Roulette World

Nine hundred and seventy seventh blue name

977 Bruce Famous Instrument

Outside the royal city, on the small plain. ..

In front of the posthumous people, the Temple of Dawn showed what is called an army and what is called efficiency.

It took them a short time to build the camp, and the hindrance measures such as digging ditches made by the posthumous people here are like children's games.

Outside the mountains, there are still some troops from the Temple of Dawn cleaning up those posthumous people who were notified or escaped before and pinned their hopes on the king's city. Unfortunately, these people missed the best time and fled here. Entered the royal city to get shelter, but encountered the main force of the enemy.

When everything is cleaned up, all the previous logistics sub-bases will meet here to establish the only general base,

In order to wait for these things to end, the army of the Dawn Temple did not attack the city immediately after arriving here.

They are not in a hurry, in their view, it is just a matter of letting these posthumous people live a few more days.

At the heart of the entire camp, the three giants of the Temple of Dawn are calling a meeting of their subordinates and commanders of other troops to prepare for the siege battle that is about to begin. Although they have the confidence to win, they have never faced even their ancestors. They are still very cautious about breaking the posthumous king's city.

And the attacks of those mysterious troops before also caused a psychological shadow on them, so the three commanders had to pay attention.

They came here to exterminate the posthumous people, not to win miserably.

Nan Jin, the commander of the Knights of Light, is assigning tasks. He will be the commander-in-chief of the first batch of attacks and be responsible for the initial attacks.

After only a few words, the people in the camp stopped and looked in the direction of Wangcheng when they heard the melodious and low sound of horns coming from outside.

"Greeting trombone."

Zai Li, who knew the posthumous person quite well, immediately named this horn.

Facing other people's puzzled gazes, Zai Li said: "The trombone will only be blown at one time, the appointment ceremony of Wang Zun, or the funeral."

"The difference is that ninety-eight pairs are used for Wang Zun's appointment ceremony, but one hundred pairs are used for the funeral."

Some people with weaker strength or less sensitive senses couldn't tell how many pairs of trombones it was, but Zai Li listened for a while and said, "Ninety-eight pairs, there is a new king."

Rong Zhi on the side sneered, "Wang Zun who was outside was killed by us. I heard that there was also a problem among them. He Yan was consumed by the internal bar. Now the posthumous man Wang Chengzhi, is there only four?" Are you a king?"

"Create a new Wang Zun at this time? Just to make up for it."

The others also had expressions of disdain. Two of the most powerful posthumous kings have already died. Now their overall level has completely lost to the Temple of Dawn, and the new kings are the most It's also level seven, so it can't make any climate.

"Why don't we make a bet and see who can kill the new king at that time." A strong man in black armor said with a smile, his troops will participate in the first wave of attack, so Said, obviously intends to make a contribution.

"Let's bet, I guess this new Wang Zun will not be on the first battlefield, Lie, you may have miscalculated."

Everyone laughed, and the laughter was full of contempt for this Wang Zun.

But at this time, the originally dim mountainside suddenly lit up, and a frightening energy burst out from the posthumous man Wangcheng on the opposite side!

The three most powerful commanders rushed out of the camp directly. They looked up and saw a thick beam of light rushing straight from the depths of the posthumous king's city, reaching the top of the mountainside in an instant, without any obstruction, directly Rushed into the thick mountain.

The people in the Temple of Dawn didn't know if the beam of light had broken through the mountain range, but those who stayed outside the mountain saw a beam of light appearing on top of the mountain peak, shooting straight into the sky, lighting up the entire space, inserting When the chaotic mist reached the surface, it even shook them away!

Not only these fighters from the Dawn Temple,

At this moment, the ferocious beasts in the territory of the posthumous people, no matter they are strong or weak, all showed expressions of fear when they saw the light reaching the sky. .

On the side of the undead hillside close to the Yemen Plain, a woman sitting on a skeleton seat and watching two skeleton armies fighting suddenly raised her head and looked in that direction. Although she was far away and couldn't see the whole picture, she could see it. The light over there.


The red hair looked there for a while, and suddenly let out a silent roar. More than one-third of the skeleton army on the opposite side exploded immediately, while the skeletons on their own side frantically rushed towards the remaining ones. …………………………………………………………………

Cursed Abyss, today is very lively, two king beasts are fighting for territory, and their little brother is even bloody.

Around, many lives are waiting for the opportunity. After the war, these corpses are a good source of food. In a place like the Cursed Abyss, there are not many opportunities to eat such a big meal.

However, the dark sky suddenly brightened, and the clouds that were always tumbling overhead suddenly stagnated for a short time.

For them with keen senses, natural changes are the most sensitive, and the fighting stopped instantly. These powerful beings looked up at the sky, hesitated, and finally retreated to their lairs.

They should be avoided first.

And in the depths of the abyss, in the extreme darkness, a pair of eyes suddenly opened, like two bright lights.

"Huh... sand... yes, it..."

The voice is hoarse and vocal, not human-like.

Its body moved in the dark, as if it was about to stretch, and the whole abyss trembled because of this, all the birds and beasts fled, not even their nests.

At this moment, the entire Yemo Plain seemed to be a little quieter.


In the royal city, under the holy pool.

The three-legged man looked up at the bottom of the holy pool in front of him, as if he could see the beam of light, his face revealed a look of shock that couldn't be concealed.

"Who is able to activate this thing? Can anyone get its inheritance? Or... the thing over there?"

I don't know how many years, the first time the three-legged person had a bad feeling.

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