Roulette World

Nine hundred and seventy first bone dragon seat

971 Skeleton Dragon Seat

"Two in one! "

The air has a stench that lingers for a long time. After the cold season, there is no wind in the Blue Secret Realm, which makes the smell spread more slowly. ..

With a halberd in one hand and a bucket of potion in the other, Shaka was walking towards the animal pen not far away.

He was originally a deputy commander of the Knights of Light, but he was dispatched here to take care of injured or sick mounts that needed repairs because he violated military regulations.

For him, this is of course a kind of blow. Fortunately, Saka has a big heart and knows that he will be transferred back before the general attack on the royal city. After all, the deputy general is already under the command of the three commanders, second only to the general. The Lord's high-level personnel, the thousand cavalry under him, are usually fine, but when it comes to desperate times, they only listen to him.

By the side of the animal pen, a purple vulture was lying there a little listlessly. When he got close, he could clearly smell a breath of lust. This vulture was injured in the previous battle and was killed by a posthumous The bone spear of a high-ranking human soldier picked up his abdomen, and he didn't know what was wiped on his face. After that, he began to rot and fester. He has been ill and was sent here to recuperate.

Standing in front of another animal pen next to it was a young man who was also sent here to be punished for his mistakes. He was staring at a black beast in the animal pen, observing its food intake, and making records.

"You're still holding a halberd at this time, don't you think it's in the way?"

The young man was quite puzzled when he saw that the weapons of Saka were always with him.

"This is the territory of posthumous people, and accidents may happen at any time." Saka replied solemnly.

"Really?" The young man said with a half-smile, "How did I hear that your Nanshuai will send someone over to check the situation here recently."

When Shaka heard this, he scratched his head in embarrassment, and laughed: "Hey, if you don't want to be a good knight of light, who wants to raise birds here, it's you. If you have nothing to do, let the Taoist priest not do it. After the punishment period, you will take the initiative to run away." Come here to manage."

The young man smiled indifferently. Seeing the black beast finished eating, he glanced at Laka who was holding the potion to wash the vulture's wounds. I don't feed the birds but the horses, but when I actually work, I am still very serious and responsible.

At the same time, young people also appreciate this kid's strength. He is already a sixth-level fighter before he is thirty years old. Temple core.

I sighed in my heart how good it is to be young, Nian walked back with a wooden barrel, now this place is very busy, there are nearly ten thousand horses recuperating, beasts caught in the territory of posthumous people, and war beasts fostered here Four thousand people seem to be a lot of guards, but excluding the guards in charge of security, there are less than 3,000 people who actually work. If those in charge of record research are removed, there are only 2,000 people left to manage these 10,000 heads. There are some high-level and large-scale lives that even require careful care by several people. The rest are so average, how can they not be busy.

The young man whistled, glanced at the sky that seemed to never change, and felt that today was another good day.

Wait...that's, what? !

The young man had already lowered his head, but he raised it again in an instant, looking at the sky above his head with a look of horror.

Before he could react, the restlessness of the battle suddenly erupted from several directions in the camp, and waves of sound swept across the entire camp.

Enemy attack!

This word appeared in the mind of the young man, a little strange.

As a member of the Dawn Temple, he has not thought of or encountered this word for too long.

They have always been the winning side and the active side. The word attack only applies to their offense. There are never enemies, it is possible to attack them.

But by chance, all this happened.


The young man yelled, and the wooden barrel he was carrying had been thrown away, and he ran towards the way he came.

At this time, he really wished that he was a Saka and carried weapons with him.

His strength is much higher than that of the lieutenant general.

He is a level seven fighter.

Behind him, a brilliant light came out, and Nian knew that it was sent out deliberately by Saka, in order to attract the enemy to attack here, so as to create opportunities for others to prepare...or escape.

Apparently, Shaka, like the young man, believed that since the enemy had chosen to attack here, they must be quite sure. Those who still imagined that they could resist and win at this time were all utopians.

The reality is that sometimes our habits are cruel.

And it's much crueler.

Liang Chuyin, Xiaohu, and Xia Bai led their respective teams and broke into the camp of the Dawn Temple from three different directions.

And Ye Zhongming and Hongfa, leading the skeleton team, attacked from another direction.

Ye Zhongming followed the red hair, not only because of the obedience and friendliness she showed, but also because of everything good to her after the mutation.

He wants to see how the red hair controls these skeletons, and also wants to see how they fight and evolve.

The red-haired skeleton chair fell to the ground. What Nian saw just now were the red-haired, Ye Zhongming, and the dragon chair.

The skeleton team broke into the logistics camp of the Temple of the Dawn like a broken bamboo. Those guys transformed from zombies are very powerful, not weaker than their previous level, but the difference is that they have two levels of differentiation.

Some of them have turned into pure melee skeletons, and most of their hands are melee weapons, such as bone knives, bone swords, bone spears, bone shields, bone clubs, bone hammers, etc. The other part has evolved long-range weapons, bone bows, bone staffs, bone crossbows, bone cylinders...

These skeletons have lost their previous innate abilities, but their specific features are still there. With their weapons, they show stronger combat effectiveness.

Almost none of the fighters in the Dawn Temple could withstand their attacks. In the blows from both far and near, the skeleton team hardly encountered any obstacles and resistance.

Ye Zhongming didn't make a move, but kept watching from the sidelines, seeing these skeleton warriors entering the camp, cooperating with each other, and slaughtering the original kings of these secret realms.

Every time a person was killed, Ye Zhongming found that these skeleton warriors would absorb the energy of these corpses to nourish themselves. Perhaps because of too much resistance before, when these skeleton warriors broke into the core, none of them died, and they His body became more and more solid as the number of people who killed the Dawn Temple increased.

