Roulette World

Nine hundred and sixty-four, this time I have to gamble once.

"I finished this chapter after two o'clock in the middle of the night. I can't add more today. I will continue tomorrow..."

"Liu Zhenghong, Dr. Liu, Sister Liu..." Dr. He was lying on the test bench limply, without a single thread on his body, and the place where the branch of Yama tree had pierced through was smeared with some unknown medicine. heal.

Liu Zhenghong, two assistants, and Yan Wangshu, whose body shrank a circle, stood aside, staring at the wound.

"Very good, the healing ability is A+ level, record the current blood pressure and body temperature, and the frequency of heart tremors."

Ignoring Dr. He's words, Liu Zhenghong took out a set of tools with silver light from the box she brought while giving orders.

Ye Zhongming asked Ye Zhongming to do this specially for her.

"Save me, save me, I will tell you a secret." Dr. He felt the fear deep in his soul.

He is an expert in genetic inheritance, and he knows that in this world, there are actually many things that are more terrifying than death.

Looking at Liu Zhenghong's appearance, he knew that it was not Ye Zhongming or Liu Zhenghong's whim to deal with him, but a premeditated plan, and even how to deal with him, these people had already thought about it.

Although Liu Zhenghong didn't have the reputation of being a human being in this life, she was also the one who created a genetic warrior. Dr. He felt numb from head to tail when he thought that he might become her test subject.

When he was experimenting with other drugs, the wailing and screaming of those lives, the mutations in the body that appeared without any anesthesia, the pain that tore the soul, made him involuntarily think of those twisted lives. Dr. He's expression and the despair in his eyes when he begged him to give him a good time, Dr. He at this moment, under the attack of these changes, has lost any principle and bottom line.

As long as Liu Zhenghong can let him go, he is willing to give anything.

"Secret?" Liu Zhenghong sneered, but his hands didn't stop at all. "What more secrets does this world need? Treasures?"

"No, no, it's the research result of Shentang, it's the research result of our director!"

Liu Zhenghong smiled, showing no interest at all as Dr. He hoped.

"You know, I can see the essence of Shentang in your body." Liu Zhenghong said, injecting a bottle of blood-red liquid into Dr. He's exclamation of "what is that, what is that" left kidney.

"Your so-called research is a patchwork of genetic organs. You don't study how to make the rejection disappear, you don't study how to make the genes combine smoothly, and you don't study the real creation of life. Instead, you focus on how to piece together On a higher life."

While staring at the values ​​displayed on the instrument, Liu Zhenghong continuously injected unknown things into Dr. He's various organs according to the above changes, including a tube of black-brown nematode-shaped life. Dr. He, whose mind had begun to blur, was speaking.

"You are not a research institute, you are a store. The difference from Peace Morale is that the product used to be milk powder spicy sticks**** but now, it is all kinds of mutated life."

After speaking, Liu Zhenghong opened Dr. He's eyelids, looked at the changes in the pupils, and then continued: "You know, I'm quite skeptical. The creatures you created, the magic crystal will not be rejected by the roulette?"

Dr. He is now powerless to refute. He feels extremely uncomfortable, but he has no ability to turn back.

"Oh, isn't the secret of your director's specialty that you mentioned is to use human beings to conduct experiments? I know it, so you don't need to tell me."

As soon as these words were uttered, Dr. He's various indicators on the instrument changed suddenly, and then returned to calm.

"Thank you for sending me such a good experimental subject. Don't worry, Dr. He, you will not die, but will exist in another way. Perhaps in the near future, you will represent the highest level of technology in Genting."

"Of course, you can't see it yourself."

These were the last words Dr. He heard before he completely lost consciousness.


Dr. He was solved, the Yunding laboratory was free of hidden dangers, and Kun Wangzun was also relieved. He was sent back to the secret realm by Ye Zhongming, and Ye Zhongming also stayed in the secret realm, and brought Xia Bai, Pu Xiuying and three Bixiang, Sheng Yuan, Lingkun Wangzun and Hongxiang Wangzun, almost the entire posthumous people and Yunding's masters plus strong support are here.

"Zhong Ming, what's the matter calling us here?"

A few people came to the outside of the mountain where Wangcheng is located, and Hong Xiang noticed Ye Zhongming's face was solemn. For this person who holds great power in another world, Hong Xiang no longer looked at the young man before, but completely regarded Ye Zhongming as It was placed on an equal footing with him, and even a bit beyond it.

At least Hong Xiang knew that if the two of them put their lives together, he would be the one who died.

Ye Zhongming didn't answer, just took out something, this is the third thing he has to do.

"One step micro disk!"

Xia Bai knew this thing, she was very surprised, a ray of anxiety flashed across the face behind the mask.

She didn't want Ye Zhongming to turn the purple equipment that she got from the Jianfeng Mountain Pass base auction.

This small roulette is an item that subverts Ye Zhongming's cognition. Although Ye Zhongming didn't use it after getting it, he often took it out to study in his spare time.

As Ye Zhongming's closest person and personal bodyguard, Xia Bai knew very well that Ye Zhongming was powerless with this roulette.

Ye Zhongming possesses the super exclusion technique, which is the foundation of his foothold in the last days. What glory craftsmen, what high-quality occupations, what ghost gold and earth elves, what sacrifice door crystal energy magic bullet gun... These are all trump cards, but without them, Ye Zhongming can still play in the end of the world, but if there is no With the exclusion technique, Ye Zhongming would have difficulty walking.

This skill is Ye Zhongming's golden finger after his rebirth.

But with such an ability, the effect on this one-step microdisk has been reduced to the minimum.

Even if there was a nine-level roulette in front of Ye Zhongming, he could have ruled out the five options above and started to spin it later. But facing this one-step microdisk with only eight options, Ye Zhongming's super exclusion technique was suppressed.

He can only rule out the above two items.

This roulette has half rewards and half punishments, and if two items are excluded at most, there are still two punishments left!

And what are the four penalties above? A challenge from a level eight monster, a curse talisman that absorbs spiritual power, an environmental penalty called bipolar attack, and a... full reward self-destruction!

Only two can be ruled out, and the remaining two are together with the other four rewards. Once turned, one-third may be transferred to the penalty item. With such a high probability, no one can guarantee whether the luck will be really that bad. , all at once to the penalty term.

But now the ninth-level powerhouse is like a mountain on Ye Zhongming's back. If he fails, he can run away, but he will completely lose the Blue Secret Realm. This is something he cannot tolerate, so he decided to take risks. Turn the microdisk one step.

He wants to gamble once.

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