Roulette World

Nine hundred and eighty seventh: Dawn God Arsenal

Ye Zhongming is not keen on using this gun skill, not only because of too many restrictions, but also because of the trouble. . :.

The "spiritual" power, "fine" blood, and high-grade bullets consumed by the three "flower" "fine" blood bullets will increase with the improvement of Ye Zhongming's evolution level. Ye Zhongming hasn't quite figured out what it is about essence and blood until now, he just knows that consuming too much will make the body weak.

As for whether this weakness consumes only temporary physical strength, endurance and other physical conditions or permanent vitality, he really doesn't know.

With such scruples, Ye Zhongming was cautious when using it.

In addition, this kind of skill requires that you cannot use high-grade firearms, which is also the reason why Ye Zhongming does not like to use them. His space is so large, and every inch is very precious. Crystals or precious materials are thrown aside.

But today is different, in order to be able to kill the saint who he sent to the door, Ye Zhongming can use any means.

The choice of the three 'flower' and 'fine' blood bullets is not only because it can better connect with the attack of the ten thousand heavy body knife, but also because it is easy to operate with one hand.

There is also a more important reason, that is, the blood bullet of the three flowers is an attack with the attribute of blood, while Ye Zhongming's bloodline hell messenger has the attribute of darkness, which is born opposite to light, so it should be It can have an attack bonus on this Holy Dawn.

Of course, the crystal energy magic bullet gun can also be used, but now it is really hard to say which gun is more powerful when combined with the skills of the three 'flower' and 'fine' blood bullets plus firearms.

Three green-level bullets flew out of the muzzle, and under the folding of the exit space, they arrived in front of the saint almost instantly.

In front of the current saint, there is no whirling wind wall, let alone the water shield issued by the halberd in her hand!

Thanks to the habit of hunting zombies, Ye Zhongming's shot was originally aimed at the head of the saint, but at the moment he was fired, he was hit by the starlight, and the muzzle of the gun was slightly changed. movement, so the three bullets 'shot' towards the front 'chest'.

The pool guards, or Ling Kun, they were under attack, and they had already looked at the battlefield again, and their breathing stopped at this moment.

Although they rushed down the city wall just to kill the saint, when this moment might be approaching, an unbelievable state of mind still came to their hearts.

At least before, they never thought of killing a figure like a saint, at most, they thought about trying to kill the three giants of the Dawn Temple.


To Wang Zun and the pool guards, this sound was extremely beautiful, because it was the sound of breaking the body.

They, indeed, did see the color of the blood.

All three bullets hit the saint.

Four-on-two, especially when Yangos was injured, it is not an exaggeration to say four-on-one, let alone hit the target, it is not an exaggeration to kill the target.

But, how could everything be so easy.

There was indeed blood splattered, and it was indeed the Holy Dawn's 'daughter', but the three 'flower' blood bullets did not kill her.

At this moment, the saint's chest was already bright red, but she did not fall down.

"Sure enough, it is an evil existence, with dirty and disgusting energy."

The saint's white robe automatically moved without wind, and three bullets were ejected.

"Dawn God Arsenal?!"

Even though Hong Xiang Wang Zun who got up from the ground was hit and flew far away, he also avoided the remaining starlight.

When he saw that the white robe blocked the three bullets that should have been fatal, King Hong Xiang finally remembered a legend about the Dawn Temple in his mind.

Just like the posthumous people have things like Almighty God's magic beads, the Dawn Temple also has artifacts handed down from ancient times.

They have a unified title, Dawn God Arsenal.

As for how many pieces of equipment are in this arsenal,

The posthumous people don't know what the specifics are, and they can't even be sure whether this arsenal actually exists.

Everything is a legend like the power of the gods.

But one thing is certain, that is, if this matter is true, then the amount of equipment in the arsenal will definitely be more than that left by their Almighty God.

When you reach a certain level, you will naturally not believe that there really is any god, at most it is just an existence that is much stronger than ordinary life.

It cannot be denied that the Almighty God worshiped by the posthumous people should be slightly inferior to the God of Dawn worshiped by the Temple of Dawn, at least from the point of view of what is left behind.

In other words, posthumous people actually lost at the starting line.

"You guys are not ignorant." The saint waved her hand at her chest, a soft light lit up there, the wound disappeared immediately, and the blood stopped.

"The Robe of Faith!" The saint squinted her eyes with a sacred expression: "Stop all evil for the world! And this..."

As she said that, the saint's hand pointed to her own forehead, where she was wearing a beautiful silver headband.

"Crown of Delusion!"

A light yellow circle of light slashed towards Ye Zhongming, and almost instantly, it slashed at Ye Zhongming's body.

After being almost killed by the blood bullet of the three flowers, the Saint of Dawn burst out with killing intent, and the gentle expression and words before disappeared!


Ye Zhongming cut through the light.

Before being hit by the starlight, Ye Zhongming knelt there, suffering pain in his body, and at the same time, the distance was too close, and the light sheet was too fast, which made him unable to dodge.

The light yellow light collided with the black halo shield, throwing Ye Zhongming's body backwards.

After activating the Crown of Shattering Delusion, the saint once again raised the halberd in her hand.

"Scepter of Glory!"

A crescent moon actually rose from behind the saint and Yangos!

The sudden vision reminded many people of what Ling Kun Wangzun said before.

"The falling star is out, I don't know when to use the moon rise!"

This is Moonrise.

A smaller crescent moon also appeared above Ye Zhongming's head, who was still flying in the air.

The moon behind the saint and Yangos is gradually rising, and as it rises, the one above Ye Zhongming's head begins to sink slowly.

Ye Zhongming's body, which was originally in mid-air, was rammed directly into the ground as if it was suddenly shot down by something!

When the moon rises, God's punishment will come!

This is a weird linkage attack method.

"The Robe of Faith, the Crown of Delusion, and the Scepter of Glory... are all the equipment in the Dawn God's arsenal?!"

Ling Kun Wangzun stared, he knew what he had to do, otherwise, today, perhaps not the saint, but the four people who fell down the city wall would be killed.

The eighth-level king looked up at the chaotic sky. There were five places in the limbs and torso of his body, blood burst out suddenly, and then his body began to swell!

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