The red hair never made a move, and let her subordinates kill, so Ye Zhongming didn't know how much she had changed and how much she had improved.

Taking the initiative to calculate the passivity, the base of the Dawn Temple was almost helpless, and was directly rushed to the core by the teams from four directions. It was not until this time that the Genting team encountered real resistance.

Those strong Dawn Temple fighters, together with those mounts who were injured but still able to fight, gathered in a corner of the camp and resisted to the death.

Both the Nian and the Shaka who were fed before were there, the difference was that the Nian rode a spotted tiger beast, and the Nian rode a uniform mount of the Knights of Light.

"who are you?!"

As the supreme commander of this camp, the young man drove the mount under him to take two steps forward, facing Ye Zhongming and the red hair who were sitting on the bone chair.

To be honest, this is the first time the young people have seen such weird equipment. They knew that the posthumous people seemed to have a group of outsiders helping them, wearing shining battle suits and holding flashing weapons, with amazing fighting power.

There are even rumors that these people possess very high-end sky weapons.

In the past, the young people didn't quite believe it.

The Dawn Temple has been invincible on this continent for so many years that they don't believe that someone can make them stronger.

What luminous weapons and equipment, what luminous aircraft, they all feel that it is not true.

Taking a step back, so what if it is true? They can also defeat them, proving to everyone that the Dawn Temple is still invincible.

But at this moment, the young man knew that he was wrong.

Although this is the logistics base of the Dawn Temple, it is actually located on the front line of the battle, so that it is convenient for various troops to send the injured beasts.

There are nearly a thousand defenders here. These people are real fighters, and they are all equipped with not only the best but also first-class equipment in the temple.

And the other people who work here are actually the thorns of each battalion. These people are rebellious, why? One fundamental reason is that these people's strength is not bad. They can be said to be the elites of various places. Because of their outstanding strength, they will despise various rules and make mistakes, so they will be sent here.

But these people couldn't resist the invading enemies. The young man kept counting in his heart how long it took from the time the enemy launched the attack to now surrounding them.

A thousand breaths?

Maybe this is all too much.

Is such a team really posthumous people?

For the first time, the young man felt that those rumors were true.

In fact, a knight order was wiped out and a supply base was destroyed before the Dawn Temple. Such news was firmly blocked, and most people didn't know about it.

And now, they're about to be part of the message.

"It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is that you have two paths to choose from."

Liang Chuyin stood in front of the Yunding team, folded his arms and said, "First, surrender to us and provide us with the help we need."

"The second rule is to die in battle."

After finishing speaking, she did not pause, but continued: "Perhaps your childhood honors made you feel that there is only the second way to go, but I want to tell you that you are wrong. No matter in any world, there is no other way except 1 Only 2 is left, but there are actually 3, 4, or even infinite.”

"You just need to provide the information we need. Don't think this is betrayal. This is just following the trend, because you can't understand it now, but you will eventually understand that the winner is us, not you. Of course, the premise of everything is , you can live to that day."

As Liang Chuyin said, she glanced sideways at Ye Zhongming, and found that her man didn't want to say anything, and continued: "Surrender, don't make unnecessary resistance, in the future, you will find out how ridiculous your cognition is. What childish lies the rulers have used to deceive you."

Facing Liang Chuyin's remarks, Nian Ren and Saka looked at each other, and they both saw each other's doubts.

But they know that it is impossible for them to give up their beliefs.

So they raised their weapons together, together with the members of the Dawn Temple behind them.

"Very good." Liang Chuyin shrugged indifferently, and then backed away.

"I'll leave it to you next?"

Ye Zhongming turned his head and said to the red hair beside him.

"it is good."

Hearing Hongfa's answer, Ye Zhongming didn't move.

Perhaps because of the super life, the redhead started attacking without too much nonsense.

The Skeleton team launched an unexpected raid on these people in the Dawn Temple.

Thousands of skeletal warriors immediately rushed into these Dawn Temple warriors, howling and blood colliding and whirling in mid-air.

The red hair also made a move. She sat on a chair and broke into the enemy's battle group. Beside the chair, bones protruded continuously, with sharp bony spurs at the tip. Every time they protruded, a soldier from the Temple of Dawn Or the mount dies.

And the faucet of the bone chair began to emit two-color smoke.

Sometimes white, sometimes black.

When the white mist was sprayed out, all those who came into contact with the white mist were instantly corroded and turned into dead bones, scattered on the ground.

Those passing skeleton warriors would pick up some bones and place them on them.

After the black mist was sprayed, the humans in the Dawn Temple fell to the ground one after another. Their bodies were intact, but their eyes lost their luster and became empty, and the spines of the corpses were absorbed by this chair. .

At this moment, Ye Zhongming knew the name of this chair.

"Bone Dragon Seat!"

This is a seat that can absorb the bones of the enemy!

Ye Zhongming didn't know if it was the wreckage of the dragon life among the soul orbs obtained on the hillside of the undead. Presumably there were some, so this dragon chair appeared.

And this chair has a strange ability to absorb bones, all lives killed by its black and white smoke will donate the most precious spine for it to absorb.

In just a dozen seconds, Ye Zhongming felt the energy contained in this chair increase.

I don’t know if it’s because of the increase in energy, but a phantom of a bone dragon appeared on the bone dragon chair. It circled twice in the space of the chair and roared silently to the surroundings. He even fell to the ground, his eyes glazed over, apparently unconscious.

This dragon chair actually released its exclusive skills, launching a mental shock to the enemy!

Ye Zhongming felt chills down his spine as he watched from the side, this kind of attack was really hard to guard against.

The dragon chair showed its power, and the light whip in the red hair's hand naturally didn't want to fall behind. The red hair sat there and pulled it towards the nearest few Dawn Temple soldiers who were still resisting!

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