Seeing Su Bai taking over the task, Ge Xingrui and others were not as happy as they expected.

Mainly because the mission is too dangerous.

They were worried that if something happened to Su Bai and Rosa came to settle the bill, it would be over.

But, I can't find any other option.

Su Bai was very calm and said, "I'll leave early tomorrow morning."

You Chenghao asked: "How many people are needed to cooperate. 99

Su Bai's expression was indifferent: "I'll go alone.""


This sentence changed the expressions of everyone in the conference room.

Ge Xingrui hurriedly said: "Major Su, now is not the time to act with anger, we just ask you to subdue the other side, but we don't want you to be surprised. 55

"Yeah." You Chenghao took over, "There is a beast hunting group going to the Anluo Mountains to sweep the beasts, so you might as well go along."

Su Bai waved his hand: "This is too slow. I am alone, I can travel across the wilderness at the fastest speed and reach the meeting point. But if you add a hunting group, the speed will be slower."

"Though those beast hunting groups are not very authentic, they are after all here to help Daxing City. The more they stay in the wilderness for a day, the more dangerous they will be.

"Arriving as quickly as possible, then subduing them, and then returning to Daxing City, this is the most reasonable plan."

Everyone looked at each other.

The words say so.

But how much danger there is in this process, needless to say.

That is five hundred miles of wilderness.

It's not a short distance in the old days.

What's more, the beasts are rampant now.

Su Bai reiterated: "This time, the operation is not about the number of people, but about the speed. As long as you join those hunting groups, then you don't have to worry about the safety of the return journey.

Others also understand this.

The eight beast hunting groups are working together, as long as they don't encounter platinum-level beastmasters, their safety is still guaranteed.

The Anluo Mountains have just experienced a Beastmaster battle, and it is estimated that it will be stable for a while.

The Beastmaster doesn't just fight every day.

So the crux of the problem lies in the journey to the confluence.

Su Bai said: "In this beast tide, countless beasts in the Anluo Mountains have been killed, and the number of beasts on the road has been reduced. If I act alone, as long as the speed is fast enough, I won't encounter many interceptions. ."

Ge Xingrui and the others looked at each other for a moment.

In the end, Fan Yueshi stood up and said, "Major Su, I'll leave you with this task!

The rest of the people stood up and saluted.

Su Bai returned the salute with a calm expression.

The meeting ended, and Su Bai returned home.

Gu Yunyao also followed.

But there was no chat on the way, and only when we got to the ground did he ask: "Why do you want to take this mission."

Su Bai leaned on the sofa, looked at the chandelier, and replied leisurely: "For strength.

"The beast tide this time has made me realize the inadequacy of my own strength.

"Faced with the powerlessness of a platinum-level beast, I don't want to experience it a second time."

Gu Yunyao sighed and said, "Actually, you don't need to be so anxious, your leveling speed is already very fast, as long as you wait for a while to be promoted to the gold level, you will have the power to protect yourself even against the platinum level beasts."

Su Bai agreed and took over, "Yeah, just wait for a while.

Then the conversation changed.

"But the enemy will not give us time.

Seeing that Gu Yunyao was still struggling with this matter, Su Bai smiled, "Teacher, don't worry, I'm not impatient anymore. The Wind Thunder War Eagle has reached the silver level, and it can carry people and fly very fast."9

Gu Yunyao's expression froze.

She has been busy upgrading these days, trying to make the Golden Feather Eagle reach the platinum level, so she didn't pay much attention to Su Bai's movements.

As a result, after a few days of not seeing each other, I received such a shocking news.

Gu Yunyao did the math, Su Bai's contract with the Wind Thunder War Eagle was just over a week and less than ten days.

Being able to train the newly born Wind and Thunder War Eagle to the Bronze level is already an amazing progress.

Unexpectedly, it rushed directly to the silver level.

Gu Yunyao didn't know what to say anymore.

Even if you suck the fire of the soul every day, you don't have this speed.

On this point, Gu Yunyao did not guess wrong.

Relying on the fire of the soul alone really does not have this efficiency.

Without evolutionary energy, it is impossible for the wind and thunder war eagle to rise to the silver level.

But this matter, Su Bai definitely won't say, just shirk the high efficiency of killing the enemy and suck more.

Gu Yunyao nodded: "No wonder you are so confident, so it is~

"Indeed, if it is a silver-level wind and thunder war eagle, then it is really not difficult to travel five hundred miles.

"But to be on the safe side, I'll follow behind you to cover.

Su Bai surrendered: "Thank you teacher for your concern.""

