Royal Beast: I Can Simplify The Evolution Route Of Pets

Chapter 181 Raiders of the ancient country!

When it comes to the contradiction between the British theater and the French theater, it can be traced back to the old times.

So it is not surprising that these two places are fighting.

But for now, the two sides are still in a very restrained stage.

It is to send ordinary people to consume each other.

The Beastmaster unit has not officially joined the battle.

Su Bai reckons that the governor over there was concerned about the outcome of the Roman theater and the Italian-Greek theater.

To see how far they are, the Arctic Covenant will really intervene strongly.

Or can't intervene.

What is certain, however, is that the Arctic Covenant has drawn considerable attention because of these two wars.

After Su Bai returned to Europa with the new strong soul elixir, he decided to start his operation.

Since the whole of Europa is concerned about the dispute between the Roman theater and the Italian-Greek theater, let's add fire.

There, Javier and Bowes each sell fifty bottles of strong soul elixir!

This time, the fire of war was completely ignited.

Both Javier and Bowes, who have greatly increased their strength, feel that they can kill their opponents.

The Beastmaster troops under his command were dispatched to the front line.

With the participation of the beastmasters in the war, the intensity of the war began to increase linearly.

These two governors will not withdraw the ordinary troops because of the battle of the beastmasters, on the contrary, their tactics are very simple.

The beastmaster rushed forward, and ordinary people assisted.

It can be called the step-tank coordination of the new era.

But here's the problem.

The battle of the beastmaster will hurt allies.

Those powerful skills flew all over the sky, and they died not of the beastmaster on the opposite side, but the ordinary people on the opposite side, as well as the ordinary people on their own side.

Of course, the high-ranking Europa Beastmaster would not care about the death of civilians.

It's just numbers anyway. "Seven Five Seven"

The two governors wouldn't even care.

Untouchables are like weeds, one dead group will soon grow more.

And as long as the opposite site is taken down, wouldn't all the population and resources be replenished?

With such a mentality, the battle lines are getting longer and longer, and it has evolved from a local conflict to a full-scale war between the two theaters.

Casualty numbers began to soar.

And not only the casualties of ordinary people, but also a large number of casualties among the beastmasters.

This was especially true after Javier and Bowes dispatched elite beastmasters to the battle.

With the strong soul secret medicine in their hands, these two governors not only strengthened their existing combat power, but also recruited many beastmasters.

Even the Arctic Covenant is split into two opinions.

One is to forcefully stop the battle between the two governors.

The entire Europa has seven theaters, and two of them fight, enough to shake the foundation of Europa.

Another faction believed that if the governors wanted to fight, let them fight.

When they bleed and become weak, they will be more obedient to the discipline of the Arctic Covenant.

Save a day thinking you can do it.

There is a debate within the Arctic Covenant, and the attention to the conflict in the theater has naturally declined.

Javier and Bowes noticed this at the same time and increased their military input again.

Under the war, Europa civilians began to be displaced.

Although the days before them were difficult, at least they could eat a meal and have a shelter from the wind and rain.

As a result, as soon as the war broke out, even the poor could not be considered as refugees and cannon fodder.

This makes many ordinary people dissatisfied.

They just want to live a safe and secure life, is it really that difficult?

At this time, the Resistance Army and the Restoration Society started their operations and expanded their members.

One side is the inexplicable death, and the other side is equal freedom.

Ordinary people in Europa know how to vote with their feet.

Beginning with the conflict between the Roman theater and the Italian-Greek theater, the situation in Europa became more and more turbulent.

The delay in the Arctic Covenant also made the governors of the British Theater and the French Theater unable to sit still.

Fight decisively.

These hundreds of thousands of years of grievances must be completely resolved this time!

Of the seven theaters in Europa, four were caught in the flames of war, and the chaos of the situation can be imagined.

It was at this time that Su Bai returned to the Yan Kingdom, and after discussing with the military leaders, he decided to start the official raid on the Menggu Kingdom!

The strong soul secret medicine there must be taken!

Just as the advance of the southern front has come to an end temporarily, some kings can be transferred back.

Speaking of the battle in the south, it was also very rewarding.

Pushing all the way, harvested two strong soul secret realms!

It was also the beginning of these two secret realms that gave Yan Guo more confidence to push northward.

The most important thing is that Su Bai brought back a large number of strong soul fruit from Europa, plus the high-level beast masters of the Yan Kingdom, which were obtained from the Light of Humanity, are emerging in batches.

