The second-level mutated life forms already possessed preliminary intelligence, especially when it came to hunting prey, they possessed their innate cunning.

The forelegs of the eight V-shaped long legs of this second-level mutated tall spider suddenly paused on the ceiling, making a thud.

Ye Zhongming uttered an obscenity, because the sound immediately made the zombies turn around, and when they saw the fresh human beings close at hand, they rushed over with bared teeth and claws.

Even if he was already immune to the zombie virus, Ye Zhongming didn't dare to let these zombies attack and bite him, so he could only use a sword and shield to kill these zombies.

Ye Zhongming's speed was not bad, he killed four or five in just a few seconds, and the whole movement was smooth and smooth, without any stagnation.

But how could the mutated tall spider on the top of its head miss such an opportunity, and when it saw the right moment, the evolved four-petal mouth suddenly opened, and a mass of white stuff covered it, the area was enough to cover dozens of people. shelves.

Spinning silk and toxins are the abilities of the mutant tall spider itself, but this mouth-spitting web is obviously a talent skill.

"Spider silk sticks to the web!" Ye Zhongming remembered the name of this innate skill.

This large net descended from the sky with a huge area. Although there were shelves blocking his head, if Ye Zhongming didn't hide, this net would trap him between the two shelves.

During the crisis, Ye Zhongming kicked over a shelf in front of him. Like a domino, this shelf brought down several shelves in front of it, and was stopped until it was in front of a load-bearing pillar.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Zhongming leaped forward quickly, and when he reached the very edge, seeing that he could not escape, he suddenly swung his knife with all his strength!

"Full strength!"

On the Moon of Frontier, a silver ray of light suddenly exploded, cutting straight into the giant net. The edge of the white net with full of toughness and strong stickiness was directly cut by this ray of light. Ye Zhongming Quickly jumped out from the gap.

This kind of sticky net sticks to the clothes and even the skin and is difficult to break free, and it is covered with neurotoxins, which will make the human body weaken rapidly and lose intuition. Even Ye Zhongming dare not be careless.

Seeing that the human dodged his special attack, the mutated tall spider neighed, and its body suddenly hung down. A white spider thread connected its body and the ceiling, making it reach the ground like a lift. ground.

Two claws pierced a few zombies that were still wandering around without eyesight. The sharp forelimbs of the mutated tall spider touched its compound eyes, shook off the dirty blood on them, and made a metal-like collision sound. Know its sharpness.

Ye Zhongming didn't run away at this time. What he was worried about was the innate skill of this big spider. Now that it has been used, it is impossible to use it a second time, so it is his turn to attack.

His left hand drooped slightly, and the arm shield was in his hand. Ye Zhongming rushed out with a sway of his body. When he rushed out, the arm shield came out of his hand, hitting the compound eyes of the mutated tall spider with such force that it seemed to cut through the air.

The mutated tall spider didn't expect that the human would dare to take the initiative to attack, let alone throw out the shield. When it wanted to hide, it was too late, so it could only cross its two forelimbs in front of its eyes.

With a ding, the arm shield was thrown out, crashing into the ceiling directly, and punching a big hole there.

The mutated tall spider took a step back by this force. Just as he was about to put down his forelimbs to fight back, he found that the human had rushed in front of him and swung the silver knife!

It was this knife that broke the spider web just now. The big spider could see it clearly, so it was very afraid. The six legs on the back bent and stretched, and its body jumped up. It jumped directly to the height of the ceiling. There was a fingernail-sized eye , a spider thread shot out from inside, and it reached Ye Zhongming's eyes in an instant.

The corners of Ye Zhongming's mouth turned up, and he thought that he was waiting for your move. Suddenly there was an iron box of breakfast cakes in his empty hand.

The spider web hit it with a bang, and with a retraction of the web, the breakfast cake box was rolled over.

All this happened in an instant, and the big spider was stunned. It didn't understand why there was an extra thing in this human's hand.

It turned out that Ye Zhongming had already put this box of biscuits into the space crystal just before the sprint!

This shock was almost fatal.

Feng Zhiyue in Ye Zhongming flew out like his shield.

It's just different from the last time. This time, when the big spider caught the wrong target and was in mid-air, Feng Zhiyue crossed the distance between a person and a spider, and directly inserted into the abdomen of the mutant tall spider.

Even with the body of a second-level mutated life, it couldn't resist Feng Zhiyue. The body of the big spider was cut open directly, and a pile of colorful things fell out with the smelly black liquid. The tall spider screamed, The voice is not high-pitched, but sharp and piercing.

Due to the violent struggle, the giant spider that had been nailed into the ceiling by Feng Zhiyue fell down, and did not die after falling to the ground. Instead, it rushed towards the unarmed Ye Zhongming by relying on the strong vitality of the second-level mutation.

This actually startled Ye Zhongming, who did not expect this guy to be quite tenacious.

But Ye Zhongming is very familiar with these mutated beings and knows how to kill them in the most effective way. The reason why he didn't rely on Feng Zhiyue's sharpness to go up and slash at the mutated giant spider is because he knew that killing it like that would take too much time. He had too much strength, so he chose to throw Feng Zhiyue out and directly attack the vital points in his abdomen.

It's the same now, he was only surprised by the ferocity of this big spider, but he didn't panic, he moved back and forth between the shelves lightly twice, the mutated tall spider with incomplete internal organs finally ran out of life, and let out a whine Limp there without moving, the fierce light in the compound eyes also slowly dissipated, replaced by dead ashes.

Ye Zhongming came over, pulled out Feng Zhiyue, dug out the magic crystal, cut off the sharpest forelimb and the most valuable tail gland of the mutated tall spider, threw it into the space crystal, and then walked to the distance along the shelf Climb up to get the arm shield, which is still stuck in the ceiling.

But as soon as his hand touched the arm shield, before he could grasp it, a sudden sharp pain came from his back. Ye Zhongming's countless life and death experiences saved him at this moment. Knocked down, the body fell down and escaped the next attack.

As for the arm shield, I can't control it for the time being, life-saving is the most important thing.

The body fell to the ground, and the impact was not great. Ye Zhongming did not stand up immediately, but rolled over and over again.

This saved his life again, and there was a ding ding ding sound from the place where he had just rolled over, as if something had been shot there and bounced away.

After rolling to the back of a shelf, Ye Zhongming leaned on it, looked out from the gap of the goods, and saw a graceful figure standing on the backlit shelf, her long hair swaying without wind, making her desperate Jia's figure was even more revealing. Under her feet, a black cat jumped past, and its golden eyes looked at Ye Zhongming's hiding place.

Ye Zhongming took a deep breath, he knew that he didn't meet some beauties, but a pair of terrifying mutant combination!

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