Roulette World

Nine hundred and fiftieth IX can not support

959 Can't afford it

"I'm late today because I have something to do, let's start adding more tomorrow~"

Before, Ye Zhongming suspected that the ghost gold was connected to the inside of the prisoner's body, because the ghost gold he cut off at the beginning of the end of the world had returned to its original shape when he met again.

He didn't know why, but he guessed that two situations were the most likely.

One is that as the chained prisoner's evolution level increases, the metal chain that hangs on him will be restored, so when he sees it again, the shorter chain will return to its original shape.

The other kind, the guess is even bolder, the ghost gold is a substance that grows in the body of the chained prisoner!

The answer to the question cannot be determined until the chained prisoner is killed. Now, it is finally time to solve the mystery.

Ye Zhongming stared blankly for a long time before letting out a breath.

Ghost gold is connected to the bones of chained prisoners.

The bones of this monster are naturally different from those of humans, and Ye Zhongming has no interest in studying its bones, but seeing the ghost gold attached to each bone proved his second guess, he There was still a moment of distraction.

The reason why it is so certain that the ghost gold grows from the bones is not only because they are connected together, but where they are connected, there is a clear gradient of color.

The bone is white with blood-red spots, and every once in a while, a circular base will protrude, where it is still white with red spots, but as it goes up, the color becomes darker and darker, and the red spots disappear. It ended up being... ghost gold.

They are all one.

If that doesn't prove that ghost gold grows from bone, what else?

Ye Zhongming was under too much pressure from the ninth-level old man in Blue Secret Realm, that's why he chose to kill the chained prisoner to obtain its 'resources' at once, but if possible, he would rather raise Hold it down and turn it into a spooky gold supply nest.

However, the facts still forced him to make a move, and Ye Zhongming is now somewhat grateful for this decision.

Because the eighth-level chained prisoner is so powerful, once it evolves to the ninth level, who will be able to control it?

In the previous life, three nine-star evolutionists teamed up to kill it. The price was that one nine-star suffered an irreversible injury, and finally fell down and died of illness early.

The situation has changed in this life. The time for this guy to become level nine has been delayed, but he has reached a critical point soon. Once he becomes level nine, Yunding is destined to lose control of it before Ye Zhongming and others evolve to level nine.

Instead of not knowing how long to wait to harvest, it is better to start now, at least, it can help overcome the immediate difficulties.

Of course, Ye Zhongming was very distressed about not being able to continue to obtain ghost gold. This kind of material has almost become something he can't leave. Almost all of his good equipment has this kind of material in it.

Now although I have obtained so much at one time, it is enough for Ye Zhongming to use for a long time, but there will be a day when it will be exhausted, what should I do then?

Subconsciously touched the connecting parts of these ghost gold and bones, Ye Zhongming was suddenly taken aback.

He pinched his chin and thought about it for a long time, and then, like a master bone maker, he touched the entire huge skeleton of the chained prisoner. Seeing that the people next to him were unclear, no one dared to disturb him.

After touching it, Ye Zhongming will have a luster.

Let other people continue to work, collect all the internal blood vessels of the chained prisoners, and then let these people leave. There are only some core members of Yunding in the current venue.

"Did you find anything?"

Miya, who is in charge of the logistics now, leaned over to Ye Zhongming's side, holding Ye Zhongming's arm, and asked softly. The man's arm was deeply caught in her giant @大@丰@亲.

This posture was taught to her by Liang Chuyin, who said that men like it, and Miya has the capital because of her relatively large size.

Among Ye Zhongming's women,

Only Xia Lei and Miya can "hide merit and fame" in Ye Zhongming's arm.

"These bones have life."

This time, the people next to him were not calm anymore. The core members who had deliberately wanted to stay away so as not to disturb the two of them before gathered around and looked at Ye Zhongming waiting for him to continue talking.

Seeing that these guys are obviously fighters with knives, but are interested in all kinds of weird things, Ye Zhongming is very helpless.

Shouldn't this only be moved by researchers like Liu Zhenghong?

However, these people are the most loyal subordinates, and Ye Zhongming did not hide them.

"These bones have life, and I can feel a faint wave of life from above, not from the chained prisoner, but from themselves."

Although they have seen many weird and extraordinary things in the last days, they all felt a little numb when they heard Ye Zhongming say that the bones in the body were alive and not the same as the body.

Just imagine that your own bones are another kind of life... Isn't this Nima almost like a parasite! ?

"Ghost gold is the product of this kind of life growth, of course, it may also be secretions."

Feeling this life force, Ye Zhongming came to such a conclusion, this is the reason for the hope on his face.

If these things have life, can it be said that they can be cultivated by themselves?

After feeling the bones in many places again, Ye Zhongming realized one more thing.

These lives are weaker than before.

This weakening is very small, and it cannot be perceived without paying attention.

Ye Zhongming hurriedly asked someone to bring water, and put a smaller bone that was only connected to a ghost gold chain into the water. After a while, he felt that the life energy was still disappearing.

He changed to soil again, no way.

Afterwards, he called Liu Zhenghong to study together, and changed the nutrient solution specially prepared in the laboratory, but it didn't work either.

Liu Zhenghong is a professional, she proposed many methods that Ye Zhongming didn't understand at all, but after experimenting, none of them could stop this kind of life from passing.

Everyone knows very well that once the life is gone, these bones will die completely, and it is naturally impossible for the ghost gold to continue to grow.

"Take flesh and blood!"

Ye Zhongming suddenly thought of a possibility, and quickly asked someone to bring some flesh and blood of mutated lives. Afterwards, both he and Liu Zhenghong were relieved that half a carload of fresh flesh and blood had disappeared in just a few minutes. It was completely absorbed by that bone, leaving only some shriveled tissues, and the life energy of the bone became a little stronger.

"Bring some flesh and blood from chained prisoners!"

Those were the flesh and blood of the fifth-level mutated life, and the energy was obviously not enough to supply these bones. Ye Zhongming wanted to try replacing them with chained prisoners.

Facts have proved that this kind of flesh and blood of the main body is really easy to use. With the same amount, it took a full two hours for this bone to absorb the flesh and flesh into the appearance of the fifth-level flesh and blood for the first time.

I found a way to keep these bones alive, but here comes the problem. Just a short piece of bone just now can absorb so many flesh and blood of chained prisoners, and there are many, many bones with ghost gold. How can there be so many bones? How much flesh and blood to give them?

It seems that this food is too much to eat, even Yunding can't afford it!

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