"Army attack!

Following the army's order to reach the northern front, the troops hoarded in the fortress began to advance outward.

At this time, the ancient kingdom of fierceness had become a paradise for the orcs.

The experiment of the Arctic Covenant should have encountered a bottleneck.

Just seeing the increase of the orcs, but they themselves did not have much improvement in strength.

There is even a saying within the Arctic Covenant.

That is, they don't study this or that.

Just like the Light of Humanity, get the strong soul secret medicine from Yan Kingdom.

The governors of Europa can get it from special channels, why can't they.

Perhaps based on this consideration, this time the Yan Kingdom moved northward and did not encounter many Arctic Covenant beastmasters.

Even if there is, the two sides have a tacit understanding and did not start a war.

The Arctic Covenant evacuated the base, and the Yan Kingdom troops attacked the beasts and half-orcs.

The vanguard advanced from the northern defense line to Lake Baikal in one breath.

Found the secret realm of the strong soul here.

The Arctic Covenant did not destroy the place, but plucked all the fruits in it and evacuated directly.

At this point, Yan Guo was not in a hurry to continue advancing.

After crossing Lake Baikal, you will enter the territory of the former hairy bear country.

There is a real Arctic ice field, the vast expanse, the low temperature can freeze to death.

In response to the attack there, it is necessary to suspend.

And this time, it took time to digest such a large area of ​​Menggu Kingdom.

With Lake Baikal as the dividing line, the Yan Kingdom and the Arctic Covenant are at peace for the time being.

It is mainly a mess of Europa that has left the Arctic Covenant with less energy to deal with.

To be honest, if Europa is as calm as before, then the Yan Kingdom's attack this time, it is estimated that it has not yet crossed half of the Menggu Kingdom's territory before encountering the sniping of the Arctic Covenant.

Near the strong soul secret medicine, the kings of the Yan Kingdom could not help but sigh.

"Major General Su, you are a talent."

"Yeah, the Arctic Covenant has indeed been restrained, and there is no time to defend the secret realm here. 35

"It's enough for those of us to know about this matter, but don't miss it.

"Let the troops behind it hurry up to build the city, not to mention occupying the entire territory of Menggu Nation, at least build a line out to ensure that the strong soul fruit can be transported back safely."

"The distance between cities can be shortened, and the boundary is three hundred miles. In this case, it is relatively stable to connect ten cities in a line.

"Just do it."

This time, the raid on Menggu Country is different from the raid on Sakura Country.

Do not rush to occupy the whole territory.

The main reason is that the area difference is too large.

Menggu Country is several times larger than Cherry Blossom Country. If we really want to occupy all of them, we have to send how many troops to garrison.

Now that the flame country's stalls are so large, not only are there not enough beastmasters, but even civilians are not enough.

Even if immigrants have been recruited from various cities, it will take time to really increase the population by a large amount.

Now, just make do with it.

But in any case, it is still exciting news to be able to advance the border line to Lake Baikal.

The news spread back, and the whole country was jubilant.

The Yan Kingdom's attack on the Menggu Kingdom was naturally not completed in a day.

In fact, even without the Arctic Covenant's obstruction, the whole process took more than two months.

Ferocious beasts and half-orcs all over the ground really took a lot of thought.

Moreover, after the establishment of the city line, it has also suffered repeated attacks from beasts.

Fortunately, the number of high-level beastmasters in the Yan Kingdom is increasing, and the situation is not too critical.

The strength of the beastmaster has increased exponentially.

Adding a diamond-level beastmaster is more effective than adding a dozen or twenty platinum-level masters!

If you add a king, the benefits are really incalculable.

In order to ensure that there is no problem in the strong soul secret realm of Menggu Kingdom, Yan Kingdom arranged ten kings around the secret realm.

The people in the city line are also king-level beastmasters.

This strength completely suppressed the situation.

The development work around the Menggu Kingdom will continue.

As long as the secret realm here produces a new strong soul fruit, the strength of the beastmaster of the Yan Kingdom can be improved to a higher level!

And just when the development of the Yan Kingdom was in full swing, the situation of Europa had completely eroded.

In fact, Su Bai did not expect that the governors of Europa would fight so hard.

The war in the four war zones soon involved the remaining three war zones.

All over Europa there are wars going on everywhere.

Under such circumstances, the Resistance Army and the Restoration Society took decisive action and carried out several powerful assaults.

