Blue and white is very powerful, not only has the newly obtained profession upgraded three times, has three very practical professional skills, but also has a strange and powerful weapon like a short fork. She even mastered the method of activating the magic mark, and the strongest move is also an attack that will determine the outcome of the day, and it is still unknown who will win the battle.

But Xia Lei was equally outstanding. Facing such a powerful Qinghua, who had defeated Xiaohu without putting in all her strength, she pushed this person to a dead end.

Blue and white turned into a black shadow, and rushed directly towards Xia Lei. In essence, the killing of the magic mark is to turn oneself into the sharpest knife in general, and then break through any defense in front of you, splitting the enemy in two!

This is a one-shot trick!

Which one of the skills that use life as a side effect is not a unique move? !

However, Qing Hua met Xia Lei.

The Killing of the Demon Mark first encountered the primary blood protection, a skill that uses one's own blood to form a defense. Then, came across a pattern of silver sand.

It was a pattern of... a sunrise in the east!

Qing Hua, who thought everything was over, after passing through two layers of defense in a row, suddenly found that the speed of the most proud of the magic scar has slowed down, and her shadow can already be captured!

All over the body, even being………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………

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