Gu Yunyao waved her hand and said that you are welcome, "Sister Luo let me look at you, this is all right.

Seeing that the two had finished talking, Zhang Mengyu greeted in the living room, "Brother Bai, Teacher Gu, come and eat.

Gu Yunyao smiled and said: "If that's the case, then I'll bother you and save a meal.

Su Bai wondered: "Teacher, don't you cook by yourself. 99

Gu Yunyao asked back: "Do you think I can?"

The two stared at each other.

In the end, it was Zhang Mengyu who broke the embarrassment and said with a smile, "If that's the case, then Teacher Gu, let's come to the house to eat, just need an extra pair of chopsticks. There are too many supplies in the first ring area, and we can't finish it.

The families of gold-level beastmasters in the first ring district are all prosperous.

Not even a three-storey villa can live in it.

In addition, these are all gold-level beastmasters, and their treatment cannot be poor, so all kinds of materials are matched at a higher level.

But Su Bai's side is different, it's just him and Zhang Mengyu Qiaoqiao.

Let go and eat as much as you can.

Zhang Mengyu is worrying about what to eat every day.

Too many choices.

When Gu Yunyao heard this, she nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll be welcome.

Su Bai smiled and said, "Teacher, it's all my own, so why are you being so polite.

When Su Bai said his own people, he meant that he and Gu Yunyao were both Rosa's subordinates.

But to Zhang Mengyu, it had a different meaning.

He couldn't help but secretly said: "Brother Bai took down Teacher Gu? When did it happen so suddenly. But a person like Brother Bai is only worthy of Teacher Gu."

This meal, Su Bai had a tough time.

He always felt that Zhang Mengyu's eyes were a little weird.

But can't say why.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Bai left the city early, summoned the Thunder Eagle, and flew straight to the northwest.

Soon, he felt that Gu Yunyao's breath was hanging far behind him.

Standing on the back of the wind and thunder war eagle, feeling the oncoming airflow, Su Bai's mood was also relieved.

It's an old saying.

The sky is high and the birds fly, the sea is wide and the fish leaps!

His footsteps will not stop at Daxing City!

After flying more than ten miles, Su Bai encountered the first batch of flying beasts.

An old friend demonized a crow.

For the first time encountering this kind of beast, Su Bai is a black iron rank and is participating in actual combat training.

This time, he was already at the silver level, holding three top battle pets.

Looking at it again, the mood is already different.


The demonized crow fluttered its wings and flew over with an unpleasant voice.

Su Bai tapped his toes.

"Wind Thunder War Eagle, I'll leave it to you.""


With a high-pitched cry, the Wind Thunder War Eagle accelerated.

The first step is to absorb the wind tunnel.

The whirlwind formed in the group of demonized crows, and the huge suction force made the flight path of the demonized crows uncontrollable at all, and swayed into each other.

But before they fell, an electric arc spewed out from the mouth of the wind and thunder war eagle, jumping back and forth among the crows.

Advanced Skill Chain Lightning!

bang bang.

The bodies of more than a dozen demonized crows exploded.

Under the violent electric current, the blood in their bodies instantly boiled, shattering their bodies.

Immediately after that, several blasts of wind slashed to kill the remaining demonized crows.

The entire battle process was smooth and smooth, and the wind and thunder war eagle did not slow down, ended the battle directly, and swept past.

Gu Yunyao, who was following behind, looked at her with some emotion.

This wind and thunder war eagle has top-notch talent and skills.

"This guy is also very lucky, each pet is stronger than the other.""

Gu Yunyao secretly said.

Then he looked at the golden feather eagle at his feet.

"Little Jin, you have to cheer up."

The golden feather eagle sensed the master's intention, and also raised his fighting spirit.

What happened to the wind and thunder war eagles, their golden feather eagle family will not be far behind!

On the next journey, Su Bai fully realized what it means to be unimpeded.

Even a silver-level sulfur fire heron will be instantly killed by the wind and thunder war eagle.

From the beginning to the end, the flight path of the Wind and Thunder War Eagle has not changed, it is heading in the direction Su Bai set at the beginning.

In just a few minutes, it has already flown nearly a hundred miles.

Su Bai even suspected that, if Feng Lei Wu Ying hadn't taken care of him, he would have been cruising at supersonic speed long ago.

Godly speed talent, so terrifying.

"No wonder humans in the old days were hanged and beaten by fierce beasts. 55

Su Bai sighed secretly.

Even fighter planes with the most cutting-edge technology have no ability to parry when facing advanced flying beasts.

High speed and high maneuverability.