However, this time they changed their targets, focusing exclusively on the Arctic Covenant...  

The recent situation has amply demonstrated that the Governor of Europa and the Arctic Covenant are not of one mind.

To fight the Arctic Covenant, governors will turn a blind eye.

The whole situation in Europa, just one word.


The Governor and the Governor fight.

The rebels and the Arctic Covenant fight.

The Guangfu Society will develop a low-key development by fishing in troubled waters.

Even the Light of Humanity stepped in.

The total area of ​​this area is not much larger than that of the Yan Kingdom. The situation is intricate and complicated. As long as a fuse is needed, it can be completely detonated.

And that fuse, at this time, is undergoing the evolution of the ember fire eagle.

The time span between Su Bai's arrival in Europa and now is more than four months.

Ember Firehawk also accumulated enough evolutionary energy.

Su Bai can see the efforts of the ember fire eagle, and naturally he will not live up to its wish, and decisively open the first evolution for him.

"Ding, the Cinder Firehawk is evolving."9

"Ding, the process is simplified and completed! Embers Fire Eagle evolves Burning Fire Eagle!

Amidst the fire, a screeching sound resounded through the sky.

The burning fire eagle, which is composed of flames, stretches its wings and announces its arrival to the world.

【Name】: Fire Eagle

[Attribute]: Fire, Flight

[Level]: Xingyao Intermediate

[Potential]: top royal class

[Talent]: 1. Incarnation of Flame (Myth) 2. Inextinguishable Fire (Myth)

[Skills]: 1. Falling Feather Burning the Sky (Myth) 2. Blazing Sea of ​​Fire (Legend) 3. Deflagration Sprint (Legend) 4. Flame Breath (Epic) 5. Fire Rain (Epic) 6. Flame Gale Cut (Excellent)

【Evolutionary Requirements】:

1. Evolution energy (0/500000)

2. Reach the royal rank

The new form of the Burning Sky Fire Eagle naturally increases its combat power exponentially, although it is not as good as the Da Ritian Fire Lion, which has evolved many times.

But it can be considered to keep up with the pace of Su Bai's other pets.

However, Su Bai also noticed that even if the Ember Firehawk, which had the potential of being a king at the beginning, evolved, the potential could only be raised to the top of the royal rank.

This rank seems to be naturally shackled, limiting the further improvement of the pet.

"The emperor's rank is already like this, wouldn't it be more difficult to go up.

Su Bai secretly said.

However, considering the difficulty of upgrading high-level pets, Su Bai felt that this problem would not trouble him in a short time.

In the four months before and after, it was only promoted from Xingyao Elementary to Xingyao Intermediate.

There is still a long way to go from being a king.

According to Su Bai's estimation, if there are no special factors, he will not be able to reach the king level this year.

And this is still based on the premise that the energy concentration of his beast-defending space is extremely high.

For individual beastmasters, don't want to upgrade the star-level pets for a few years.

However, considering that the lifespan of the Star Brilliant Beastmaster is over two hundred years 4.0, it is not a big problem to spend a few years to upgrade.

Anyway, every upgrade will bring about an extension of life.

Concentrating his mind, Su Bai headed to the rebel camp.

After so long, it's time to move on to the second phase of the plan.

That is, the rebels were defeated by the Arctic Covenant and had to seek the support of the Restoration Society.

Then experiment with what special factors and fusion techniques can produce.

For this, Su Bai was running back and forth all over Europa.

Active in the shadows in various capacities.

What is lacking now is the defeat of the rebels.

Just thinking about it, the salamander and the magic mountain came back with a very solemn expression.

"Mr. Xia, the resistance army was surrounded and suppressed by the Arctic Covenant, and the main force was wiped out! 35

The salamander came up and gave shocking news.

Su Bai rubbed and stood up.

He used shock to hide his excitement.

It's not easy.

It took several months before and after, and the situation on Europa's side finally unfolded as he expected.

Su Bai quickly asked, "How are the casualties?"

The salamander calmed down and replied: "The combat troops lost more than 70%, the leaders of each branch were killed and injured, and many strongholds were destroyed."5

Moshan looked sad and said, "Mr. Xia, although we haven't been attacked yet, the Arctic Covenant is coming and we have to guard against it."

Su Bai nodded: "That's true. I suggest that you go to the Restoration Association for help. I heard that they are very popular recently."

Although the proposal is reasonable.

But salamanders always felt like they were being tricked.

No, it's not just her.

But the entire rebel army was counted.

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