Roulette World

Nine hundred and fifty fishing boats with big cattle

950 cattle big fishing boat

Looking at this very beautiful equipment, many people in the Yungang base were drooling. (..)

Blue equipment! It's still a large blue equipment, not to mention whether it's easy to use or not, let's just say that this level is something that many people have never seen before.

Xiaopeng was even more excited and circled around the blue water several times, touching the fishing boat, his love was beyond words.

Although it is close to the sea, how do the people in the Yungang branch usually hunt? In most cases, they have to wait for the mutated life in the sea to come ashore. Otherwise, if they want to take the initiative, they can only go fishing.

It's not that everyone has never thought about building a boat and launching it into the sea, but how can ordinary fishing boats withstand the current mutated marine life? Even if a warship comes, it will shatter when hit.

As a result, although the Yungang base has received strong support from the headquarters, the results are not obvious, and most of the harvest is still terrestrial mutant life.

After Ye Zhongming introduced this boat, everyone knew that fishing in the sea might really be possible.

The operation of the blue water fishing boat is very simple and does not require professional sailors. Ye Zhongming took Xiaopeng and seven more powerful members on board the boat. After putting in five magic crystals, Ye Zhongming personally drove the fishing boat to into the shallow sea.

"Really advanced, is this underwater real-time monitoring?"

"This is the weapon operating system, right? Full-touch automatic control, what is this above?"

"Additional armor, the boss said it when he introduced it just now."

"Look at the speed, isn't this speed close to the full speed of the previous warships?"

"Is this a radar? The detection distance is five kilometers above the water, and one thousand meters below the water."

"There is a water prison below, which is extremely strong!"

Several people looked around on the boat like children, and then exclaimed in various ways.

Xiaopeng occasionally interjects a few words, but most of the time he learns and observes by Ye Zhongming's side, and Ye Zhongming will also tell him the capabilities of the ship and some specific values.

At the same time, Ye Zhongming also pays great attention to the consumption of energy. What reassures him is that when sailing at full speed, the energy consumption is not serious. I estimated that if there is no battle, but just sailing, five fifth-level magic crystals can last at least five years. ten hours.

"Boss, it's the group of mutated blenny!"

The person who had been watching the underwater radar suddenly yelled, and everyone turned their heads to look. Sure enough, a group of 231 mutant blennies were rushing towards the fishing boat aggressively.

This kind of life, which was once called the lady fish by the fishermen, has become one of the most fierce existences in the shallow sea area after mutating.

"Did you fail to catch them just now?"

Ye Zhongming smiled, and said to Xiaopeng while controlling the fishing net to move from the boat to the surface of the sea.

"Yes, this kind of guy is full of treasures. The fish scales are hard and can be sewn into armor. The fish meat is delicious and contains a lot of energy. The teeth are excellent arrowhead materials for bows and crossbows. Even after the fish bones are ground into powder, Feeding war beasts will slowly increase their strength."

"So good?" Ye Zhongming was also aroused a little bit of interest, glanced at the data screen full of technology sense, this school of fish was rushing at a rapid speed, and was about to collide with the fishing boat in 40 seconds.

"The most precious thing is the blood in their bodies." Xiaopeng looked at the monitor screen nervously, and was a little nervous about the fishing this time.

"We have a professional chef over there who obtained a gourmet recipe called gluttonous fish tofu. The main raw material requires the blood of this fish. The finished product can increase the power of the survivor's water system skills, and it can also allow the survivor to gain more in the water. Lots of adaptability."

Ye Zhongming nodded and didn't comment, because it's time for fishing!

Calculating the time difference, Ye Zhongming pressed the button when he thought it was right, and the net on the sea surface was immediately covered in the water!

To be honest, Ye Zhongming has confidence in the hull, but he is not sure whether the two fishing nets are strong.

This obviously roulette-style fishing net cannot be made by humans. He has to worry that once the fishing net is broken,

How to replace it and whether it is compatible with fishing boats.

The net pierced into the water, as if there was no resistance, and quickly used an angle to cover the mutated blenn fish that happened to be coming.

The mutated life forms are not those ordinary fish in the past. Once they are attacked now, they will immediately fight back. When they feel the netting, many fish shoot out the sea sand that has dealt with Xiaopeng, and some of them shake their bodies. Strands of water columns that were not obvious because of their transparency, but which did exist, crashed into the netting.

"It's their innate ability, the frozen water column!"

This ability called freezing water column is the melee talent skill of this mutant fish. It uses the energy in the body to launch a water column from its mouth, and the life that it touches will be frozen immediately. In the water, if you lose your speed, you are at your mercy, so this ability makes many people with water-type occupations dare not go into the water.

The sea sand and water droplets hit the netting almost at the same time, and the entire hull trembled slightly, very slightly. Ye Zhongming found that with the tremor, the energy of the five magic crystals dropped instantly, about one-tenth.

Then, on the monitor, the ice on the net that had been frozen suddenly exploded, and the net flew down quickly, wrapping a small piece of fish caught off guard.

"It's done?" Many people opened their mouths wide when they saw this scene. They didn't know if it was successful, until they immediately tightened up after seeing the harvest of the netting, and the fish in the net began to rise quickly, within a few seconds. The bell rose out of the sea. Inside, there were more than thirty mutated blenners, of various levels, and everyone even saw a fifth-level fish!


Although the facts were right in front of our eyes, everyone was stunned for a moment before cheering.

Ye Zhongming also smiled, but he found that as the mutated fish caught in the net continued to struggle, the energy of the boat was also being consumed.

He quickly pressed a button, and the net immediately moved to the vicinity of the hull, a hidden door opened, and the net let the fish in.

There, straight to the water dungeon!

More than thirty fish were imprisoned in the water prison, and the prison door was automatically sealed. No matter how much these fish tossed inside, there was no possibility of escaping. At this time, although the energy consumption did not stop, it was very, very slow.

The fish cabin, it turns out, still has this function.

The success of netting gave Ye Zhongming great confidence. He manipulated the fishing boat, using his passive abilities such as using his arms and fingers and riding the wind and waves, he began to circle the sea, and then saw the opportunity and dropped the trawl net. The mutated blenn fish was immediately caught by a bigger trawl net and dragged to the shore by the blue water.

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