The pressure that is enough to cause a human pilot to faint, to a beast, is a drizzle.

While thinking about it, another group of flying beasts attacked.

As soon as a wind and thunderstorm passed, it was emptied directly.

Five hundred miles away, or two hundred and fifty kilometers, Su Bai arrived in less than half an hour.

Incredibly fast.

That is to say, he has the physical quality of a silver-level beastmaster, otherwise he would have fallen down earlier.

Far away, he saw the temporary camp on the ground.

Thousands of beastmasters are resting here.

Around the camp, there are traces of battle that have been cleaned up.

Obviously, even if the eight hunting groups are working together, it is not easy to be stationed here.

Restraining his mind, Su Bai let the Wind Thunder Eagle reduce its speed and prepare to land.

Simultaneously fire a flare.

If he didn't reveal his identity, the beast hunting group on the ground might have beaten the Fenglei War Eagle as a vicious beast.

The fun is great.

In fact, Su Bai's worries were not wrong.

Because the wind and thunder war eagle is too big, it completely blocks him.

The beast hunting group on the ground only saw a bird of prey rushing straight in, and immediately prepared for battle.

Fortunately, the signal flares were raised in time, which made everyone heave a sigh of relief.

At the same time, some doubts arose.

How can I see the Beast Hunter Flare here.

Several heads of the group quickly gathered together to meet.

"."Are people from Daxing City here?"

"I guess so."

"But how come there is only one, do you look down on us. 35

"We have traveled thousands of miles to support, and there have been layoffs on the way, so the people in Daxing City are too shameless.

"Don't let anyone go after a while. 35

"No problem, I won't raise the price this time, I'm sorry for the hard work of the brothers!

Several regiments reached a consensus and took their men to the edge of the camp.

Just when I saw Su Bai landed, I put the Wind and Thunder War Eagle away.

Several people were surprised again.

It's too young.

Immediately, a bit of anger rose.

Daxing City is a fool.

Su Bai walked over quickly and said preemptively: "I'm Su Bai, major, whoever speaks here will help."35

A burly man came out from the opposite side, "Boy, your tone is crazy, my name is Niu Qingyu, the head of the Eighth Beast Hunting Regiment in Shilincheng.

After reporting their identities to each other, Niu Qingyu looked at Su Bai's epaulettes and said in a questioning tone, "Are you a major? Could it be a fake? A boy with no full hair, is he an adult?"

Su Bai's expression was indifferent: "This year's sixteenth."


That is to say, just woke up.

Niu Qingyu became more and more suspicious.

Su Bai took out the documents directly.

Mainly ID cards.

It is made of special material and is extremely difficult to imitate.

Seeing the ID card, Niu Qingyu's suspicion (Wang's) disappeared a bit.

But Su Bai's appearance is too young, which still makes him a little despised.

In addition, only Su Bai came this time, which made him feel that Daxing City was insincere, and his tone became a bit harsh.

"You major, I'm afraid you didn't buy it.

A head of the regiment next to him sneered: "The military headquarters of Daxing City is so rotten, what kind of combat power can it have? No wonder it was attacked by a fierce beast this time and hurriedly asked for help. 99

"Isn't it true, there are so many base cities, the number of beasts encountered every year is unknown, and no other cities have been seen calling for help.

"I've always heard that Daxing City's strength is not good, but now it seems to be true."

"Let's come to support this time, I'm afraid we will be implicated to death."

"Boy, do you understand the gold content of the major. 35

To everyone's suspicion, Su Bai's response was simple.

With a wave of his hand, the Heavenly Fire Lion King appeared beside him.

The silver-level aura made the group leaders a little surprised, and they re-examined Su Bai.

This kid is so young, he is already at the silver level?

Niu Qingyu said stubbornly: "What's the use of upgrading quickly, it is true if you can kill the enemy!"39

Su Bai smiled: "Let's not go around in circles. Since you don't believe in my strength, then send someone over to fight me one-on-one."

"Could it be, you are afraid.

Niu Qingyu didn't get angry but smiled, "You have a little bit of backbone, it seems that you are really sent from Daxing City."

This one is sure to hit the bunch.

Since Su Bai took the initiative to propose, Niu Qingyu naturally would not object.

"Let's talk about it, if you lose, our army's pay will be doubled! 39

As soon as Niu Qingyu opened his mouth, Su Bai knew that this was an old oil.

But he didn't care.

As long as the opponent does not send Gold Rank to fight, he will never lose!

Su Bai stretched his fists and replied, "If I lose, let alone double it, even if it is tripled, I will give it to you!

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