After a night of grooming, Su Bai was back in top shape.

At this time, he has made great progress compared to half a month ago.

Not only was he promoted to the bronze level, he even had a second pet.

And it's making steady progress toward evolution.

After breakfast, Su Bai planned today's arrangements.

The first is to contact Gu Yunyao.

She had to go see her friend. After talking for so long, she couldn't miss the appointment.

After returning yesterday, Su Bai checked on the inspection team.

On the second day of the wasteland reclamation plan, a team came to Daxing City.

It is said that the city lord personally greeted it.

The living room TV also started broadcasting the news.

In this era, there are still TV sets, but it is no longer like the old days. You can watch news from all over the country, basically only the local channel.

Long-distance communication is blocked, and some look good.

On the TV at this time, it was talking about the inspection team.

"It is an honor for all our residents to visit Daxing City this time."

"The city owner and the commanders held a symposium with Major General Luo, and discussed in detail the development plan of Daxing City..."


Su Bai turned off the TV directly.

Good guy, it's like saying nothing.

Zhang Mengyu looked back and said, "I heard that Major General Luo is not very old, only in his twenties. He is called the youngest major general, and he is very beautiful."

Su Bai asked curiously, "Sister Zhang, have you met her?"

Zhang Mengyu shook his head: "I don't have a chance to see that kind of big man. I heard from the people in the community."

Su Bai was speechless.

Sure enough, gossip is the first driving force for message transmission.

Just after breakfast, Gu Yunyao arrived.

He didn't ask what Su Bai's second pet was, he just said, "Let's go."

Su Bai was used to the behavior of the head teacher, and decided to leave.

It's still a familiar heavy locomotive, and it's still a driving way that can't wait to turn off the accelerator.

In just a moment, Gu Yunyao took Su Bai to the first ring area.

This is an area where only gold-level beastmasters can live.

That Major General Luo stayed here to rest.

Further in, the area belonging to the City Lord's Mansion is mainly an office space, but it is not convenient to receive VIPs.

On the way, Su Bai suddenly thought that he is now a bronze-level beastmaster, so he can apply to move to the third ring area.

But I just looked at it when I was passing by.

It is still mainly a building, not a separate courtyard.

Then you have to go to the second ring area.

"Forget it, wait until you are promoted to the silver level and then move, it will be fast anyway."

Su Bai secretly said.

It was then noticed that the locomotive began to slow down.

When I looked up, a high-end hotel was heavily guarded.

As far as the eyes can see, they are all beastmasters carrying battle pets.

And all of them are silver-level beastmasters.

You know, this is only peripheral security, it is already this specification.

Going further inside, I am afraid that even a gold-level beastmaster will appear.

That Major General Luo, the pomp is really big.

However, considering the identity of the other party, it is excusable.

Suddenly, Su Bai thought of a possibility.

In this wasteland reclamation operation, the reason why the World Extermination Society did not start is also because of the arrival of Major General Luo?

They changed their goals and were no longer ready to attack the beast hunting group, but wanted to kill the inspection group where Major General Luo was located.


If so, then things seem to be more troublesome.

Although the Beast Hunting Group is very strong, the main members are silver rank.

The tour group was different, and there were quite a few gold-level ones.

If this fights, the intensity of the battle will be exaggerated, I really can't even think about it.

Even a platinum-level beastmaster will take action.

That was really earth-shattering.

While thinking, Gu Yunyao's voice sounded next to her: "Don't be stunned, come with me."

Su Bai decisively put away his tumultuous thoughts.

He's just a bronze-level beastmaster, so why bother.

It is business to complete the evolution of the water cannon turtle first.

After several authentications, Su Bai was able to enter the hotel lobby.

Then there is the tedious verification.

By the time they finally reached the top floor, everyone in Su Bai was numb.

If I knew it would be so troublesome, he wouldn't come.

Immediately put away other thoughts and get serious.

Su Bai already felt that there was a very deep and powerful aura on this floor.

Several grades higher than Gu Yunyao.

No need to guess, that Major General Luo must be a platinum-level beastmaster!

A platinum-level beastmaster in his twenties, how did he train?

While thinking, Gu Yunyao knocked on the door, and a calm female voice came from the room: "Come in."

By the window of the room, there was a tall woman wearing a battle uniform.

Due to the backlight, it is difficult to see the appearance.

But that cold temperament is coming.

Immediately afterwards, the woman turned around and looked Su Bai up and down.

Su Bai was like a formidable enemy in an instant.

This gaze has extremely strong penetrating power, as if to dig out all his secrets.

Fortunately, the other party quickly put away the examination, and said softly: "This must be the Su Bai classmate Gu Xuemei often mentioned, just sit down."

At this time, Gu Yunyao came out as an intermediary to ease the atmosphere and introduced: "Su Bai, this is the military friend I mentioned to you, Major General Rosa."

Su Bai cupped his hands: "I have seen Major General Luo."

Looking at Rosa again at this time, I found that the other party was the standard iceberg beauty style.

What was more peculiar was the long hair of the other party, which turned out to be light blue.

And it's not like it's dyed, it's natural.

At the same time, Su Bai noticed that the surrounding air temperature was a bit low.

"This Major General Luo seems to be projecting an ice-type battle pet."

Su Bai was thoughtful.

Projection is the exclusive ability of the beastmaster, and it can obtain part of the ability of the pet to improve its own attributes.

It's just that when the projection is turned on, the corresponding pet needs to stay in the beast imperial space and cannot play.

Therefore, this ability is generally only used by beastmasters above the bronze level.

Su Bai will too.

This ability is not difficult, he has learned it overnight.

Just a simplification.

Just not open.

It's not necessary, it's still very safe in the city.

It's just that Rosa's identity is special, so it's normal to turn on projection.

While Su Bai was thinking about it, Rosa had some doubts in her heart.

According to the investigation just now, Su Bai is not a special physique.

But he is already a Bronze Rank Beastmaster, this speed is a bit unscientific.

You must know that among the newcomers who have awakened this year, she has seen several special physiques and countless resources are tilted, but the progress is worthy of keeping up with Su Bai.

Even worse than him.

"Yunyao is right, this young man is indeed very special."

Rosa secretly said.

There is no special physique, which is precisely the biggest special feature of Su Bai!

Concentrating his mind, Rosa said, "I must have mentioned to you, Junior Sister Gu, that I am preparing a plan to recruit a group of geniuses for training."

Su Bai nodded: "I heard something."

Rosa said straight to the point: "I want to invite you to join, I don't know how."

Su Bai didn't respond in a hurry, but instead asked: "If you join, do you have any requirements?"

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