Roulette World

Nine hundred and fortieth seven wind battle skirt

947 Flowing Wind Battle Skirt

Because of the reward, Yunding now has a very detailed roulette information about Yingcheng and its surrounding areas, the location of the roulette, the reward items on it, the number of magic crystals required for one spin, which team's site it is in, etc. , are prepared to record.

Xia Lei knew that Ye Zhongming would study these materials when he was making weapons and equipment or turning the roulette. She also knew that her man was trying to find some laws that might or might not exist.

"This ship?"

Xia Lei looked again at the information that had been confirmed by the Genting people, but was still puzzled.

"What do you want a boat for?"

There is not much water around Yunding or even Yingcheng. Need a boat... a boat?

Xia Lei suddenly thought of something.

"You want to give it to the Yungang branch?"

Ye Zhongming nodded, "I don't know what's going on at Xiaopeng's side. It's been a while since it was established there. Although news has been sent over there, the timeliness is too low. At least in the last news, it's still at the seaside. At the stage of 'fishing', the harvest must be limited, and with this boat it will be different."

Over there, Ye Zhongming has always believed that it will definitely become the first supplier of Yunding materials. Although the progress of the secret realm has replaced this position, it is no problem that the Yungang base ranks second.

Moreover, the materials of marine life over there have irreplaceable characteristics, and their importance is self-evident.

"Gold in the flesh?"

Xia Lei squinted her eyes and guessed again, deliberately showing complacency after getting Ye Zhongming's approval.

"Although I can use the materials in my hand to produce green-level equipment, but the skills shown are still a bit different from the blueprint equipment. I want to gradually turn Xia Bai's team into an all-green team. In terms of armor , I still think Chiba Phosphor Armor is the most suitable."

Ye Zhongming continued to look at the information on the roulette, analyzing the pros and cons, and his eyes stayed on one spot again.

"This in Dongshankou Village?"

Xia Lei nodded, took a look at the information handed over by Ye Zhongming, and said: "Since Uncle Hai and the others disappeared, that place has been occupied by some mutated plants, because those things are not of high level, but there are a lot of them. It’s very troublesome, so no one has been hunting there, this time someone saw the roulette with a telescope from the outside, and gave us the information, and we also went to confirm that there is indeed a blueprint of the battle skirt on the roulette.”

Because of the blueprints, Xia Lei knew about the roulette, probably because of the fifth-level roulette, so when Uncle Hai and the others left, they didn’t have the ability to turn it, so they left the blueprints, and later because it was mutated Plants occupy it, and it has been preserved until now.

"Let's go to these two places first." Ye Zhongming thought about it, and set off with Xia Bai and Liang Chuyin's team.


The Dongshankou Village I went to first, I did not expect to encounter some small troubles. This kind of mutant plant with red flowers, green fruits and black branches is available from level two to level five, and it keeps spraying some poisonous mist when it is attacked. , and shoot out those densely packed green fruits, the speed and power of which are comparable to bullets.

In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, in the end Ye Zhongming used the stick of nature to open the water bottle and went in. The double crushing of level and equipment, coupled with the weakening effect of plant life on his attack, doomed these troubles to be minor troubles. .

After getting this blueprint, Ye Zhongming studied it immediately.

"Floating wind battle skirt (green), defense power 230, tenacity 300."

"Ability 1, moving with the wind. Increases the user's own agility by ten percent."

"Ability 2, including excellent rhythm. When the user moves, there will be a pleasant skirt pleat collision sound, which has a refreshing effect and has a certain resistance to psychedelic skills."

"Ability 3, the power of women. The equipment is exclusively for women, which can make up for women's disadvantages in terms of strength and increase their own strength by 15%.


"Ability 4, Charm Dance. Active ability, when activated, will slowly consume stamina, allowing the user to produce a charm effect on the male opponent during the battle, slowing down his speed and mental power. When the user's mental power is higher than the target , will continue to weaken its ability to respond.”

Ye Zhongming looked at it and felt satisfied. This thing has less active ability, only one, and the ability is not the type of direct attack.

But the actual combat effect should be very good. It has a considerable increase in physical attributes, and it has obvious advantages against male opponents.

Then I looked at the materials. There are four kinds of materials in total, but the materials that are the blueprint of the battle skirt can be replaced freely. not a problem.

This is the benefit of being powerful, otherwise the previous Yunding would not be able to do this.

Leaving Dongshankou Village, Ye Zhongming led two teams to the location of the seven-level roulette after sweeping up these mutated plants.

It was a grain processing factory 50 kilometers away from Yingcheng. It was in the base of a faction, but this faction was not strong. Occupying the seven-level roulette was more because it was temporarily unused and had to be occupied first. psychology.

The head of the faction was very knowledgeable and knew what Ye Zhongming and the others were here for, so he took them all the way out without disturbing Ye Zhongming's rotation of the roulette.

Ye Zhongming glanced at the disk, confirmed the rewards on it, and then started to rotate.

Because of the top-level exclusion technique, Ye Zhongming has a 20% success rate when turning the advanced roulette, that is, he can exclude five unnecessary rewards and draw a lottery from the remaining five.

Now the seventh-level magic crystal in Ye Zhongming's hand is only enough for him to turn it three times, so he is not sure that he will get the seven-star evolution potion or the blue-water fishing boat.

After thinking about it, Ye Zhongming ruled out two pieces of silver-level equipment, as well as the seeds of American millet, high-level supply boxes, and building coagulation liquid. The remaining seven-star evolution potions, blue water rocking fishing boats, green wristbands, mid-level strength potions and Battle Beast Egg.

After doing this, Ye Zhongming knew that the rest depended on luck.

Turning for the first time, under the shining roulette, the last pointer stopped on the green wristband. Ye Zhongming took out the reward and checked it. It was ok. It had three skills, two passive, one active, and active skills Its ability is to launch a ball of light, which will cause damage to close-range targets and have a knock-up effect.

The wristband is an accessory, which is what Ye Zhongming lacks. It can be enchanted to form an earth suit.

Ye Zhongming was slightly disappointed that the green wristband did not disappear, otherwise the success rate would increase to 25%.

When the second rotation started, Ye Zhongming felt a little nervous, the pointer rotated rapidly, and finally... stopped on the battle beast egg.

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