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962 free gift (addition for Lengqiunuanyang leader)

"The first thing, we Wuhuan Qian, no, it's Water Deacon, we want to cooperate with Yunding to jointly manage...some unique things."

Ye Zhongming squinted his eyes and said, "The magic crystal weapon is not for sale."

Liu Chengyu shook his head: "Mr. Ye misunderstood, we don't need magic crystal weapons, what we need are... the genetic warriors from Guishanzhuang!"

Ye Zhongming was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect this man to answer like that.

Indeed, genetic warriors and magic crystal weapons are called the two cores of Yunding Villa.

However, compared to the frequent emergence of magic crystal weapons, their effects are becoming more and more powerful, and they are becoming more and more familiar to the outside world. Genetic warriors have always been a bit dull. Apart from the self-destructing warrior that appeared last time, there are actually not many mature genetic technologies that can be applied to combat.

Of course, Ye Zhongming knew that it was only because he was with the magic crystal weapon, he had talked about the relevant theory with Le Dayuan earlier, and on the weapon prototype, he was able to propose a style that had been proven in his previous life, so Le Dayuan Only when it is far away can it fill in its own technology and develop rapidly.

But for biological gene technology, Ye Zhongming only has some understanding. In fact, it is meaningless to talk about the prototype. It is nothing more than a combination of human form and animal form. He doesn't say anything, but Liu Zhenghong knows it. In his previous life, when it came to genetic life and Liu Zhenghong, he still focused on the reputation of making people and those patchwork people like Frank Stein.

Even for Liu Zhenghong's experiment, Ye Zhongming did his best to provide research objects and various equipment, but in the end, Liu Zhenghong still needs to start from scratch.

To be able to achieve the current achievements is actually very good.

Especially Baal Potion, although it is very taboo, but if Yunding really comes to a critical moment, it is definitely a hole card worth using.

Ye Zhongming has always felt that Liu Zhenghong's laboratory will catch up with the Magic Crystal Laboratory in its role in the future, and even surpass it. Even the future of mankind and the future of this planet will be placed on this laboratory.

Unexpectedly, Wuhuanqian now pays attention to the genetic life laboratory.

I have to say, their eyesight is very good.

"Anyone will be furious if they find out that someone is prying into their secrets, let alone a battle group? Are you not afraid of your request and really anger us?"

Ye Zhongming had calmed down now, and his tone didn't fluctuate too much, but Liu Chengyu felt that he quietly opened his eyes like a ninth-level giant beast.

"I think you misunderstood." Liu Chengyu stabilized his emotions, "Wuhuanqian is doing business, not war, and the genetic life we ​​need is not the kind of large-scale army, not the kind of mass production The model number, oh, sorry, I don't know what you call them, so please allow me to use the model number. What I, or Wuhuanqian needs, are those that can bring intense sensations to the senses. Shock, the more distinctive the shape, the stronger the strength, and the individual is very strange in all aspects."

"We need them to participate in life-and-death struggles, similar to the underground black boxing competitions without rules. The more they can stimulate the audience, the better."

Seeing what Ye Zhongming wanted to say, Liu Chengyu continued quickly: "Mr. Ye, there is no need to refuse in a hurry, you can think about it carefully. In fact, our cooperation is a win-win situation. We have obtained the new players we need. You can use our underground boxing ring as your A clinical trial base, we make money, and you improve your technology to produce better models, why not do it.”

Ye Zhongming's heart moved slightly.

There is some truth to what this man said.

The genetic warrior developed by Liu Zhenghong was indeed somewhat difficult to carry out experiments.

If you find some mutated beings as opponents, regardless of whether you win or lose, the feedback and reference you can get is limited. After all, mutated beings will only try to fight the genetic warriors according to their instincts, and they cannot provide Liu Zhenghong with detailed data as required.

The best clinical object is the evolutionary, because it can be tested in many aspects, such as how to fight against physical skills, how to resist skills, how to respond, etc., to detect the genetic life in a targeted and purposeful way. Advantages and disadvantages, and then get a valuable follow-up plan.

However, allowing survivors to conduct experiments is a very dangerous thing, and they will face death at any time. Even if they are injured, they may be polluted by the unstable life produced by these laboratories, and then unpredictable mutations will occur.

In Genting's Gene Life Laboratory, every clinical trial has to go through a lot of trouble.

If there is such a place where experimental subjects can fight with a large number of different levels and types of life, it can indeed solve this problem to a certain extent.

"There is another condition, which is somewhat similar to the previous ones, that is, we hope that Yunding Mountain Villa will provide us with special... warriors, monsters, or other life forms that are rare or even not found on Earth."

After Liu Chengyu finished speaking, he calmed down temporarily, giving Ye Zhongming time to digest.

Ye Zhongming knew that the matter of the posthumous man could not be kept secret for a long time. After all, there were so many strangely dressed soldiers in Yunding suddenly, it would definitely spread from the mouths of the forces in Yingcheng.

It's just that Wuhuanqian not only knew the news so quickly, but also deduced from the news that Ye Zhongming had opened the passage to the secret realm!

This made Ye Zhongming feel a sense of crisis immediately.

The secret realm has gradually become his biggest trump card, and now that it is known to others, it is his crime.

Wuhuan Qian knew about it, and even if the other big forces didn't know about it now, they should get the news soon.

"If we can reach an agreement on these two conditions, we will pay the corresponding remuneration, and we will definitely not let Mr. Ye suffer."

"For the creation of interests, every time there is one more method, the more solid the foundation can be. As long as the foundation is not easily destroyed by others, the longer the power will stand in this world."

"Wuhuanqian is a businessman. Everything is for profit. Now, we both have a common basis for cooperation. We need to make money, and you need to maximize the benefits of the resources in your hands. I really can't think of any reason not to cooperate. .”

"Mr. Ye, you can rest assured that Deacon Shui is quite sincere, and you can even... Hehe, I won't talk about this. When Mr. Ye sees Deacon Shui, it would be better for her to tell you personally."

Liu Chengyu got up and saluted, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ye doesn't need to rush to make a decision, you can think it over carefully, and give us an answer during the feast of the clear water."

With that said, he took out an extremely exquisite invitation card and handed it to Ye Zhongming.

"On behalf of Deacon Water, I formally invite Mr. Ye Zhongming to participate in the Bright Water Feast held by Wuhuanqian. When the time comes, please invite Mr. Ye to show his face."

After Liu Chengyu finished speaking, he walked out, and when he reached the door, he said again: "Someone will send the Bright Moon Blood Stone here later, and Mr. Ye will check and collect it. Oh, by the way, the quantity is not one piece, but three pieces."

Smiling kindly, the butler bowed again, then turned and left.

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