Lu Peng's words changed the expressions of everyone present.

Although the demonized crow in the sky is only at the bronze level.

But there are too many.

Not to mention black iron-level students, even silver-level instructors would not dare to face the edge.

Under the impact of this order of magnitude of beasts, silver pets will also be defeated by hatred.

Only a gold-level beastmaster can resist one or two.

You must also have a pet with large-scale killing skills.

The teachers and instructors present, including those who brought the students back to the city, were at the top of the silver class.

Looking at this actual combat training, the most powerful one is Gu Yunyao.

This is also normal.

The area of ​​actual combat training is matched with the strength of the students.

Facing the sharp-toothed rat, it is enough to have a silver-level beastmaster in charge.

And the number of gold-level beastmasters is too small, it is impossible to have time for actual combat training.

This gave the Extinction Society an opportunity to take advantage of.

They are very clear about the process of actual combat training.

This trap was carefully laid out.

If so many demonized crows rush into the student team, the nearly 1,000 students who retreat will probably be wiped out!

So many students have an accident, and the consequences are unimaginable.

Those are all beastmasters.

The only way now is to catch up and intercept as much as possible.

At the same time waiting for Daxing City rescue.

Daxing City must have discovered such a big movement.

As long as you hold on for a moment, you can wait for reinforcements.

Having said that, the expressions of everyone present were extremely solemn.

Gu Yunyao is the same.

It is true that she is a gold-level beastmaster.

But it is impossible to stop so many demonized crows.

No matter how strong the psychedelic illusion of the phantom fox is, it cannot confuse thousands of beasts at the same time!

But now is not the time to be discouraged, everyone recruited pets and chased towards the sharp-toothed rat and the demonized crow in the distance.

At the same time, signal flares were continuously launched to notify distant teams and Daxing City.

Just as Su Bai was about to charge on the flaming lion, he felt his collar tighten, and his body flew behind Gu Yunyao uncontrollably.

She took out the heavy locomotive from nowhere.

"We're going to intercept and kill the World Association."

Gu Yunyao said quickly, twisted the accelerator and rushed out.

Lu Peng and the others didn't care either.

All they could see was the ferocious beasts in front of them.

Seeing that they were gradually deviating from the main force, Su Bai hurriedly said, "Teacher, we are going in the wrong direction."

Gu Yunyao's voice floated over: "That's right, did you hear that flute, that's the culprit in attracting the Sharp-toothed Rat, as long as the piper is killed, the Sharp-toothed Rat will not move forward, and the demonized crow will also It stopped."

Immediately, Gu Yunyao added: "I hope it's still too late."

Su Bai said no more.

He believed in Gu Yunyao's judgment.

Thinking about it carefully, it was indeed after the sound of the flute that the lurking sharp-toothed rat ran away.

It's just that the World Extinguishing Society still has such a method, which is really incomprehensible.

While thinking about it, the heavy locomotive moved forward, getting closer and closer to the whistle.

The flaming lion ran wildly beside it, and the speed was comparable.


The movement of the demonized crow was naturally hidden from the retreating student team.

The instructor who led the team's face changed wildly and shouted: "Accelerate the retreat!"

Immediately, the instructors of the Beast Hunting Group stayed where they were and began to set up defense lines, and the teachers returned with the students.

They must stop these beasts.

Even if it's just a moment's delay.

The instructors looked at each other and smiled: "Brothers, it seems that today is the time for us to work hard."

"Speaking of these things is out of the question."

"Isn't it, we are a beast hunting group, we either kill the beasts or be killed by the beasts, there's nothing to say."

"Come here, I brought some grenades, everyone will share a point, and I will give these beasts a ruthless first."

"The large pets come forward to stand up, the flying pets keep their distance, and don't be surrounded by crows."

"Why are there so many sharp-toothed mice, where did they hide before?"

While speaking, two ferocious beasts in the sky and the ground crashed into the instructor team.


The explosions continued.

The retreating students saw only a black wave coming, and the instructors disappeared.

Many students cried at that time.

The instructors, though harsh, are essentially good for them.

But now it is unknown.

But the students have no time to be sad.

The Sharp-toothed Rat rushed to the front, followed by the Demonized Crow.

The outer armor of the bus was torn in an instant.

The demonized crow swept past, causing a large number of casualties.

The mourning sounded instantly, and the scene was in chaos.

The demonized crows kept swooping down, picking up sharp-toothed mice, either battle pets, or students.

"Damn beast!"

A roar.

Lu Peng and others finally chased after them from behind, and launched a fierce attack with their pets.

With the addition of these silver-level beastmasters, the situation finally eased a little.

But overall, it's still a drop in the bucket.

No way, there are too many beasts.

And there are dozens of instructors when they are full.

In this joint training, there are more than 1,000 students, and more than 100 teachers and instructors, which is already a full match.

No one expected such a thing to happen.

But at this moment, the flute in the distance was cut off.

The Sharp-toothed Rat had no guidance, and immediately made a mess.

They felt the breath of the natural enemy's demonized crow, and they ran away in fright.

And the demonized crows also dispersed to hunt the Sharp-toothed Rat.

As a result, there are many fewer beasts attacking vehicles.

The instructors rushed forward and began to rescue.

The bloody remains in the field of vision made the eyes of the instructors turn red.

In a short time, at least a third of the students died.

This is their dereliction of duty!

After returning to the city, how to face the parents of these children.

The instructor spread his anger to the surrounding beasts.


On the other side, Su Bai opened his eyes.

More than a dozen silver-level beastmasters were beheaded by Gu Yunyao without holding on for two seconds.

These beastmasters are obviously the World Extermination Society that Gu Yunyao said.

Su Bai was a little puzzled.

The status of silver-level beastmasters is not low. They can walk sideways in Daxing City. Why do they do such a thing.

Picture what.

Gu Yunyao saw Su Bai's doubts, wiped the blood from her fingertips with a silk scarf, and said, "Don't think about understanding the way of thinking of the World Extermination Society."

Immediately, he threw away the silk scarf and stepped on the heavy locomotive, "Let's go, go back to rescue."

At this distance, they could see the situation in the distance, and they also saw the dispersion of the sharp-toothed rat and the demonized crow.

Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, a new flute sounded.

And the source of the sound is Daxing City!

The Sharp-toothed Rats were attracted and gathered again, heading towards Daxing City.

As for the demonized crow, wherever the Sharp-toothed Mouse goes, they will chase it.

The crisis is not over yet.

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